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Everything posted by slice

  1. That looks pretty sweet for a bike that has stood for all the time, just a few bit's and bob's to clean up or replace and the next thing you know you will be down the road on it !!! Like the paint work by the way looks really smart.
  2. At least you got a few good Venison steaks out of it I hope, if not sell it to your local butcher and use the money to buy a new mudguard.
  3. This is getting stupid !! Next week he's going to jump off of the Empire State building into a cup of water FFS !!!!!
  4. A lot of factories have a "bush" round the back and it usually has a "hole" in it, called SLACK ALICE last time I visited !!!!!!!! :biglaugha:
  5. Hi Dave, the usual weight for the fork oil is 10W and if your not sure then buy a standard fork oil from you local dealer or off of the net, as to the amount then you "HAVE" to buy a manual as it will tell you what the precise measurements are for your particular bike, if you have not ridden it yet you should start out with the normal/original settings then work out what's best for you as you go along.
  6. When I was young I had a magpie that fell out of the nest and adopted me, just like yours he sat on my shoulder and thought he was the dogs danglies, that was till he started to shit down my back when he was feed, soon trained him to sit on a wall for feeding, about 3 weeks from now he will dissapear and you will have lost your new mate but feel good about getting him through the tough learning part.
  7. Yeah that's right so my parts might not fit (DOH!!)
  8. Hi Tim and welcome to the YOC, nothing wrong with your bike and fitting a bigger back wheel will not make it into what you want, if your after speed through the corners then the only real way is practice or you can learn the hard way or do an advanced rider course that would have you whipping round the bends in no time flat, not cheap and it means you have to relearn some things your doing now but doable, but the thing is mate that it's a ROAD that has people on it not a race track that you can see how fast you can go on, that way lies a ban or a coffin, you want to race go to a track day, you want to ride and have fun then learn to be the best biker you can be on the bike you have. Just my ten pence worth you understand but treat the road and other road users with respect even if they are a bunch of arseholes.
  9. Well done Dutch, I have just got a second CDI unit so we must be buying all the old parts up. Tasky I have a spare set of inners for the bike if you want them? There the old ones that it came with mostly ok but a bit worn and the odd plastic lip broken but serviceable.
  10. Air vent I think, have the same thing on my 750 and it does not come off or seem to have a function, tried when I first got it to take it off and left it alone when it would not budge, suggest you do the same. Pictures are added usually from something like photobucket, set it up and copy to the blog your using. At least that's what I do, others may have a better way of doing it, someone will be along to tell you a better way if they see this.
  11. Thanks for the link DT, really much cheaper than the FJ owners club or even my favourite bolt man, shall be getting the head bolts and stud kit next week for the FJ.
  12. slice

    A wee run out

    Vikings - check Ice-cream- check ride to work, you jammy bas**rd, not envious or anything cos I'm retired but still that looks like an easy start to the day mate.
  13. Well that says it all really, if you scream the shit out of it it's gunna blow, unless you work on it on a regular basis then it will throw more than the head gasket, expect to have a visit from the piston soon it will visit via the side of the cylinder
  14. slice

    A wee run out

    Yep "GREEN" alright, I live in a nice place and all but there I could really "get away from it all"
  15. slice

    A wee run out

    Jimmy, What the hell do you do if you want a cup of tea and a sandwich? That is the middle of bleeding nowhere FFS, I mean it's a lovely ride out and all and really not a place to get "CAUGHT UP IN TRAFFIC" but hell's teeth it is barren out there. Unless of course that is the view from the CO-OP car park !!!!!!
  16. Hi Alf, you need to hear this mate, your head gasket is leaking as Airhead says, not the rad cap or anything else just test the bolts to see if they are done up to the right torque. If they are then you have another problem, your best bet is to whip it off and have a look to see if it's ok but whatever it is you have to take it apart mate.
  17. Would this be the type of thing your talking about ? This is an HD3 according to the WEB. It does look like a C50 tho.
  18. Funny how the good ideas are simple as soon as they are explained to you. Oh well a lovely dream, someday perhaps.
  19. Someone needs to visit the SPECIAL doctor I think !!!!
  20. Bad luck mate, not to worry there will be more, if they thought to ask you for an interview then your a shoe in for next time.
  21. Yes as above, REV IT - STAMP ON IT and then FORGET ABOUT IT.
  22. Hi Andy welcome tot the YOC, I would say that you have a loose or broken wire inside the headlight binacle, easy to fix and a bugger to find usually, best get out your multimeter and wire brush cos it's either a broken wire or not earthing properly.
  23. Just going to say that's a "HOW DO I STEAL THIS BIKE" question !!!!!
  24. slice

    Engine cleaner ?

    OK Tommy it was a 99p shop then !!!!!
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