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Everything posted by Leatherat

  1. Leatherat replied to johnsnownw's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ok, I can dig the maintenance thing, just didn't understand the term Over here we often hear that in the states (especially Texas) you can legally shoot/kill an intruder if they are on your property but not if they're already away from the house. Is that not true then?
  2. Leatherat replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Nice pictures, question........being in the States, how are you percieved riding a Yamaha cruiser as aposed to a Harley? The states always seems so very patriotic and Harley is pretty much seen as the pinnicle of the cruiser style (whether it can live up to the status mechanically is in doubt) and yet you choose to ride a Japanese model. Do you get any heat for that decission?
  3. Leatherat replied to johnsnownw's post in a topic in The Bar
    Quote of the year.....already! I'm in total agreement with what you say, If a felon comes into my house whether the intent is burgalry or bodily harm, I as the householder should have any and all means of resisting the intrusion. If the offender is hurt, shot, killed, mamed so be it. The householder has to be given back the upperhand, after all in the dead of night, asleep in your pajamas you've little enough chance against someone who is awake and fired up. If the law here in the Uk was different, my house would be filled to the brim with all manner of weaponary to assist in repellling boarders, but many cases in recent times have put the defending householder behind bars whilst granting financial compensation to injured criminals, which makes it too much of a risk. Oh and what is meant by 'Mechanical maintanance'?
  4. I hear everything you say and your quite correct about the factory moving to Meriden, but my Grandfather and father never worked at Triumph before 1942 (my grandad was at the Standard then, my dad started at the Standard and move to rootes then the Jag before joining my grandad at Meriden) so I have an alliegence to the Meriden marque. So the Triumph badge will never have any other place with me but Meriden. As you yourself stated, 'a newer triumph its like a different breed of bike' the Meriden bikes are a world apart, no better maybe but a world apart. I don't have a Triumph at present for one reason.......I can't afford a Meriden produced bike. I can buy a Hinkley bike tomorrow, there's a 1993 Trident 900 for sale locally for £1500 but try getting a T120/140 Boniville or T160 Trident for that money. Says it all really.
  5. Triumph? You don't own a Triumph, that's a Hinkley bike! Triumphs were made in Meriden. End of.
  6. Leatherat replied to johnsnownw's post in a topic in The Bar
    In the UK there are very stringent firearms laws, possesion of the gun you had for christmas would get you a minimum of 5 years at Her Majesty's pleasure (jail time). Check this out for the rules http://www.durham.police.uk/info/firearms/firearms_info/prohibited_weapons.php but basically, rifles and shot guns are OK but you must be in possesion of a firearms licence (not all that easy to get hold of, certainly not like the states) and air guns are pretty much OK but everything else is a no no The knife in the picture (it is a knife isn't it?) would also cause you severe problems if the police found you with it, UK knife law explained here http://www.goxplore.net/guides/Knife_law_(UK) Restricting acsess to weaponary is overall a very good thing, but the Human being is a resourceful animal and the meare fact that an item has a prohibiton placed on it, does not in itself make that object unobtainable, as has been proven countless times since these laws have been in force.
  7. Leatherat replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  8. Leatherat replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  9. Leatherat replied to HeavyStella's post in a topic in The Bar
    It makes no difference what any of us think, unless someone dips their hand in their pocket. The only way to say for sure what it's worth, is to take it to market. Check out similar machines, regardless of condition and advertise it at the price you think it's worth and would be happy to accept. If you get no interest you'll know it's not worth what you thought it was, and if it sells you'll have the money you are happy with, regardless of whether it's worth more or less. Plenty of good quality photos are a must if your looking for top dollar.
  10. Leatherat replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    You seem to have missed the point. My inferance was that your original stated that the bike is a large extension of your penis, whereas my adjustment, adding the comma after the word penis, makes the bike an extension of a large penis. But there you go, you obviously can't teach a sense of humour, no matter how much you pay for an education.
  11. Leatherat replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
  12. Leatherat replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    Are you sure your grammar is correct there dear boy, I think it would be better to say..... my bike(s) is an enormously large penis, extension!! ha.
  13. Leatherat replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  14. Leatherat replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yes, I've read that thread, and others that are similar. It contains several instances of hypocrasy, people complaining about others asking for assistance in their first post, whilst then admitting to doing the exact same thing on their first post (with various mitigating circumstances ). If someone wants information on a problem pertainintg to their Yamaha, what better place than a website calling itself the 'Yamaha Owners Club' to ask the question? However, those who do are all too often met with an unfreindly door policy, which seems to have been designed to aliviate the problem of single post members, but by the very admissions of those in the linked thread, a lot of people who post questions or problems on their first post stick around and become members of the community. Just my point of veiw, there will be others who disagree
  15. Leatherat replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  16. Leatherat replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    Whatever it is, the bloke who built it put the forks on upside down LOL! Oh and feel free to stop me in the street and ask me questions, I'll answer them if at all possible, it matters not a dot to me who you are, or what you ride.
  17. Leatherat replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  18. Leatherat replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well done! How about a Fireblade (With the addition of a restrictor kit) check them out here http://www.fireblades.org/forums/honda-cbr400rr/73157-33bhp-blades.html
  19. I know nothing about the bike I'm afraid, however antifreeze is rated to quite extreme tempretures these days, (I assume it's a liquid cooled engine) hope everything is, and stays OK.
  20. Leatherat replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    Walked around London lately?
  21. Well, I went up on Tuesday, had a blast, was a little suprised when I got there though, I was ushered around the site to the indoor bike park in Hall 1, as I aproached the large doors at just after 10am (Show started at 10am) the doors were opened for me by a security gaurd, I then rode through the hall to where the bikes were parking, how many bikes were there?.............Seven! Thousands of people in the show itself, and when I struggled back to the bike at about 4pm, ladened up with new helmet, handlebar muffs, clothing etc how many bikes were there?........13! Yes it was cold, yes there was some snow but for christ sake, does no one ride motorcycles anymore.
  22. Leatherat replied to Gazza M's post in a topic in General
    Top suggestion!
  23. Leatherat replied to Gazza M's post in a topic in General
    WD40 .......pissing into the wind........Angle grinder........Job done.
  24. Leatherat replied to Gazza M's post in a topic in General
    C'mon guys, the key snapped of due to the exursion required to open the semi seized lock, Thin pliers or screwdrivers ain't going to get the job done. Take an angle driver to it and get another lock, but look after this new one.
  25. Well, the weather forcasters (Doom momgers) are saying Snow showers for Tuesday! They have been known to get it wrong so fingers crossed. If it snows or is terribly Icy, I'll put it off until Wednesday (the forcast is much better for wednesday), but I'm still planning for tuesday. Look out for the new YOC patch on the leather, and say hello.