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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. to the forum Julie A Nurse eh?.....I've been married to one of those for over 18 years What sort of starter probs are you having with your SR? Oops....just saw your thread regarding that in the Workshop area
  2. mate! 26 today?........I can barely remember when I was that young! Have a good one....& don't work too hard!
  3. The neighbors just down the hillside are cool with it........but after all, they're @ least 7 acres away.
  4. Here's just an example of said twisties ..... Sure don't want to go home very bad after finding views like these this morning .....
  5. You know it my friend! All I need to do is sort the Newtronics ignition & rebuild the brake calipers..... & then I'll be reminding the old bat across the street why she'll be glad to see me move away!
  6. YamaHead


    The Truth definitely hurts sometimes!
  7. Thanx Andy. If it wasn't for my current 350 mile a week accumilation that also requires alot of time..... I'd have taken the spanner's to her by now! I've found some really cool twisties in this new area I'm in......that are fun on the XT...... But I can guarantee there would be an ear to ear grin under my helmet if I was ridin' the Daytona
  8. YamaHead


    to the forum Ian A Tattooist, eh?....We could always use a few more Artist's around here
  9. I'm in the process of consolidating all the misc. bits in my Garage, in order to better prep the house for selling hopefully by this fall. My poor RD has been neglected waaaay too long, but might have to be put off just a bit longer....until I find a suitable new garage to engage in a spanner-fest to finally get her back on the road.......Lubricating the Enviroment like only an RD can do! ......
  10. That's a good one Merv!
  11. Banjo's? Don't gotta listen to 'em anymore since I moved into the trailer ..... But the coupla weeks prior.........couldn't get away from 'em.....kinda goes with the territory as my brother actually plays one! .....In between reloading for the next round of clay's that get thrown out in the front yard! .......
  12. Indeed! Nice Ride there Lee!
  13. Well pretty much just for Pete's amusement ..... Here's a coupla glimpses into the work-week digs of the YamaHead..... This is where I reside @ the present ..... It's a proper Biker's Pad.......complete with Chain Lube & Carb Cleaner conveniently parked on the stovetop! ......as well as a fridge packed full of Deschutes Ale's......Killer local Beer! It is kinda nice to know that thing's are right where I left 'em.......NOT the case when the misses & my little lad are around & gazing @ sight's like this everyday, more than make up for the down-sized living quarters ..... Definitely got 1 up on all the other poor slobs that reside in this RV park.... I still got a 2,000 sq./ft. house to go home to every weekend!
  14. YamaHead

    You and your bike

    & I thought MY bike had a Stealthy paint scheme!
  15. to the forum PitBull I believe lowering your T-Cat will require the replacement of the linkage pieces under your shock....also known as the "DogBones". I'm sure there's other members here that'll be able to shed some more sufficient light on this subject.
  16. Maybe PM Tomg........he might be able to shed some light on that subject.
  17. to the forum Andy Congrats on passing your test! My advise on riding skills?.......Put as much time in the saddle as you can......Practice makes perfect!
  18. Thanx Cap'n! I'll consider myself excetionally lucky to live to the ripe old age of 88 But I'm not really sure I want to?
  19. Thanx Guys! I can totally relate to the workload scenario.......been busy with settling into this new job in the last month.....& now the misses has gone & totalled our only working car! Fortunately she's alright.....but now she's left with driving MY truck Looks like I'm gonna have to land yet another job on the side, where I'm residing during the week.....as there's LOADS of job oppertunities in the town of Bend Oregon I tell ya.....the Fun never stops here @ the FUN Factory!
  20. Definitely a Transition model Probably have to bite the bullet & buy a Manual from Yamaha
  21. YamaHead


    ....Too True there Merv!
  22. All Right you WiseAss! .....I'll have you know I've got INDOOR plumbing where I'm staying!
  23. Oh you're a real cut-up Pete! Finding manuals for the older 500's seems to be a Helluva lot easier than locating one for my Morphodyte 550!
  24. Bottom Line: Slicks are for the RaceTrack!
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