Everything posted by Leatherat
New drag pipes fixed
OK, so unlike certain other members........I'm not slow off the mark with the camera. These pictures attempt to show the brackets I had to use to straighten the pipes. The angles I've had to bend into this morning to get you these.....I hope your all apreciative! Now, this firm advertise that these pipes will fit any and all Dragstar 650's......hmmm. To be fair, what they don't advertise is that they will fit well. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the pipes, but there's no way they will fit straight out of the box, not well anyway.
New to this forum
CQCQCQ CQCQCQ CQCQCQ this is 2E0BVM calling CQCQCQ and standing by. What's your call? Maybe I'll give you a shout on 80m. oh and by the way, is that Tank Girl on your avatar? Weird I know, but I've always had a thing for her.
New guy from Scotland :D
C U Kenny, welcome along! I had a 900 divi over the winter, fab bikes and I assume te 600 is just as good. They do work in the summer as well you know and as for the not returning to cages, they do come in handy for moving wardrobes, ladders, paving slabs etc, so never say never eh?!
New drag pipes fixed
The chrome brackets you can see in both photos are the ones supplied fixed to the exhausts. The original exhausts have these brackets as well. They fix to a small arm welded to the frame, but unfortunately, the new exhausts are not as well set up as the originals and the chrome brackets do not line up with the mounting arm on the frame properly. The brackets I have had to manufacture are to the rear of the chrome brackets you can see. This is a good thing as they are hidden and do not detract from the aesthetics of the bike. I will try to photograph the new brackets tomorrow, it's a bit dark at the mo. Take a look at this post with reference to the screen I look over the top of the screen, by about 3 inches. Looking through the screen can get a bit hairy when it rains. The screen is 20 inches from the top of the headlight Vertically, but measured along the screen which is obviously at an angle it is 22 inches (does that make sense?)
New drag pipes fixed
I couldn't possibly comment as we are still awaiting photographic evidence, which has been promised on many occasions, but never materialised.
FANTASY ROAD RACE 2011 is here
My boys seem to be quite happy sitting in the traffic, no filtering for them! I'm quite close to the top of the leader board though, running as I am in 33,749th position overall!
Respray costs.
To be quite honest, as it's going to look like a rat bike in matt black anyway, why not save yourself some cash. Get down to Halfords, buy some rattle cans and do it in the drive. You'll not even have to remove the tank or side panels. Alternatively, you could make it look nice......by not painting it matt black.
Round Two!
Fab! A girlfriend on wheels! With just a quick shove she's in to the kitchen and Viola! Dinner's on the table! Just make sure you put a disc lock on her when you leave her outside the pub, or some scrote will be off with her.
New drag pipes fixed
Coming out of the closet, eh?
I am so sorry
Well!.....I'm suprised!..... a man of your age!.....don't you know those things are dangerous! Welcome along, get used to all of the above, and ignore them all
New drag pipes fixed
Thankyouverymuch.....uh huh huh! (Elvis mode off). Yeah I know what you mean, it was slowly getting under my skin, so much so that yesterday I snapped and just had to sort it out, even though it was 1000 degrees C in the garage. I'm glad I bothered though 'cause it looks a whole heap better. I made the brackets (bit posh to call them brackets really, more like strips with holes in each end) out of some 2mm ali sheet I had laying around and some stainless bolts with nylocs so I hope they're going to be OK. I guess I'll find out today
New drag pipes fixed
This afternoon I are mostly been making new brackets to fix the angle of the exhaust from this.... To this.... Looks better don't it? Since fitting the new pipes (without re-jetting the carbs)I have noticed that I get about 15 more miles per tank of fuel, with no real loss of power, and only a slight discolouration of the chrome.
recently accquired XV535
Hi Murph, You say she's in good nick, but needs touching up? Soooooo many opertunities for us to be inapropriate! One thing I can tell you is that the paint isn't called Burgandy, it's probably Maroon but here's the list you need. http://www.pure-2-stroke-spirit.info/download/yamaha_color_codes.pdf or try this site http://www.colorrite.com/matrix-colors.cfm?CFID=3703977&CFTOKEN=37771680
new but seasoned
Hello and welcome.
Hi newbie here
Welcome, but I'm afraid you'll not learn anything reading the drivell posted in these forums :lol:
A tankfull
I can just get 15 litres in from reseverve, filling very slowly on the side stand.
what should i do with this engine????
what should i do with this engine????
Door stop?
what should i do with this engine????
Plant pot?
Friends, Bike lovers, Yamaha Owners - Hello!
G'day mate,throw another shrimp on the barby for us
Yes I saw it last night, it's a great documentary, I could have done without the 3D to be honest, although it is impressive, I found that the 3D effect just distracted me from what was going on or being said, and it's not like a hollywood block buster with things coming out of the screen at you etc. As a film about the TT, it's very interesting, and in parts exciting (better if you don't know the results of the races beforehand) and Guy Martin will make you laugh out loud. All in all a really good night at the flicks.
- 3DTT film
Customisation questions
There is a very good reason for that.......they make they're living fixing motorbikes, and Harleys are built so badly that they breakdown a lot! I'd still love a Heritage Softail though!
My XVS 650 on going project
I've never ridden mine 2up (the Mrs won't ride pillion) What does the 650 go like? I find it pretty slow 1up to be honest.
Dragstar Classic 650 cc or 1100 cc?
Not that my opinion will sway you much.......but I've got a 650 and if I could have aforded it (which I couldn't), I'd have had the 1100 without question. I've been riding for quite a few years (28yrs to be exact) and I've had some monsters, the 650 is a lovely bike but it is a little sluggish to be honest.