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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    The Storm

    Well I'm still waiting for the STORM to arrive? 09-45 in the morning and a slight splash of rain and blue sky off in the distance, I live in the 80MPH zone Gloucestershire and it's hardly what I would call END OF DAYS here!!! Millions of pounds worth of computers and still can't get it right, it would be simpler to stick your head out side and see what's happening. Think I might buy some seaweed and hang it by the back door!!!!
  2. Happy Birthday Foamy new year new "FRIEND" and now new venue, you do lead an interesting life don't you? PLEASE don't wear the mankini OK!
  3. Not all bikers are bastards then? and they got a beer how cool is that.
  4. If you have a car handy then connect car battery, via leads, with your old battery still attached and try again if it turns over it's the battery if it don't then starter or relay, SIMPLES!!
  5. If that's a turning into a pub car park on the right you can guess where the had lunch
  6. slice

    rear view helmet

    That might be it Drewp, I looked at it about 9 months ago and that must be why it's so much cheaper now than before, happy days as I will look at it again now I can afford it!!!
  7. slice

    rear view helmet

    Your right lallasro I had the price wrong it was another, maybe the original, that was 2K which I thought was expensive and this is not a bad price truth be told, I also like the idea that you can flip the mirror up out of the way to avoid the dreaded rear headlight twonk! Still annoyed at the narrator tho!!
  8. If it's not Bees or Bacon frying (buzzing/sizzling) then it's an electrical problem, check your connections at the battery and the regulator maybe the starter motor that's my best guess anyway, any earth wires that might be loose can do this as well, your in for an interesting time looking for this type of fault cos you have to get your ear down to where the noise is (or you think it is) and turn it on and guess where the noise is coming from then tighten up anything that's near and try again till you find the connector that's playing up. Might be an easy fix, good luck.
  9. slice

    rear view helmet

    I posted this up a while ago Drewp, it's a great idea but at 2 Grand it's bloody expensive. Plus the narrator likes his big words don't he? HOMOLOGATED FFS!! why cant he just say it's being type approved? Came back to this again cos it really annoys me when some pretentious prick can't use simple easy to understand words to describe something to the customer, just cos you swallowed a dictionary for breakfast don't make you smart if you use it to fool people into buying your shit.
  10. You are one lucky SOB!! what a good job you don't have the same kerb stones we have in the UK you would now be in orbit while dodging trees and odd bits of metal. Plus of course you ARE driving on the wrong side of the road
  11. slice

    XJ600 Project

    As above hope your both going to be happy in your new home and a new shed, SORTED.
  12. Er yes we remember when you were learning!!! Still we all have to start somewhere mate and you only make those mistakes once hopefully. Nice to hear that your mobile again and if you keep up the tinkering with your bike you will soon have it well sussed.
  13. Nigel, you can drop the pic size on your phone in the settings it is a bit fiddly but most can be adjusted. I have to admit my son told me how to do it, but you can adjust most from 2 meg to about 156Kbs.
  14. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO before you ask a question just so folks know your not a one hit wonder, we get a lot of those, sounds like a fuel air mixture problem (my guess anyway).
  15. Tommy you get worse!!! and it proves that NO ONE can sing when they are drunk.
  16. Just found this site that has an amazing set of information about how to identify your YAMAHA by VIN or ENGINE number. Be warned that it is VERY technical and you will need a pencil and paper handy plus about half an hour and a cup of tea (or something stronger). Just follow the link here and good luck. http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=14577.html
  17. After you Noise, someone needs a good KICKING!!!!!!!!!
  18. Ok then I should not worry about it then, it's probably a one off, if it starts to do it again or all the time then you might need to strip them down and have a look but otherwise leave it alone and enjoy your ride.
  19. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! We got Grouch back
  20. Well done Nigel something I can feel proud of, I remember that one better than the first THING!!!
  21. slice

    XJ600 Project

    Was thinking that is a 900 seat could be a 750 I suppose but I have one of them and the seat looks different! Not sure what the 700 looks like? Not a 700 they are like the Maxim.This is the 900 seat. I think you have a 900 mate? Look at the side panel by the carbs they look the same to me. Spotted something else as well the wheels are the same on this one as yours. Unless someone has swapped all the parts off of a 900? It could be done but a lot of work as the fittings would be different.
  22. slice


    My scrapper
  23. slice


    From the album: Suzuki

  24. slice


    From the album: Suzuki

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