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Everything posted by slice

  1. Ok just for those that don't know, bought myself an FJ1200 a couple of weeks ago and I am in the process of tearing it down and refurbing it. So far I have 4 sheared bolts that the PO has kindly left me and now I have added 2 more in the stripping process, they all are sitting flush to the various mounts and things so nothing to grab hold of and was trying to think of the best way to get the buggers out, remember these are as rusty as F**K so they are not going to come out easy, thought that I might cut them with a slot with the Dremel and use some heat and plus gas to get them softened up but other than that open to suggestions. I have a welder so could try welding a bolt to the stub ends but not sure about the strength of the various components that they are attached to plus there is A LOT of plastics and stuff that snuggles up nice and tight to one or two of them so have to bear that in mind as well. Any thoughts you might have or anything you have done yourself might get me out of this hole I am digging myself. Just a couple of the places that I'm having trouble with, Front mudguard fork mounts X1, fairing frame work mountings X2, exhaust (by the barrels) clamp bolt X1 although they all seem pretty rotten to be honest so there might be more to come !! Not all of them by any means but that's enough to be going on with. Thanks all.
  2. Hi, I'm now one of those old farts that retires the bike in September and wakes it up in April, use the car in the winter, to old for all this ice and rain crap, I start the bike once a month and charge the battery if it needs it, I always service the bike before it goes to sleep and then I know that it has new oil and filters and is ready to go at any time. When it comes out of hibernation I take it down for the new MOT and then I'm off and running for the next 6 months. Only thing I do that might seem strange is cover the end of the exhaust with a plastic bag to keep the moisture out as it will rot if you don't start it for a long time.
  3. Christ Drewpy 150 mph in a straight line get's my bowels moving even thinking about going round corners at that speed just makes me shake my head and hide under the pillow.
  4. Hi Rob, I bought a rack off of a Honda CX500 and cut it in half, extended the frame with 15mil chrome pipe and it fit a treat, you couldn't see the join cos it was under the box, used pop rivets to hold it together and the whole thing cost me £15. I fitted one side first then measured the difference cut the pipe to size and then bolted the other side on and riveted the whole thing back together. it's cheap and you can chuck it away when you don't want it any more, in fact it's still sitting in my garage now (got rid of the Maxim) so if you want that your more than welcome. PM me if you want the rack I will send you some photos if you like.
  5. It is a skilled task, you have to get the toe in and the height plus the direction spot on and keep it that way or you wear out tyres and can crack/twist the frame, if your thinking of doing it yourself then go find someone who has done it before and ask lot's of questions cos if you just slap it on either you will loose a passenger or break the bike. I have seen it done but know my limitations so would have it done by a pro. Back in the day the old RAILTON hill climbing bikes had a direct drive shaft to the chair wheel from out of the gearbox, that thing would climb up walls !!!
  6. Dainty little bike mate, as you say a future classic and a usable bike as well, just love the old style graphics.
  7. Foamy, get Grouch to take it apart for you, should be ready about Xmas 2017 !!!
  8. OK Foamy I am officially weirded out now, you should get out more or go see someone who understands these things!!!!!! (shrink)
  9. Thanks Katie made me laugh out loud but the wife was NOT impressed and said I should know better? :biglaugha:
  10. If it's brand new and they want £90 for it then that's a fair price, these things have always been expensive I'm afraid. If you can access it then put a wanted ad in the CLASSIFIED section at the top of the page. Good luck.
  11. That's a good idea, something for the newer owner and the older ones can contribute, might work ok just have to try it and see what happens.
  12. On most of the bikes I have worked on you remove the seat and it's under there somewhere? just remove the terminals and the battery strap and lift it out, can I ask why you want to remove it and charge it over winter? Can't you just charge it where it is? PS DON'T use a car charger for you bike battery you will cook it as it has to be charged at a lot lower voltage than a car battery, sorry if you already know this just dotting the i's and crossing the t's Bike batteries usually have to be charged at about 1.5 amps and cars at 8 Amps I think.
  13. There's usually 2 wires that run to the side light, follow those up to the headlight and there you should see where the wires go into the headlight if it's like most of them you either pull or twist the light holder out and remove the bulb then reverse it to replace it back inside, on my XJ and FJ they are just a plastic cup shaped thingy that push fits to hold it in place. Not worked on one of your type of bikes so that's my best guess.
  14. Another dead kiddy fiddler who thought he was the dog's bollocks, let's just hope he has a very warm Christmas in Hell. It is after all the time for giving and thinking of others so I would like to give him a swift kick in the nut's and also think he's a right bastard !!!!
  15. Bloody typical isn't it they trade right up to Xmas, when you buy vouchers, then they go broke and pretend it's a surprise. As Campaman says it's sodding criminal !!!!!
  16. slice

    New toy :D

    Your always welcome mate, you own a bike and you want to talk about it, plus we might learn something to!!! Enjoy your new ride.
  17. Merry Christmas Sniff, hope you and yours have a special time.
  18. Thanks Lallasro, Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Welcome to the YOC.
  20. Oh yeah forgot you have a VIRGIN to play with !!!!
  21. Although Airhead is right that the paint stripper is not as effective as it used to be you can use "Nitromors" which does quite a good job, paint it on and leave it for about 5 mins than paint some more on and so on till the paint bubbles and rolls off, use gloves as it's a bastard when you get it on your skin you just need patience to get it to work ok.
  22. slice

    my luck's in

    Someone is giving you days with a virgin ??? and you get 26% off, you'll go blind!!!!
  23. Your best bet Rob is to try youtube or just google what you want, no one can give you the details out of their manual as the damn things are copyrighted and the fines are hefty if you piss them off. Lot's of divi owners have put stuff up on youtube so you will find most of what your looking for I should think. If your looking for something specific then you need to buy the manual, get a second hand one for about 10 quid off of ebay. Just had a look on ebay and there are loads of manuals for your bike there, one is for your bike "S" model for £16.50 which is half the normal Haynes price.
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