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Everything posted by slice

  1. Cush rubbers would do that, might need some new ones mate. As Cynic said the easy one is the wheel bearing so do that first, just asking did this only start when you changed the sprockets and chain? One other thing occurs to me, the final drive bearing out of the gear box might be suspect to, let us know how you get on.
  2. Hi Justin, welcome to the YOC.
  3. slice

    bike insurance

    That's a good price Kev, you kept the speeding fine quiet mate..! Thank fuck they didn't catch us when we were on our way back from Sheffield..!
  4. Well to be honest what else are you going to do? you can if you wish look at it for a couple of days but your still going to have to start it eventually. Best bet, take the plug out and turn it over by hand, if it doesn't hit anything or sound like a bag of spanners then bung the plug back in and start it. Just to be sure have your thumb on the kill switch, you never know it might be perfect.
  5. slice

    MT09 2015 advice

    Oh that looks good Alex, nice find.
  6. Oh bad luck mate, as above speed awareness course is an easy "get out of jail" card. Loads of info on the net as to what the fine is likely to be, gunna be expensive whatever happens Meat. Looking at the list if your only just over the speed limit then it's a sliding scale as to how much it will cost (usually based on your weekly wage/income) but if your really hammering it then a short ban is possible, starting at 7 days up to I think 56 days. Best to have a scout around the .GOV site on speeding. Look here, it might help? https://www.confused.com/on-the-road/driving-law/speeding-fine-calculator
  7. slice

    MT09 2015 advice

    Glad your pleased with it mate, you know what they say "no photo it didn't happen"
  8. That looks lovely mate, thanks for sharing, not envious or anything!
  9. This post is 4 years old, not sure if you will get a reply as folks come and go, the original poster has not been on since 2014.
  10. Hi AJ welcome to the YOC.
  11. slice

    MT09 2015 advice

    You'd think so wouldn't you but when I was a much younger young man I went with a mate to buy a "brand new" Honda, the guy said it had only been used for a few months while his car was laid up, the thing was a wreck, bent frame damage to both wheels and the engine had never seen a spanner or cloth. It was 8 months old and only useful for spares. Just saying it's the owner not the bike that counts.
  12. slice

    MT09 2015 advice

    My only advice is the one I use myself, go with your gut, if it looks and sounds to good to be true then it is, ALWAYS be prepared to walk away. Good luck Alex I'm sure you'll do fine mate.
  13. WHAT? It helps if you actually talk in whole sentences..! I suspect that your looking for the Philippines site not this one. Look here ----- http://langyaw.com/2008/02/14/doing-the-luzon-visayas-loop-a-masochists-trip/
  14. Well it's not all bad news Alex, I at least can now use the site, had a few weeks there when I could not sign in or even see the site. Thanks mate.
  15. It's a long time since I owned a 2 stroke but that sounds like an end bearing to me ! Either crank case or big end, too deep a sound to be a small end I reckon, fraid it's gotta come apart again. I know you don't want to do it but it's either that or a long walk home from where it detonates.
  16. slice

    MT09 2015 advice

    That's the problem with buying an older bike Alex, you think "now what do I really need" and the next thing you know your knee deep in making it like the new one. Simple answer really do you like fettling with the bike? then buy the older one if not then buy the new one, at least with the new one you keep your hands clean.!
  17. On my FJR I have the same problem, most bikes do, I fitted a switch to the fairing and when it get's towards hot just flick the switch to turn the fan on. Saves a lot of faffing around with new thermostats and thermo switches plus you can test the fan without running the bike..! Just a suggestion, you might be happy to sod around with new bit's of kit and who am I to spoil your fun?
  18. Hi David welcome to the YOC, Jimmy's right they are all out to get you, watch out for BMW and AUDI drivers, it's a mark of how manly they are to race a bike, any bike.!
  19. Well made it home ok folks, thanks for everything Finnerz your a star mate. Great time had by all I think well except for the obvious (you had to be there..!) hotel was basic but the beer was drinkable and the singing was awful!!! What a beautiful place that is, never even knew about it till I was riding through it, hills valleys TINY LITTLE FUCKING ROADS not made for an FJR bends to dream about when the winter comes. Thanks lads I really enjoyed your company and conversation, is swearing conversation? oh well whatever it was fun.
  20. Should be there about 5 o/c so time to sign in and find the bar..!
  21. Hi Chris, welcome to the YOC, Good luck with your CBT mate, your right to be cautious "THEY" are out to get you..! Take your time don't lose your temper and don't ride it like you stole it, it will all come back to you.
  22. Alex. for some reason IE is now working again! Whatever it was you did "Thank you".
  23. Hi Alex, finally got it to work, tried every browser out there and Chrome seems to be the best of them (not saying much really) but it hangs like a bastard every now and then and still have a problem actually writing a reply to any subject, just a blank (grayed out) at the bottom of the page, it usually takes 2 or 3 goes to get it to "submit reply" properly.
  24. Hi Folks, finally been able to get back on to the site! For some reason I could sign in but then nothing.. Talked to Alex and he suggested a new browser but it still hangs and f***s about. Anyway just asking about the weekend away I will get there about 3 o/c on Friday but not sure if I have a room or not, any help folks, who do I ask if the room has been booked or not? It's a long way to go and find your sleeping under the bike (been there done that..!)
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