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Everything posted by slice

  1. Go for the basics first, are the engine mounting bolts tight? Just whack a spanner on them and test to see if they are tight, is it in fact the engine the noise is coming from? look at your forks and the bits that are bolted to them. Really you need to be a bit more specific as to exactly where the noise is coming from, I know it's not always easy to figure these things out but just saying "I have a rattle at the front" is not a lot of use. I assume your a fairly new rider and as such some of the things we say might be a bit strange to you but don't despair all will be sorted if you can make your questions a precise as possible, by the way WELCOME to the YOC it's always nice to have new folks join in.
  2. Hi Matt good to have you back mate.
  3. Hi Roast, Welcome to the YOC, make your self at home.
  4. slice

    Yamaha XS750

    Hi Pedro, I think (might be wrong!) that the K&N filters let more air in than the standard air box (lean) so you have to go up in size to compensate, best thing to do is see what you are already running and then go up in increments till you get it right, I don't think there is a specific number that will cure your problem you just have to do "a best guess" try your local bike mechanic for some ideas as to what might be the best jump in jet size.
  5. What could car drivers do better to make the roads safer for motorcyclists? LOOK out of the windows !! I'm right there, another human being who has a life and a family just like you. Where do you get riding tips from, other riders, forums, government advertising? Mostly from what I have learned through experience and have been told by others, there's no better learning than the pain of getting it wrong. List 5 words which would describe how you think car drivers see you? Target, Idiot, Madman, Nuisance, Arrogant prick who does not have to stop in traffic. How would you like them to see you? As another human being who is having fun and enjoying their own choice in life What’s the best part about riding? Not being in the car, out in the open where the world really is, that feeling of freedom that only comes with getting it just right on your favourite bit of road, so many things really, you have to do it to feel it. What’s the best part of the riding community? Having a laugh and helping out younger riders who are brave enough to ask those daft questions, it's great to see more youngsters getting into riding and wanting to learn how to do it right. If you could tell drivers 1 thing, what would it be? HELLO I'm alive and right beside you, I have no wish to kill you please don't kill me !!!!!
  6. Well that was a bag of laughs !!! I feel F**king rotten now thanks Sniff. Actually most of that does not apply to me as I'm a miserable git anyway and don't care what the world thinks of me and it can F**k off and the horse it rode in on. I feel better now. !!!!!
  7. Motrax do a ground anchor that is Thatcham approved, it costs about £60 tho but it is only small and you can park over it in a car try here http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/58493 it's at least a start to your peace of mind.
  8. As Andrew says, check the EARTH wires and make sure they are clean, take them off and clean under them that's where you get the contact, give them a squirt of oil/grease as well to keep the crud out, check the wires that run under the seat, should be a couple to the indicators and a couple to the rear light clean all the connectors, if you have a multimeter then use that to check to see if the wires are broken or if the power is getting to the bulb holder, call back when you have done all that if it's still not working.
  9. Hi, if you only have one bulb then it's a STOP/TAIL light bulb, just make sure you get the right one, if in doubt take the bulb with you when you go shopping !!!
  10. All this talk of "EXPLODING dye packs" and "MOUSE traps" is nonsense, if you injure him, even accidently, you are at fault. There is no room in the law for this type of thing and you will end up in court for any injury you cause regardless of your intentions. Sorry to be a party pooper but DO NOT go down the route of retaliation it will end badly for you. You have at the moment the force of law on your side but the moment you step into "getting your own back" then you are the aggressor and will be dealt with as such, sorry mate but you have to either say nothing and accept it or go to your manager - personnel dept or last resort the Police. There is an advantage to getting old, it's that you get past the stupid things and start thinking of the consequences.
  11. Preload NO ON LIKES A SMART ARSE !!!!! But I like someone who is right, can you tell my wife that I am actually better than her, I will be hiding in the cupboard with a box of bandages !!!!!!
  12. So that's his wife and Bippo that have seen his helmet then !!!!!!!!!! You like to put it around don't you Tommy?
  13. Should be ok in the winter but summer time you might need to think about replacing it, bikes run hotter than cars even with water cooling and also if you leave the thermo out it will run cool all the time and that has it's own set of problems, I would replace it rather than leave it out myself but obviously up to you.
  14. I have the 400 Bandit in the garage, sounds like an angry wasp that is not quite sure who to sting, it's a girly's bike and even if you shove a 1200 motor in it it's still a girl's bike. Plus I look like a walrus having sex with a deck chair (oh that is such an ugly picture - where's my mind bleach?) if your over 5 foot 5 and got shoulders wider than a kid you look just daft !!!!
  15. OH My we have gone to smutty so fast it makes me think your all perverts !!!!!!!!!! As for you Bippo what can I say that will get you out of the hole you have just dug yourself into?????
  16. Not really as the thermostat only allows the water through when it's warm enough to open so the water in the rad and the pipes will still get warm it might just not be circulating which is why your over flow / header tank is not getting hot, my thoughts on it anyway, it would be the first thing I checked.
  17. There are some out there here are just a few. www.bikersnite.com/ ‎ [email protected] few others but this was all I could find straight off the top of my head.
  18. Bippo is there "SOMETHING" you should be telling us about you and Tommy???????? They say girls like winners !!!!
  19. Been there done that, that looks really nice, it's surprising what some soap and a jet washer can do plus a LOT of elbow grease, should be lovely when it's finished, it's all about the preparation as I'm sure you know.
  20. HI Whiplash, Welcome to the YOC I'm in Stroud so not to far from you, you won't see me out and about at the moment cos it's winter and I am about to hibernate the bike (and me) for the winter but come the summer YIPPEE I will be out there doing my thing.
  21. Sounds like your thermostat is not opening, you could take the thermostat out and see if it warms the bottle that would tell you if that is your trouble, otherwise take the thermostat out and dip it in some boiling water to see if it opens if not then replace it, should be an easy fix. PS you do have to get the bike up to normal running temp before the water will mix, it may be that as it's your project your not running it for long enough to get the system hot? Sorry just reread your post and you say your riding it, thought it was a project that just sat in the garage while you were working on it (DOH!!)
  22. Tommy you spawny git !!!!!! You win AGAIN !!!! can you send me your lottery numbers? Well done mate nice one, have fun.
  23. If you want to stop him doing this then just don't take a bag into work, it means you have to change your ways but if it's really getting on your tit's then remove the temptation and he will move on to someone else. This way your avoiding getting yourself and him into grief and hopefully the next person he does this to will muller him for you !!!! What I'm saying is if you won't nut him leave it to someone who will.
  24. Sniff, Girls are supposed to be "the weaker sex" f**k me if I tried that I would fall in a heap with 2 dislocated shoulders and cry like a baby !!!!!!!!!
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