Everything posted by ChristianSRA
Came off
Well not much to say really I came off today on a corner when my rear tyre touched the mud there and weeeeee off I go along the road (about 2 metres ) this is when I appreciated the fact I had leathers fortunately im fine only got a little graze but my right side fairing is dead bike runs fine just doesnt look the same poor girl will have to give her some extra TLC
don't eat kev's curry
HE FLEW LIKE 3 FOOT IN THE AIR 0.0 it's also ironic because it says vodka on one of the "associates" T-shirt and their in Russia wish my work was that fun
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
I think that kind of defeats the objective of riding a bike? Fastest my bike has ever gone 55mph.... on a trailer none the less speed isn't everything it's the love of the machine that makes it fun
Tzr 50
I would definitely say so it would probarbly be a totally different bike just in a TZR's fairing and chassis
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
That's the ones that do overtake but obviously if they aren't and you can see their nervous you wouldn't then cause them something else to worry about
Newbie sixteener
insult to my baby TZR I understand your point I have a rather stereotypical view on twist and go's and the DT looks good and welcome
Tzr 50
You can change it to a 80cc but yeah you can put a 125/250cc engine in them I believe due to the actual size of the fairing and chasis this means that there is extra room for a larger engine
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
In reply to your point to someone on a sporty 125 this would probarbly because their learners and don't want to overtake anyone due to the fact they may be nervous on this and overtaking them really wouldn't of helped the fact this is the sort of thing that causes problems with people getting rear ended
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
No problem got anymore questions feel free to PM me
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
It looks like a ducati 748 which would mean they've messed with the fairing? I dont know an awful lot about them. But what I know is most bikes that have been messed with like that will have a problem with being "dropped" or "crashed" or "vandalised" that sort of thing or having a positive view on humanity they just wanted it to look nice
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
Derbi GPR 125 are rumoured to be bulletproof they come in either 4 stroke or 2 stroke if you want a link to some I can dig up some info on them? (4 stroke version) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2009-59-Derbi-GPR-GPR-125-Best-Looking-125-M-/170544522439?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item27b53ee4c7 Sorry cant seem to find a 2 stroke version at the moment I will keep my eyes open but an alternative is a Gilera SC dont know much about them but they seem nice But since I have a R125 I always will say they are best Or a gilera SC http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2007-GILERA-SC-125-motorcycle-similar-Derbi-Gpr125-/190443586936?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item2c57528578
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
Well they are definately nice and fast only problem is since they have the rs125 engine they break a lot so if you have the money or dont want it for speed then go for it
Panda's in da house !
Good to see you intend to stay this time enjoy your stay
There isnt really a section for it so welcome Welcome to you too LaFiamma
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
Depends what you want fully comp could be expensive :L And To my knowledge if you were to get lighter fairing replace the exhaust system rejet the carb I believe you can hit 90. I think the average first year of riding is around 300-350 TPFT due to the factor a YZF is very wanted and people love to steal them
Fastest a yzf r125 will go ?
Since it's 4stroke I've been informed the stock top speed is 80 on a straight but you can go mad and get 90mph
Whats your dream bike?
What would your dream bike be? A Crotch rocket A Cruiser? A Tourer A 2 Stroke? A 4 Stroke A Dodge Tomahawk? (As if! ) Personally mine would be a Benelli Tornado
white van man fail
Do you think he was delivering cider?
New Recruit
You could connect your account to your facebook so it is an automatic change to whatever your facebook profile picture is. Or you can go into your profile settings and change it that way. If you need more information feel free to private message me
Fancy This for a job !!!
Well I bet their pays astrinomical so yeah I would do it maybe
Cold shoulder for supper
So I take it you had to revert to the vibrator? Or did the stingy gits not included batteries?
Fancy Rateing This
Maybe a super tenere? FJR? If you like that sorta thing
Please read this-it WILL effect you
AS at the moment I'm really enjoying it so far. Nice to understand what goes on upstairs And I would love to avoid this idea from the EU
Please read this-it WILL effect you
Usually us "young people's" view/ideas get written off hence why I said that And 50 was the number that I can remember but is probarbly inaccurate the reason I said this idea is because today in government and politics we were talking about the EU and such like. I would enjoy to see if we could avoid some of these money making taxes with a "Yammyism"(first idea of religion name) excuse and who knows what else we could do
star wars
Yeah I'm part of the ACF (army cadet force) and while on our annual camp we did it. Its a barrel of fun would love to do it again sometime