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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi, Just so you know this is just a bunch of guys and girls who like bikes, we want you to enjoy the site so if you would be so kind, PLEASE do an INTRO in the new members section otherwise you might not get any replies to your post as it's polite to say hello to strangers before you ask for advice. Welcome to the YOC by the way and hope you stick around.
  2. Honda 400T, awful frigging thing looked proper eye candy but rode like an oil tanker brakes made of the fluff you find under the bed and bolts made from some sort of Japanese toffee. Guy who bought it was over the moon about it. I really felt bad that I told him it was a great bike but by that time I would have sold my soul to get rid of it.
  3. Oh bad luck Feliks, always a sod when it lets you down far from home. Your right I think that the Reg has cooked the stator, it would be overcharging so cooking the various connectors, should be ok once you get a new stator on it but remember to check the voltage before you take it out. for a run.
  4. We're talking old school here NSD 2 steps up from a horse!!!
  5. If it has fuel in the tank and the tap is clear then it should piss out so there must be a problem, have you had the actual lever off? as this usually has a rubber sealing washer at the back and if that has turned in situ it might be blocking the exit hole. Best guess mate.
  6. slice


    Think so Andrew, just tougher rubber and a bit of a bugger to get back on.
  7. slice


    2 "G" cramps and 2 big flat screwdrivers are all you need Jimmy, as above just watch out the inner tube.
  8. Just thinking, does it "HAVE" to be off of a draggy? will something else fit from another bike, as long as the output is the same and you can get it to fit in the case.
  9. Hi Alex, It used to be that if you undid the 2 nuts or screws on the back that the outer casing could be lifted off the front of the mechanism, are you sure that you have to remove the front press on ring to get the thing apart? My way of thinking is you hold the part face down, undo the screws and nuts on the back and lift the (bell like) back off of the front with the mech still attached to the face. Try undoing the 2 screws in you photo to see if that helps get it apart.
  10. £30 and a carrot + delivery, just to show I'm not cheap like some people!!! Oh yeah as well as the fact that this guy will "NEVER" come back once he gets his valuation, it would have helped if he had at least said PLEASE FFS.
  11. Oh dear!! We have all done it I'm afraid, you have to drain the oil out and start again, you will also have to have the clutch out as it's now contaminated with the wrong oil. Car oil has additives and bike oil doesn't. This is where you say "Oh FFS!!!" You might get away with washing the plates with petrol if it's not to soaked in but otherwise your looking at replacing all the cork plates mate.
  12. Yep if your girly about gear changes then it will drop out (as above) change gear like you mean it not like your afraid of it. Once you get it right you will feel/know the difference. People treat their bikes like cars and they are not the same, with bikes you have to tell it who is boss!
  13. Oh Ok then that's fair enough I suppose, we all buy stuff we don't really need just cos we think it will look good, try the above idea about spraying your lenses and see what that looks like first, if your going to fit new ones anyway it might surprise you.
  14. Ok mate look at the top of the page and you will see that this was 3 months ago so the chance of you getting an answer is near to zero. So best bet is to start a new thread in WORKSHOP section just after you do an "INTRO" in the new members section (hint) we get a lot of one hit wonders on here and so they usually get no response till they say Hi, just imagine asking a bunch of strangers about your bike without at least saying hello before you launched into a Q & A session, Stick around by all means but it's polite to INTRO yourself first.
  15. Still don't know what was wrong with the original ones?
  16. If your worried about lubing the vales and internal running gear then use something like REDEX or any other UCL, as above 2T oil is for 2T bikes and if you use it on your own bike let us know how far you get before it stops through either bunged up plugs or stuck valves, must say though that if you had not asked the question I would never have thought of this, just goes to show that there are no daft questions just daft answers!
  17. Simple, change the broken wire! Cut out the chaffed bit or bit's then put a new bit in. One single repair is easier than half a dozen connections so DON'T be tempted to make short fixes, if it's got 2 or 3 worn bit's cut the whole length out and replace the complete thing.
  18. What's wrong with the original ones it came with?
  19. Hi again, that IS NOT a squeaky vale or any other sort of squeak it's the sound that a motorcycle engine makes as simple as that really. Don't bother listening to who ever told you that it had a noise cos they are a complete tit. Just ride and enjoy and NEVER even think about "SQUEAKY VALVES" again.
  20. Hi and welcome to the YOC, nothing boring about your dream mate, we all have them, mine is an FJR 1300 but SWMBO wants a kitchen FFS!!! Must say tho that getting someone else to do all the work is going to be expensive but if it's what you want and you can't do it then as long as your happy with the result nuf said.
  21. Welcome to the YOC Ted.
  22. You have to remove the rocker/cam cover to get at a stuck valve whatever happens. As to a stuck valve I would be more interested to know why it stuck in the first place? But leaving all that aside this is the NEW MEMBERS welcome area and not the " how do I fix my bike" section, so if you would be so kind, redo your problem in the WORKSHOP section as you will get more replies if you put problems there. Welcome to the YOC and hope your not a one hit wonder, we get a lot of those, want help and once it's fixed never heard from again till it goes wrong. Good luck sorting your trouble and someone on here will help out if you use the right area for your problem. Ride safe.
  23. Have heard of this before, they take an advert from somewhere like ebay and then just dangle it around till someone bites the bait, they take out an account in a local bank or building society using stolen details then have it away with your money before you have time to realise that you have been had, takes balls of steel to get away with it as you have to get the money before the buyer has time to realise that the item has not arrived. Your best bet for buying from a foreign country is to get someone in that country to have a look at it before you part with the cash, if he had asked someone here would have gone to see the bike before he paid out the cash I'm sure. Poor sod has lost his cash I'm afraid, the best he can do is get in touch with the Police force in the location where he bought the bike from an lodge a complaint and get an incident number from them. It might help in tracking them down, Jimmy on here is our onboard Police officer perhaps he can suggest a way to get something in motion to try to get his money back.
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