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Everything posted by christofeser

  1. christofeser posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Passed my Mod 2 yesterday. Now qualified for 33bhp, and a passenger. yipeeeee. Anyway, new bike, want a sporty type thing, like the Kwak ER-6F kinda thing, not supersport, jut quick Suggestions? Chris
  2. christofeser replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    haha very clever
  3. christofeser replied to 1988rocco's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    That's what I did... But be careful you don't get ones that are too small (height wise), now my throttle sticks open and doesn't spring back to closed. In my opinion, which is often completely incorrect, I think a set of mini-apes would look mint on the drag, but it depends what look you go for.
  4. christofeser replied to 1988rocco's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I wouldn't get them from Yamaha - would cost a pretty penny... Have a search around ebay. The style of the bars are "buckhorn" and the diameter of the bars are 7/8" Shouldn't have to spend too much on a second hand pair... maybe £50 or less... Chris
  5. christofeser replied to The G's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah where dyu live? Where's "the G spot" at? We kid, we kid, but yeah seriously where u live? What dya ride? You a boy or girl? Chris
  6. I don't see the number of question marks being used as a point worth picking up on in a conversation where people are trying to help you out. Kind of annoyed me when I read that. Also, yes, it was a straight forward question - but I think we've given you an adequate answer. I think Paul's given you a link to a place that sell them, and we've told you that they are out there. We have continued (vaguely) the topic because other people may find information useful, such as those who may not want to spend £400 on a set of forward controls and just want the pegs upgraded to look nicer (ref. my link) - perhaps that's what you had in mind - little did I know you were so intent on the posture more than the style of the foot-pegs. I apologise on my behalf (Paul can apologise for himself) for trying to help out and suggest ways in which you might be more satisfied with the bike. I'm sorry I can't pluck a link out of thin air, and link it to you. If I could be bothered to go on google and have a shop about, I would, but thats something I'm sure you are perfectly capable of doing. I'm also pretty sure I've seen this thread before somewhere else on the forum. The technical term is UTFSE. OH, and here: http://www.customspirit.com/mandos-avanzados-yamaha-xvs125250-drag-star-p-62.html?osCsid=134438dc262c08e9c1011b1300f890aa
  7. I've got a bigger rod. YUK. anyway IF you live in London, fancy coming to the Bike Parking Protest tomorrow??? I'd agree with paul on this one, I'd get a nice set of 'zorsts for the girl. People will notice them much more than the controls - both in appearance and sound. If you just dont like the stock footpegs, try these http://www.customwizard.com/product_desc.php?id=1127 as a much cheaper alternative. Chris
  8. Paul you're mad. You must REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY want some forward controls. Plus, if you sold on fleabay you'd lose dosh on the listing fee etc.
  9. If I'm honest mate, although they're gonna look good, is it worth it? How long you planning on having the bike for. Are you on L plates? If so, then you should wait until you've got a bigger bike. Paul's right, the only one's I've seen are real expensive, and if you're looking to sell the bike, probably not a worthwhile investment... Sorry I can't help much and, yet again, I'm offering my less than perfect/more than opinionated, point of veiw Chris
  10. The legendary London protest are back this Sunday Pretty much it starts at the Ace Cafe, London, at 10.30am, ride round the North and South Circular, then probably into Central London just in time to fuck the streets up for a little while It was amazing last year on "the long way round", and this time it's even learner-legal. For all of you London based bikers on the forum, please turn up and show your support, and help us demonstrate against this monstrous injustice. It's bound to be a great day out. All the best. Chris
  11. christofeser replied to sticky valve's post in a topic in The Bar
    I've got a sticky valve.SORRY!! YUK Welcome buddy.
  12. christofeser replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    I live there.
  13. christofeser replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    Woaaaaaha let's not delete football!!! Think about all the investors it brings into the country? Do you know how much Abramovic is taxed for owning Chelsea etc? And TTaskamaster, I agree completely that our welfare system is flawed. But honestly, I would rather have a flawed welfare system that has the chance to support a few people who really need the money, than no welfare system and see the death of a nation - such as Russia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqEyLaEkJDE&feature=related This proves my point, really quite well. A life expectancy in Russia of 56?! And to think, 20 years ago it was a superpower? I think they're spending the money on the wrong things here... If any1 is interested watch the whole documentary, Marcel Theroux does it loadsa justice. So next time you think our country is wasting money - take a look at Russia. Letting people die on their streets only to spend the money on supporting Mafia's and Nuclear Proliferation.
  14. christofeser replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    I find it disgusting that in a Nationalist country such as Russia - millions are prepared to be spent on promoting the country whilst people are dying on their streets due to no social welfare at all. Enough said.
  15. christofeser replied to jack_p92's post in a topic in The Bar
    mini hijack - for winter, and for the rainy summer day, if you're commuting - you want to get something RIDGID and designed for it, so yeah the DT is a good option. I was riding home from work tonight, and my back wheel was going walkies in the wet/snow/ice. So if you're a die hard rider, get something made for the job Chris
  16. christofeser replied to 1988rocco's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Nice to have another dragstar owner on the forum!!! Yeah the weather is crap at the moment - but the dragstar will still ride in it... just make sure you warm her up! Are yo talking about the gear shifter? If you to the stick that links the shifter to the engine (runs parallell to the frame) there is a big long hexagon shaped thing around it. This, effectively, is a massive nut. You have to undo the nuts on each side of it,and then twist it. Watch the pedal go up and down as you twist the thingy. I know I'm not very precise, but I hope it helps. I'll post pics if yer still stuck. Chris
  17. christofeser replied to jack_p92's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nope. Definitely want my beaten up dragstar. haha, kidding. The CG is the one you do CBT on right? YBR's aren't bad options either if you like the CG - good consumption, fuel injected (STARTS on the button), BUT not too comfortable on long journeys. for the journeys you definitely want something comfy. for razzing around on Sundays in the summer you might want to look at the more sporty range of 125's if that's your thing, or, as I said, the dragstar is a nice bike (not without it's problems however). You selling that Mini? Chris
  18. christofeser replied to jack_p92's post in a topic in The Bar
    you definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY, want to buy my xvs 125 from me... You up for a project? Really nice car btw. One problem though, IT'S A CAR!!!! Thanks for introduction too, loadsa people atm are just joining up willy nilly and asking stupid questions without UTFSE (using the F**king search engine), so I'm sure you'll find some help now you've done so. Anyway, have fun looking around, we're all friendly people apart from Paul. He's VERY friendly Cheers, Chris
  19. There's loads of decent substitutes for WD-40, just need to look around. Chris
  20. With electrics, it's always best to give a dose of WD-40 underneath the spark plug cables, battery terminals, and any other electrics that may need protection from water. As for your engine problem - I can't really help. I ride, rain, shine, or ever SNOW!, and i've never expereinced anything similar... was it cold? Was the bike warm? The electrical system should be relatively insulated but may be worth checking. Are your lights/ignition/horn working fine? Hope it helps a little.
  21. look where the smaller pipe goes inside the bigger pipe. Pretty much there is a bit that joins them sunk into the big pipe about an inch in. Anyway, on that bit that joins them, drill some holes (about as wide as a pencil) around the smaller pipe - on both upper and lower exhaust systems. It's simple, and improves the sound.
  22. may not devalue it - but probably wouldn't get your return back... I've got mine drilled (came like it) and it's easily much louder than the stock. Highway, however, done make ones for the xvs125 any more - unfortunately. You can get a slip on muffler, but you'll need to be good with a welder to remove the balance pipe (which, rather annoyingly, links the top downpipe to the bottom muffler.... I'd stick to drilling. Also, why don't yous pop over to the bar to introduce yerself? Chris
  23. christofeser replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Now to get a girlfriend to stitch it on for us.
  24. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    It also means I've got an xvs125 up for grabs that needs some TLC. Would make a nice little bike for a beginner on a budget Anyway, it's booked in for the 7th Chris
  25. christofeser posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Did my module 1 test yesterday, no mistakes, passed it Now I've got my mod 2 on december the 7th (I tried booking earlier but it's all they had) Honestly, I'm crapping it. I know I'm good enough to pass I can just see myself making a f**cking silly mistake I'll kick myself for afterwards. So, are there any tips/usual suspects to avoid getting caught out on the Mod 2? If anyone is from round here - I'm taking it in Farnborough, which has like 2 billion roundabouts in... Chris