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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Kenny no problem mate your not the first and wont be the last, it's only when you get to know the site that it will all come together, lots of info on here and lots of people who know their stuff to, if you have any questions about how to do something then bung it in the workshop area and wait for a reply. The wiring on my XJ was a nightmare, the usual gorilla with a pair of pliers and knife had attacked it so had to completely rewire the blasted thing, I was thinking of doing the same thing with my Maxim but got to many bikes and not enough time, if you are really going to do the trike thing then lots of peeps on here will be interested in how your getting on so start a thread in the PROJECTS section and post up what your doing, expect lots of comments as I don't think anyone has done one on here for a while if at all. If I can help out at all feel free to shout out, where are you by the way cos if your close and want a hand let me know, good luck.
  2. I would say that if they had to take the generator out when they fixed the starter then almost certainly they are the cause of the damage, but if they just removed one part and replaced it then no they are not responsible. You have to find out what they removed to get the original problem sorted and go from there.
  3. Hi Kenny, There are loads of systems out there that will fit your bike just pick one and that's it really, a 4 into 1 will be cheaper than the 4 into 2 but it's your bike and your money, you should be able to pick up a collector box from most suppliers if that is all you need, does not matter that it's a US import either as they are all the same. Just sold my Maxim and that had a 900 exhaust on it just took a bit of fettling to get it to fit ok, the 600 exhaust will not fit no matter what you do as the down pipes are completely different. If you go for the 4 into 1 system you do not have to adjust anything like carbs and such as it's comparable to the original system. Hope some of that helps. PS It's not the done thing to shotgun your question on the site mate, just cos you put it in loads of sections will not get you an answer any quicker. It's also considered polite to say Hi first in the NEW MEMBERS section before you launch into a "how do I fix my bike" question as we are strangers to you and your a stranger to us, it's a bit like turning up at the pub and asking a group of strangers to help you fix your problem without even saying hello, just think what would happen there and apply it here. Your welcome to stick around and get involved but we like to get to know new people first usually, by the way Welcome to the YOC it's always nice to meet new folks.
  4. Welcome to the YOC Harley, with a name like that your gonna get shit I'm afraid, they don't mean any harm so don't get upset we all go through the ragging one time or another. Any questions on how to fix your bike then go to Workshop otherwise choose what you think is best, DON'T post workshop questions all over the place that will get you talked at not to. Enjoy the site, nice people on here and a wealth of knowledge so "have at it".
  5. slice

    nicked XS 250

    Glad it's all sorted and you can at least get about now, poor little Timmy or whatever probably has hemorrhoids from all the pushing so just wait in for the letter of compensation to arrive cos you just had to have a heavy bike for them to steal, have you no compassion man?
  6. slice

    86 FZ 600 questions

    Katie, If you take the carbs off for instance and they are empty you can use the PRIME to fill the bowls, it also bypasses the vacuum part of the tap so if you get a choked pipe or no vacuum pipe then you can get home.
  7. Have you got any leaks? Up the fork leg for instance where the seal goes up and down. If it's squeaking and it didn't used to squeak then you have a problem, might be nothing major, could be just a loose nut or bolt, I would check/tighten all the nuts and bolts first to see if that makes any difference, don't forget to check that any of the cables aren't rubbing or chaffing against anything as well, some fork springs do squeak inside the lower tube if they are rubbing against the inside of the fork tube usually means that the oil is low/leaking, that's why I said does it leak. Try those things first and come back if that don't fix it.
  8. I bet his Mum just loves him!!! you do that in my kitchen and my wife will rip you a new arsehole.
  9. Read this when I was a kid, as you say good special effects but nothing like inside your head!!
  10. Don't run a 2 stroke myself anymore but back in the day we all used premix in our bikes cos there was no other way until the Suzukis and Hondas came along, the only real problem with premix as I remember was that if you ran slow all the time you oiled up the plugs A LOT or if you ran fast you ran HOT and under oiled, you can run premix but it's not as good as the pumps that are on bikes today, not by a long way, if you don't mind rebuilding your bike on a regular basis then go for it but I would use the pump every time. There are a lot of strokers on here who will have better and more up to date advice so see what they say before you do anything.
  11. slice


    From the album: Suzuki

    Bought for £50, not a bad looking bike after 3 months work.
  12. slice

    nicked XS 250

    Bloody hell mate that's not funny!!! Hope they find the little shits but probably had a terrible home life and we should all feel sad for them rather than take them round the back and kick 7 shades of shit out of them. At least you got it back which is a bonus nowadays some poor souls have to start right over. Hope you figure it out, if you need anything don't hesitate to shout out we all have bit's and bob's laying around that you might be able to cobble together.
  13. Welcome to the YOC Stollie, lots of folks from your neck of the woods you should feel right at home.
  14. Love to be there with you Felix but 3000 miles and most of it water kinda makes it unlikely, hope you get some takers, sounds like fun.
  15. Don't think he's coming back Campaman, we may have stretched his sense of humour a bit taught? Oh well if you take offence when people are having a laugh you should not be here. I wonder if he got it to go FASTER? Lot's of hints and tips on here about how to make your 100cc bike go fast, seem to remember one where the bloke thought that his bike would do 100MPH or was that 100KPH?
  16. I watched a few of them Jack, they are ok but we are more used to the ones where some dipshit has just shot off the road or gone under a lorry, kept waiting for the scream and thump!!! So your doing something right, it's interesting for you and those that are with you but not so much for anyone else. Still I'm not saying it was boring just that it was a change from the usual 300MPH charge down the motorway. It might be that a commentary is a good idea but beware what you say as not everyone will agree with you. Keep it up mate you never know even the best had to start some where.
  17. Always an up side Grouch, nice to see your looking at the sunny side of things, you have been missed mate.
  18. Take care mate, not like driving the car, you are in good company here lots of peeps that have only just started riding and we all have to start somewhere. Welcome to the YOC, you have a few (5) years on me but I have been riding since I was 14, take your time and watch out for BMW/AUDI drivers, they own the road (YEAH!!! RIGHT!!!) and will tear you a new arsehole if they can. If you have a question (you will have lots) just post it up and someone will give you a hand, it's always nice to have new folks join in, even old farts!!!
  19. Looks like your going down for a stretch then Tommy, look forward to meeting your new friend Ben Dover
  20. It's not just a girly thing Katie, some guys struggle getting their bikes on the centre stand, saw a bloke at Weston last year who fell over 3 times before he got it right, his mates thought it was hilarious and fell about laughing.
  21. Bugger! Looks like he's gone. Tasky you frightened the poor wee man away. Oh well perhaps he will have more luck with the next bike he buys? Though to be honest he seemed to be a bit annoyed that we all didn't agree with him and his story of woe. Like I said to him it's an opinion and he's entitled to his but so are the rest of the riders of this bike.
  22. Welcome back Grocho, Good news about getting the bike fixed at last, hope to hear that it's up and running soon? Don't be a stranger mate we all like to hear how your getting on.
  23. Well done again Tommy, nice lid, shame about the ONWERS club
  24. The only problem with those tapes that cars use when you go abroad is that it actually BLOCKS the light not deflect it, I know it sounds odd but have you thought to turn the headlight through 90 degrees so the beam is to the left, it might not work but got to be worth a try!! Just my thoughts on it you understand someone on here will no doubt come up with 400 reasons that you can't do this.
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