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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Pedaling as fast as you could, were ya?
  2. Oh Yeah my friend......the one's that the Daytona was patterned after
  3. to the forum Kias have yet to own a 600XJ......But I have rode the hell out of a 550 & a 750 Got any pics of it?
  4. Akrapovic, Termignoni, Micron are among some of the best I suppose it really depends on how much you want to spend Have a look here for some others..... DennisKirk
  5. I like the names on the Yugoslavian Subs list
  6. Great minds think alike Merv That bike ran a very close 2nd on my list of choices
  7. So ya thinkin' of aquiring an XT are ya?..... Hope you like it as much as I like mine ......can't beat the simplicity.
  8. ...for a second that (if aren't already lucky enough to own your Dream Yamaha).....you could, if money, dosh, coin, cash or whatever it's referred to in your corner of the planet, was not an object..... So What would be your Dream Yamaha to own if you could? ..... Without a doubt.....this would be my 1st choice ..... A Sweet, Rainey replica polished Spondon-framed RD500 V4
  9. Think you're on the right track there GED.......that diagnosis does sound familiar with those symptoms
  10. 'APPY BIRFDAY! Dood Can barely remember when I turned 17.....seems like a Lifetime ago Have a good one ..... & hope that you get to @ least Ride on your birthday.....even if it is on a H*nda
  11. Yep.....A Divvy would be my suggestion for affordable & reliable 2-Wheel transpo Of course you guys over on that side of the pond have a much better selection to choose from than us BleedinYanks Always good news to hear of someone shopping for a Bike!
  12. to the forum Fallen Must say....you've picked a Helluva ride to jump into the Tuning Fork realm with
  13. I bet that DumbSh*t will think twice before he slags off anyone else in a chat room!
  14. YamaHead


    Could very well be that the carbs are outta sync now Can't remember if the FZ600 had the YICS head or not.......it should say YICS down on the small crankcase cover on each side......I don't think it does? A special tool is required for syncing the carbs on those YICS motors......one that I'm told is not available anymore!....(Half the reason I sold my Seca550) I think the best plan of action @ this point would be to shim the valves AND synch the carbs....& see what kind of results that leaves you with.
  15. YamaHead


    Don't think that's the case here Harry No restriction issues here in the states
  16. YamaHead


    Deb..... I'm just a BleedinYank from the PNW (Oregon).....& this is my current steed that I ride daily.... It's similar to your SR....only it's TWICE as big......an XT550 & If I can ever get a break from working & fixing up my house to sell.....My Baby here is going back on the road as well this year.... As far as indicators go.....maybe you should just look for some aftermarket items.....much cheaper that the originals & have a much cleaner look about 'em I know it's a Stateside website, but I found this to be quite handy for referencing...MotoGrid There doesn't seem to be any SR250's listed as they weren't imported to the states....but I reckon the SR500 info might apply in a few situations Hope it Helps some
  17. YamaHead


    Geez!...the TRUTH really hurts sometimes!
  18. YamaHead


    I got your PM, & thought it might help explaining things a bit with this pic I dug up..... 1st put the carbs into a vise with the fuel bowls facing upward......then systematically remove all 4 bowls, keeping them in the same order, along with the jets, floats etc......for easier reassembly. The items you want to make sure are really clean..... that are in the Fuel bowl section are: Main Jet Pilot Jet Float valve assembly......this can be removed by tapping the float pin out 1 side of the pivot mount with something thin & long like a pick or even a small nail. Once that pin is removed, the float will come right out with the valve seat semi-attached...(valve seat is part of the float valve assembly & you need to make sure it doesn't have a ridge worn into the rubber cone tip on the end of it...or else it won't shut the fuel off properly causing it to flood out. Be careful NOT to bend the Floats in any way as this will mess up your float levels The Main jet is the biggest & easiest to remove & clean.....the Pilot jet requires a rather small standard screwdriver to remove....making sure this small jet is clean will ensure your idling circuits are working correctly.....also it's a likely culprit of running poorly especially after a bike has sat for awhile. This same type of proceedure can then be applied to the tops of the carbs....exposing the slides, needles & Pilot Air jets which all need to be sprayed clean with carb cleaner. Before reassembly, make sure & spray clean all the orifices in the carb bodies themselves. Then begin reassembly in reverse order starting with the tops......also making sure there's no tears in the diaphrams around the slides & the needles are good & clean. Then flip the carbs once again to reassemble the fuel bowls......(If you keep all the parts layed out on the bench in an orderly fashion, it makes things a Whole lot easier when you get to this point ) Once you get the carbs reinstalled in the bike, turn your fuel petcock to the PRI position for about 10 seconds.....to allow the fuel bowls to fill up. Then turn back to the ON position & with full choke, hit the starter! Hopefully this'll eliminate your previous running problems. Hope this all Helps-- Let us know how make out with it
  19. YamaHead


    to the Forum Deb Real Bikers always work on thier bikes in the kitchen SR's have always been a fav of mine...... What's left to be sorted with it?
  20. YamaHead


    to the forum Jesse Sounds like you've definitely got issue's with those carbs still Did you clean 'em yourself?.......If so, Did you remove & clean each Main, & Pilot Jet individualy? It might also be the Air Jets in the top of the carbs...under the slide diaphram. If you get all those cleaned & reinstalled properly.....& the floats didn't get bent in the slightest way.... It should run like it's supposed to! PM me if you'd like me to steer ya through it.....pretty familiar with these carbs......as they're very similar to the carbs on my old Seca550.
  21. YamaHead

    Moto Gp

    He finished 4th after starting from 11th. Worked his way from as far back as 14th But he broke Biaggi's all time Career points record!
  22. I don't know how many requests I've got to be someone else's Dad since I've posted this! What can I say?....I Love My Kid! .....especially since he's a bit of a survivor like me... He had a 2lb. Cancerous tumor wrapped around his kidney when he was only a year old. They went in & took the tumor & the kidney......& he's had a clean bill of health ever since. I'm afraid an R1 is just a bit outta my price range Sir Tom I've only got a hard-earned $500 into the little XR....which is still less than I had into my lad's former PW50 steed.
  23. Since I just landed a new job starting on my lad's birthday next Tuesday... Decided to celebrate him turning 9 a little early ..... He was stoked about getting a proper bike......just got to face a bit of a vertical learning curve in coming to grips with the Clutch I figure by my birthday in June, he'll be ready to head over to Central Oregon with me & tear up my brother's 10 acre spread. After scrambling to fix an oil leak (bad clutch cover gasket) only an hour before I gave it to him ......I had a go on it just up the street......& I gotta say......the little beast goes pretty well for an 80cc Thump! ......can really feel the effect of the shaved flywheel & aftermarket cam.......she Revs like a stroker!
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