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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Thanx Alan! Yep, my Bro's dog Matthew.....has got to be 1 of the Coolest dogs I've ever known Those steel Blue eyes of his, will stare a hole right through you.....especially when you're eating something! ....he knows it's me when I show up.....well before I actually arrive @ the top of the 1/4 mile long driveway.......he knows the sound of my XT & Riding in the Ochoco Mtn's (Snowy pic) is an absolute blast!......Primo DualSport Terrain Can't wait to go back for another round of that!
  2. That Black one of Nobby Clark's is a sweet ride! I like the swingarm & brakes that are on it.
  3. YamaHead


    I'm not sure If I coulda kept that type of composure.....or let alone woulda posted that event up on the net!
  4. A Fine looking Old Skool 350 that I found on FredJee's site http://www.rd500ypvs.co.uk .....
  5. Another well-known special ..... I love the Gold Allistar wheels & the LC swingarm
  6. Finally made it to Prineville where I got up Sunday morning & went outside to get my lungs filled up with some seriously clean, crisp air. This is what my brother see's from his living room window ...... My Bro & I then went into Bend to pinpoint the location of the Engineering office where I had the Interview on Monday. After we got back he suggested that we take a spin up into the Ochoco Mtn's that are literally only 10 mins away from his place. He was leading the way with his DR650, but as the snow got deeper, he realised just how top heavy that beast can be.....so he backed off his pace & let me lead till we decided to turn around here as we were getting pretty cold by this point..... Then went back to his place, warmed up & then did some skeet shooting right on his property.....Great Fun! It sure must be nice to live on a 10 acre spread @ 4,100ft.......His 11yr. old best friend sure loves it..... Unfortunately, I found out today that I DIDN'T get the job .....The owner told me IF I was already living there, I woulda had it for sure. I'm still gonna keep trying to land some work over there though, as I'm totally sick of this soggy Sh*thole of a town that I've been living in all my life! I wanna move to Central Oregon & never leave!
  7. Departed last Saturday for Prineville where my brother lives....as I needed to be in Bend on Monday for a job interview. My timing wasn't bad as I was trying to dodge some snow showers that were occurring @ the pass on Hwy 26. Shoulda seen the looks I got from some punk-ass SnowBoarders in the parking lot of Mt. Hood SkiBowl as I 2-Wheeled through in the snow. I then went just up the road to Gov't Camp to top off the tank, where the pump-jockey referred to me as the StuntMan ..... I then forged on through the wet snow that fortunately wasn't sticking too well to the tarmac. Made it through the pass & out onto the plateau that leads across the Warm Springs Indian Rez. Pulled over @ Mill Creek for a stretch & to finally get some pics of this beautiful narrow, deep, rugged canyon....especially in the winter ..... Even got 1 of the underside of Hwy26....as I needed to duck outta site to take a piss! ..... Then made it down the next valley into the thriving Metropolis of Warm Springs Oregon ..... The Rainbow Market is where I always make Beer runs to when I'm visiting the Ka-Nee-Tah resort as they DON'T sell beer on the Rez, but they DO sell hard liqour ...a popular hang-out for all the local Drunk Indians
  8. Certainly can't argue with Alex's choice of the R7 ....as it brings back some great racing memories .... But without a doubt, this has gotta get my vote .... A Sweet Spondon-framed RD500
  9. Gotta be 1 of these new Bavarian StuntBikes complete with the projectile enhancing airfoil above the front wheel ......
  10. YamaHead

    F***king Ice!

    I bet Eddie doesn't have the GoNads to ride a bike in conditions like this though!..... He's nothin' but a Wuss hiding behind a Bad Vocabulary
  11. Yep.....this has become a 2nd refuge for the AC/RD lads Great to see some familiar names around here Of course this thread wouldn't be complete with a pic of this beaut...... Which I'm sure you guys know more about than I do
  12. WHAT?!.....You Wussin' Out Alan? .....just kidding mate I can totally relate.......Today, I'm about to embark on a 130 mile trek over to Central Oregon..... Going right past the SKI area where I've been skiing since I was 5yrs. old. Any other time of year, this'd be no prob......but seein' that it's ski season & my YamaHauler isn't quite sorted yet.....gotta forge through the snow with the XT I'd rather be hauling the XT in the back of my truck with the toasty warm heater on....but such is life I think you keeping your eyes peeled for a small 4x4 to use in the winter months, would be just the ticket for you But whatever you do......DON'T get yourself a big Yellow 2-Wheel Bavarian Tank like Cap'n Namby-Pamby 1 of those types is bad enough around here!
  13. A man escapes from a prison where he's been locked up for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money & guns. Inside, he finds a young couple lying in bed. He orders the guy out of bed & ties him to a chair. While tying the homeowner's wife to the bed, the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up & goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband whispers over to his wife: "Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He's probably spent a lot of time in jail & hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain.....do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry,! he'll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!" His wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he's gay, thinks you're cute, & asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!"
  14. Very practical ride!.....Make a great commuter The carbs are interesting (semi-down draft)...but are easily serviceable Pretty reliable from what I've heard
  15. That larger tank looks do be off a Daytona.....or an LC which are similar
  16. That explains the well placed jackstand & I thought those rear-sets looked familiar.....got the same on mine Seein' a RD sitting out in the weather can almost make a grown man cry I'm sure the difference of how it looks come this spring.....will be like night & day Thanx for your input on this thread Alan........it has your name written all over it mate
  17. I bet your tune will change when Summer get's here.
  18. YamaHead

    F***king Ice!

    Best Wishes on a speedy recovery Tomg Riding....& Skiing both have one thing in common........ You won't get any good @ it until you've fallen a few times!.....Fact of Life I'm afraid The most important part about falling....is that you've learned where you went wrong so as NOT to repeat the mistake Glad to hear that you & the TZR sound repairable Andy's right about off-roading.....not only does it really hone the riding skills..... You have a Helluva lotta FUN doing it!
  19. I find it interesting how a manufacturer can pick & choose what styling goes to which part of the world..... For example......A Japanese 250 with Daytona type styling ..... Another one from the land of the Rising Sun that has NO kick starter!..... But it DOES have the Ram-Air 1-piece head though.
  20. @ keeping your pillion happy....So you just had to buy a Beemer?.....likely excuse! Yep...A HardCore Moisture-Fearing BedWetter! Next thing'll be you towing that Adventure-Barge everywhere on a trailer.....in hopes to increase your washing intrevals
  21. Seems like Australia was the other place (besides N. America) that got the Daytona styling in '79 & '80 1 of my 400, which is oh so close to getting some attention from me as my YamaHauler project is nearly finished .....can't wait
  22. 1 from the ever-popular Street-Tracker genre' ......
  23. YamaHead

    Evil woman

    Wolves in Sheep's clothing they are!
  24. Now here's a fine example of Engineering Ingenuity ...... (2) RD350 motors built into a 700cc IL4.......looks great! I bet it's a Blast to ride! Now, I think it's about time we go & rattle LC's cage & get him to post a pic of his 400!
  25. Like LC said......the 1st thing that comes to mind is the pilot jet Definitely sounds like a carb related prob
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