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Everything posted by slice

  1. Just did my first YOUTUBE video so please forgive the amateur effects, downloaded the Microsoft/windows live moviemaker (for free) and thought it would be fun to let you see what an old fart does on his bike when it's 32 degrees outside, just near the end of a 200 mile journey home from a friends place down in Kent, hope you enjoy it. Oh and yes I don't have my gloves on it was roasting out and was sweating like a pig. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TZcVfJlHyIE
  2. Not having had one of these I don't know for sure but usually they are held on by a nut and washer with sometimes a split pin to stop the bolt falling off, just undo it and replace it with a new one. An easy job even for a noob mechanic, not saying you are but one of the easy jobs compared to some of the others on bikes.
  3. Sorry folks but I retired 11 years ago, it's the fear of not knowing what to do that's the worst, get yourself a hobby or do something you enjoy as soon as you can, to many folks just sit and wait for death to come knocking cos they think that nothing they do can compare to going out to work, I have never been so busy, although I am in my garage a lot, when the sun shines I'm to be found out in the Cotswolds with a camera and my bike. You can't beat watching the countryside on a warm sunny day.
  4. slice

    Nice ride, slowly

    It's always nice to find a quiet bit of tarmac near home, so often there are nitwits who think it's fun to roar through the countryside. Glad you had a good day.
  5. Hi and welcome to the YOC, you might get a few questions as to how big your garden is as a few of us are thinking of coming over for the TT . Just joking, always nice to meet new folks.
  6. Many happy returns to you both , a drunken Scotsman who would have thought it?
  7. Welcome to the YOC Rumpii, always nice to meet new folks.
  8. Sorry Dutch my bad just put it down to old age mate.
  9. Bugger I really hate that sound when it hit's the road, scrap graunch and shudder to a stop then you think am I ok YES!! then Oh shit that sounded expensive, still if you can walk to the bike it's usually ok.
  10. dt your a bad boy you will frighten him off and if your right then I am going to be frightened !!!
  11. Yep fraid so, if you want to go faster buy a bigger bike.
  12. On my Yam the window is on the inside of the clutch cover so the only way you might clean it is to take it off, bit of a faff really as it's only plastic I think, you might be able to clean it with a very fine paste somethig like autosovol or the equivelent. That's the best I can come up with on the spur of the moment anyway. There are some plastic specific cleaning products out there might be best to have a look round before you tackle it or you could make it worse if that's possible!!
  13. You could ask your decal supplier if you could have an off-cut to test it on, he might be ok with that. One of the members on here did just what your saying and she had real problems with the vinyl crinkling up under the clear coat. Someone on here will be along with more advice soon. It was Sacha I think that had this problem.
  14. Cynic is right I'm afraid, we get an awful lot of people who want info and advice but never even say "Hi" first, we are a group of Yamaha owners, nothing set in stone and we like a laugh, sometimes we disagree and then it can get interesting but normally we just try to help out, if you meet new folks the first thing you do is say hello and intro yourself and then they will welcome you in and help if they can. So please pop over to the "new members" section and say a bit about yourself and those who know will be along to help you out. By the way Welcome to the YOC.
  15. Nice Vid Feliks, looks like you were having fun.
  16. Don't think so Shaun, they are, as far as I know, much of a muchness in that they do what it says on the tin and if your bike needs DOT4 then that is what you should use as anything else is asking for trouble, if your worried about cheapo fluid then buy an expensive one but don't think it will make any difference in my opinion.
  17. Ok with me Lassy, sorry about the spelling blame Google translate !!
  18. That is going to be one pretty bike when you have it done, really impressed with your shiny engine. Well done mate.
  19. Imi para rau Cynic a fost greseala mea.
  20. 162 minus "UP-YOURS" who's dead !!! Ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Told you he would be along didn't I, I think you get the drift, it's a beautiful bike to ride and working on it even compared to my XJ750 is so much easier, seat and tank off and there's not much you can't get a spanner on, if you can get a ride out on one then make sure you tell the owner you will be back in a while cos you won't want to get off.
  22. I just bought one, still in bits but loads of them still running well, Ttaskmaster has one to and he seems really pleased with his, we both belong to the FJ /FJR owners club which is the place to get spares and advice and at only £17 a year for all the info you could want is really cheap, not heard anyone have anything bad to say about them they are long legged thumpers that will go all day and still give you a thrill on the twisty bits, if you have a hankering for a big bike with loads of torque and a gentle ride then you could do a lot worse. Tasky will be along shortly to tell you all about how great they are. If you have the chance to get one then "BUY IT NOW" you won't regret it.
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