Everything posted by YamaHead
my r1-z
Clean Ride there Nets!
Damn that snow!!!
Paaaah!.....LightWeight! .... Like we say in the SKIING world..... NO GUTS....NO GLORY!
hello there,
to the forum Hicks Don't slack off with the seat-time on your YZF..... Experience is the best teacher!
Had some NumbSkull do that for me in the parking lot where I work! But my MetalFab mate & I came up with this for a solution ..... Made it from a piece of scrap alloy diamond-tread I had lying around in my garage....along with some Genuine YAMAHA fasteners from my old Seca 550. Now I just need some LED indicators
not another RD
I'd venture to guess a '75......1st year for a disc brake on the RD, plus the caliper was mounted BEHIND the fork leg in '76.
XT 550 engine swap
It sure can! As long as it's swapped out with 1 of the early kick-only 600 motors. Might need to keep the intake boots though...as the 550 has limited clearance with the shock placement. I've got my eye's peeled for another 600 motor to do this very swap with my 550.
big f*ck off ski slope
If there was enough snow...... I'd rail down that on my HotWax'd Dynastars anyday! Warp factor 9 here I come
New here 83 XT 550 parts
to the forum Crash Not sure where you reside but here's a site that helped me out loads with my 550.....MotoGrid
Foamys making a SWIFT exit ;)
Yeah.....& then your alarm clock went off!
New to yamaha and the site
to the forum Cloudy FZR4's have always been 1 of my fav's ....Don't see 'em around too much anymore though
How concerned should i be about these cams?
Tend to agree with Cynic... Use good oil & change often with those new cams.
Foamys First Car?
WF....Vans are the Mutz Nutz dood! Sure wish I still had mine.... Could haul 3 bikes & ALL the gear for riding.... Also made a great rolling locker-box for SKI trips.
Over Heating & Fan Work Sometimes
Could very well be the thermostat Chris.... It won't hurt anything to just remove it & ride it a little just to see if this cures your overheating issue. Thermostats usually are fairly reasonable in price for whatever it's worth.
Bogging Down when twisting throttle
to the forum Chris Sounds like you've got plugged or dirty pilot jets still in those carbs Did you have your carb service done by a reputable mechanic or dealer?...If so, I'd be after them to correct the problem. TBH....it's scenario's like this that made me vow to do all my own bike work. A can of carb cleaner, a coupla screwdrivers, & a 10mm end-wrench can cure this prob. Willing to bet Item #12 is your guilty culprit.....
How not to clean a bike
Gotta agree with Goff...... Pure LAZYNESS....which always ends in tears There's really NO diff between what that NumbSkull Gixxer owner did.....& grabbing ahold of a running chainsaw.....by the wrong end........DUH!!!
2Wheelin' 3-day weekend....
Took Friday off as a vacation day....just had to enjoy the last bit of primo weather we've been having. Rode south for 110 miles.....just to visit a dear old friend for Breakfast....homemade waffles chased with coffee spiked with homemade Kalua.....Mmmmmm Was a bit chilly in spots as I ran through a few Fog patches..... 220 miles later, I was back @ home to have a ride with the misses, but again she was feelin' a bit under the weather with yet another migrane. So she gave me the OK ....to go burn off some more steam on the 'Moto.... Couldn't resist going to my fav roads along the Clackamas river.... A little hazy, but couldn't resist this photo op with Mt. Hood in the background.... Decided it was high time to drag some knees down this stretch of tarmac... & visit 1 of many Christmas Tree farms in the area.... Managed to catch a little better view of 'Hood from this spot..... Well over 300 miles covered on Friday....on 2 different bikes. Sunday.....my MetalFab buddy had just serviced the steering head on his custom built chop.....handed me the keys & said "Take her for a spin"... Seeing how the only time I've ever rode anything Hardley powered was a spin on his '96 Buell S1 Lightning......he certainly didn't have to ask me twice...... he built this beast from the ground up....even has it Blue-tagged (Official certificate of a Manufactured vehicle) 100 HP.....1340cc....Rev-Tech 6-speed gearbox....2 into 1 pipe....& extensive carb work, made it alot more fun than I'd thought it would be. Overall, had a great 3-day weekend.....LOVE spending my vacation time either RIDING....or of course.......SKIING! Especially love those days that I get to do BOTH!
Advice Needed
to the forum Ray Good bit of advice from Merv....plenty of RD info & knowledge spoken @ the AC/RD forum.
- What other Hobbies
What other Hobbies
If I'm NOT on 2-Wheels..... I'm on 2-RAILS! ...... Been Skiing since I was 4y/o.....actually like it just a bit more than Biking! But biking I can do Everyday & for a whole lot less $$ Been drawing just as long.....hence the CAD Jockey status .... FreeHand drawing for an old mate who's in the Car industry..... & my DreamBike I wanna build someday.... Also been known to frequent places like this for a spot of fishing with my lad....
Think i'm addicted
Nice FZR Vic! TWO XJ550's for only 60quid Goff? & I thought I did well once in finding a XJ550 Seca for only 100bux!..... But I actually RODE that 1 home.
help please
That tube feeds oil through an Oil Injector located under the small cover just under the barrel on that side of the motor. Very similar to Air-Cooled RD's & Yep.....It's supposed to be there.
Mrs. Sanders....
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello?" "Mrs. Sanders, please." "Speaking." "Mrs. Sanders, this is Dr. Jones at St. Agnes Laboratory. When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband. Frankly, either way the results are not too good." "What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously. "Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for HIV. We can't tell which is which." "That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Sanders. "Normally we can, but the new health care system will only pay for these expensive tests just one time." "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" "The folks at Obama health care recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."..... ..............