Everything posted by Tommy10bikes
why did I start.. 87 xt 350
I used araldite on my XT600 and it holds up OK so far, i did use the industrial slow setting one. Applied and lightly pressed together in a vice for a day or so. Simples TTB
yamaha xt
If it was me i would tell your friend everything will fit and except his offer on the XT. TTB
yamaha xt
Hi Jason The only resemblance they have is that they are round, one of the main reasons the XT is different is that it has a cush drive. Hope it helps. TTB
yamaha ttr600 RE
Hi Jon Glad someone likes a kickstart on a dirt bike, i have the 2001 TT600R ( kickstart model ) . Unfortunatly i dont think you can add a kickstart on the RE version , well i havnt heard of it. The TT600R is an excellent machine for the dirt or road, just make sure what ever your buying it hasnt a light knocking noise from the top end of the engine, more likely than not its the little end which will mean an engine rebuild at £350 to £400 plus labour. TTB
1980 250XT
Very nice and tempting indeed, you must have an idea of how much you want for it. TTB
1980 250XT
Drop it off at my house and i will give you £500 and look after it. TTB
Stafford - anyone going?
I will be there all being well , Saturday rather than Sunday but will pick the depending on the weather. TTB
petrol muppets!
Well i filled up my car XT660r both the XT500s a jerry can, even the car got filled up to the brim but only so that i can syphon the petrol out for the bikes. Gotta get your priorties right. TTB
TTR600 Rear Axle Nut Sourcing - Help!
Wemoto are good but they did send me the wrong oil filter which could have been a disaster for my new engine rebuild if i didnt know better. The RE isnt a bad bike and as you say easier to start but i do like the R version more. You wont break it so dont woirry about that , just get out there and have ago , its great fun. TTB
my xt 250 1982 project
Partrs are still available from Yamaha but just the general Ebay uk , Germany and the US should bring up a few listings. To answer your question about the swing arm, if it doesnt shift with a good soaking of penetrating fluid you may have to resort to the andle grinder as the bushes will probably be knacked anyway, i have my lads to restore one day , its a black and white 1981 model but a real early one with the frame number in the mid 100s. Got any pics
how to remove xt 250 swinging arm bolt
If it wont shift after soaking with some penetrating fluid then worst case may be to grind the bugger out. Any pics at all. TTB
TTR600 Rear Axle Nut Sourcing - Help!
I get all my TTR bits from a Yamaha dealer such as Webbs of Lincoln or Granbys, as Airhead said its not an old bike so all the parts are available. Just got the rear blue fender cowl coming and as the parts are Acerbies not a lot of money considering £38.00 plus the decals. Just done a major engine rebuild on mine and just had a new conrod, main end and big end bearings together with full gasket set, not cheap but will be good until i get too old to start it. Its at this stage now so nearly finished it. Gonna be too good to green lane when it finished but at least it will be right. TTB
xt500 brake shaft
Here you go ,these picture where taken when i restored my 500E a few years ago so hopefully they will help. PM sent as well. Cheers TTB
xt500 brake shaft
I would say its only about 1mm thick but i have never had to replace one yet so i cant offer any advice of the tube you need. Maybe some thin brass strip will be better. TTB
xt500 brake shaft
Hi 18j There is a very shallow nylon shim inside the tube housing on the frame, unfortunatly there is no part number for this but if you can find some small bore plastic tubing you may be able to ream some out. TTB
yamaha xt 660x advice
I have an XT660R and i find it fantastic for my use which is mainly countryside and commuting to work. Whilst it is a great bike i wouldnt like to do lots of motorway riding at high speed, Hope it helps TTB
New member hi
Hi Steve You will love the XT600 i love the old thumpers and have a couple of nice XT500, a TT500 , 2 xt600, 2 TT600s, a TT600R and a XT660R , and a few DTs and ITs. Got to let us know which model it is and see some pics. TTB
XT500C after full restoration
Im on with this at the moment and sorting the small end out on this, this afternoon so yes 2 projects on the go TTB
XT500C after full restoration
After 8 months of hard work i have finished one of my favourite bikes which is a late 1975 xt500C Hope you like the pics. The hardest thing to get hold of was the rear silencer which in the end i was forced to make one myself. TTB
DT360A shfter problem
I have been stripping my TT600R motor today so sorry for not getting back, yes larger pictures would help and you may have got away without removing the clutch and just putting some pressure adainst the torsion spring at the same time as pushing the shaft back in. Not to worry though Roger at least yo have had a go and repaired it. Cheers TTB
Hi Everyone
Welcome Paul Seems we all get about . TTB
DT360A shfter problem
Its a simple fix but you have to remove the clutch cover and slip the torsion spring back over the locating peg, you may even have to a line the plate again gear teeth again. Its a bit hard to explain but once the clutch cover is removed its fairly simple. PM me if you get stuck TTB
RT1 360 clutch push rod help!!!
Hi I think you will find the plates are stuck together or may be really worn, i have a TL125 and they stick all the time after about 3 months of non use. If you can get it going and if you can get the bike rolling with a small amount of throttle, click it into 1st or 2nd gear and just try riding it for a while holding in the clutch lever, it may free after a few minutes or you may have to put it under some load by applying the rear brake and excellerating at the same time. Worst case is that you will have to strip the clutch down and just free the plates apart. TTB
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Below is a link to an interesting article about Dykes rings and timing, i know hwen Keith rebuilt may earlier crank he did say it was a smaller rod for some reason, cant offer any info why im afraid. http://www.vintagesleds.com/library/manuals/misc/Two-stroke%20Tuner's%20Handbook.pdf You could try logging on to Yamaha enduro forum as there is a wider range of knowledge over there, you just have to search it by using a free proxy server http://www.freeproxyserver.ca/ PM me if you want. TTB
Piston and Rings Replacement Help!!!!!
I think you will find the guys are correct in saying it should be .75 oversize However are you sure the numbers are #75 and not # 25 Cheers TTB