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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. That Cloud of Doom on Pete's avatar, seems to follow him everywhere he goes .... Kinda like the PigPen character from the Peanuts comic strip.
  2. I've been trying to get that one through to the missus for years now!
  3. YamaHead

    my turn!

    Alan.....sounds like you've already learned from the experience......which, outside of your health, is probably most important. I've got a feeling you'd probably not be so free with the info if that had happened on your RD Glad to hear you're alright though mate & for what it's worth.....old Gixxer's make Great Street Fighters.....so Carry On!
  4. I have 3 lids for the road..... KBC TK-7 Old BELL....aka Vetter.....got it for FREE ......works great for wet weather use SHOEI RF-9......If this lid could talk....Oh the tales it could tell! Also have another Older SHOEI for Off-Road use as well.
  5. Are you kidding? Helmet Hair is very trendy these days!
  6. YamaHead


    to the forum Beard Sorry to hear of your accident...but it sounds like you've learned something from it, which to me is most important....outside of NOT getting physically hurt of course.
  7. YamaHead

    Brilliant ride

    Indeed! I once did a 120 mile camping trip on a '73 DT125...... Had a Helluva time getting it started for the return home.....finally got it bump-started & rode the wheels off it....only to find out when I got home & tore it apart to suss the prob......that there was a golf-ball size hole in the side of the battery! What a BulletProof little machine
  8. I wonder if Rossi still has issues with riding under a Tobacco sponser again this year?
  9. Sometimes the part numbers are the same as well Andy. the ignition keyswitch for my RD is the EXACT same part as the one they used on XJ550 Seca's...(I checked ) Also found that the headlight relay is the very same part as one used on the XS1100..... So if you really do your homework with cross-referencing, it can really open up more options when trying to source parts for various mods.
  10. For the Yamaha boyz who are sporting a new look this year..... Appearantly Rossi was fastest during the 1st day of testing @ Sepang.....nothin' new there It'll be interesting to see who can mount any kind of a challenge for the Champ this year.
  11. Ahhh....the age old Interchangability between RD's & XS's continues .....
  12. 'Tis the truth Baz.......been in a coupla quakes before, but nothing like the one's they get in California. The last one I recall.....I was @ work on the 3rd floor of an office building in downtown Portland......watching these 4ft.x4ft. columns inside the building twist all around, along with my computer monitor jumping all over the desk......was something I won't forget! The amazing thing about that quake was the epicenter was 250 miles away up in Seattle!
  13. "Geez....I sure wish this old Pig could go like that geezer's pedal bike over there."
  14. Well, if the shoe fits?...
  15. YamaHead


    Sounds like a good idea! I need a break from the Ol' Lady anyway.
  16. YamaHead

    Brilliant ride

    Great to finally see that TZR! Keep those reports coming!
  17. YamaHead

    What's happenin?

    to the MadHouse rsimmons Beezkneez might be able to shed some light on your Exup question as he's an owner of a '92 model
  18. YamaHead

    at long last

    Yeah......& it's about bluddy time too, eh?
  19. After having been a daily year-round rider for 20 years.......I can think of a couple! But the one that stands out the most is when I was riding this beast 1 morning on the way to work..... ...it was about 4:30 AM, & I had her singin' @ about a Buck & a quarter.....on an undisturbed stretch of freeway....& then everything started to shake so violently that the bike felt like it was coming apart @ the seams! ..... Got to work & found out I had just rode through an EARTHQUAKE @ 3-digit speeds!
  20. Good Ol' Soap & Water certainly can't hurt?
  21. Somebody prolly got the wrong address on that letter
  22. YamaHead

    XBOX MotoGP

    That Enhanced Extreme Mode looks interesting.......240+HP bikes out on the public roads!
  23. More of that Politically Correct malarky
  24. You probably sleep with that odd duster! Made the front page of the Namby-Pamby Gazette just last week.
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