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Everything posted by slice

  1. Gizmo thought that was girls ???? (oh I am in SOOOOO much trouble now!!!!)
  2. Hi Toppo, Nice "intro !" Some interesting stuff there I used to race at Brands as well many years ago (Triumphs) but you have a few years on me so we might have been ships in the night? Still riding at 74 good for you gives all us old farts a target to aim for, can't help with the engine (all Greek to me!) but hope you find the info your looking for. Keep breathing mate.
  3. Comgats on the new bike mate looking smart.
  4. Hi Ray. Welcome aboard mate, we like OLD actually some of us are old, oh well tempus fugit. Look forward to hearing your exploits with rusted nuts and bolts.
  5. Happy new year all, my head hurts !!!
  6. slice

    A Guid New Year

    Happy new year all, take care ride safe.
  7. Tommy, that helicam is just amazing, the place looks spectacular to but if you fall off the bike out there your 3 days on a donkey to the nearest A&E :biglaugha: Have fun mate stay safe.
  8. If you want to get your carbs clean then you could use Autosolvol paste, you can put some in a container then add water & mix till it's runny then use a tooth brush to apply to the fiddly bits that are hard to clean, the only thing is that carbs are not meant to be shiny they are matt finish aluminium so getting them to shine is near impossible. As for the other engine parts like the casing there is no other way than elbow grease and time I'm afraid, even with an electric drill or polisher it takes time and patience, for those greasy bits use GUNK both tin and spray and just wash off the crud but it will never be factory fresh unless you strip it and start again. For cleaning and restoring plastics you could use T-CUT and polish when you get the worst of the fade out of it, someone else may know of other products that do a similar job but really it's down to hard work and time.
  9. "NO" !!!! Just think of the poor old XT, LEAVE IT ALONE !!!
  10. Drewpy is right (so are the others) it's the crap from the manufacturers that causes the problems, you have to get rid of all the filings and sharp edges the knobheads leave in it first before you whack the throttle open, do as Drewpy says, change the oil now if you want and then you can be a bit more boisterous with it. But of course then you will be taking it back in 200 miles for the free service that it came with.
  11. Why don't you just run the pipe through a bottle with a "Y" connector oil stays in bottle and air goes to filter?
  12. The difference between the men and the boy's is the cost of the toy's !!!
  13. slice

    Fairing repair

    Nice link Jimmy been doing this for years but never thought to write it down (DOH!)
  14. Back to the subject, of course you can discuss your bike we like bikes anything with 2 wheels and an engine.
  15. Yeah Tommy rub it in why don't you !!!! Will that be the first time you use you "NEW" helmet as well?
  16. slice

    Pins and needles

    Try a pair of "GRIP PUPPIES" on your bars, my XJ made my hands tingle and after asking on here the advice was to get a pair of these, carpel tunnel syndrome will affect you all the time so if you only get it on the bike then you DON'T have it. These things are great they take the vibration right out of the bike and it makes riding a real pleasure, you just have to get used to a bigger grip size, try it you will be amazed by the difference.
  17. Ok Foamy you know what you have to do !! SELL THE XT and pass on the curse.
  18. Thanks Tommy always a great deal of useful information (NOT) Grouch is far to busy trying not to break his own bike to bother with mine !!
  19. Watched the Vid, remind me never to go down the shops with you !! camera is ok for a cheap one, nothing wrong with the quality that I can see your not making HD movies after all so it's a fine piece of kit for £40. I do like how £50,000 BMWs get overtaken by a £2K motorbike. Must make them really grumpy to get passed by a nasty biker type :biglaugha:
  20. Tommy I like your style, when in doubt "HIT IT" works for me !! Actually tried that already but it's steel on steel unfortunately so only plus gas and heat will help with most of them, got 2 of the exhaust nut's off today (26th) and with some finger crossing might get them all off but they are rusted to F*** so difficult to grip and the welder just spits out crap and has nothing to hold on to (bugger!!) onward and upward, I do like other peoples neglect, makes my life so much more interesting!!!!
  21. Thank you all will try those out and see what happens, this thing is becoming a right cow!!!
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