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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. HIPPY BARFDAY! mate
  2. Tell me this Bruce...... Did you ever have problems with your 550 leaking oil from the frame backbone? I've heard this is a fairly common issue with the 550...... I've fixed mine once already, but now it looks as if I'll have to do that again as I've just noticed it starting to leak from the same spot
  3. My Neck actually is a bit Red these days Bruce...........from being SunBurnt! Surprisingly.......my 550 doesn't backfire when I get off the WFO throttle position Thanx for that clarification though........I stand corrected
  4. YamaHead

    Born banned

    Then Cap'n Namby-Pamby is your guy! ......
  5. That'll be a nice little ride when you're finished there Lee. Nice Work so far
  6. Interesting..........My J model has all of those!
  7. Yeah....the Bus stop is just down the street..........Be Off with Ya!
  8. YamaHead

    i got a new toy

    Eddy'll have a Hay-Day with that Mozz This'll seriously tarnish your Enforcer status me thinks
  9. YamaHead

    Newb here ...

    aboard Mike! YZ's are the Sh*t.....whether they be 2-Stroke or 4
  10. Good Move Pete! Now where's the MozzMan when you need him?
  11. That's got less miles than my RD400! Looks like it could use a good cleaning, but everything seems to be there Potential for a nice little ride I think
  12. YamaHead

    Seca Turbo

    Never owned a Turbo Seca......but I have owned a 400 & (3) 550 Seca's What would ya like to know?
  13. These days.....Pete doesn't keep a bike long enough to barely run it in ......let alone wear it out! His alias isn't Cap'n Namby-Pamby for nuthin' ya know!
  14. No Concept model here.....I think they're just trying to get all their ducks in a row (so 2 speak)....before they head off to Europe to run it against the Big Boyz of MotoGP.
  15. Has that carb sat for any length of time? Cuz, with those symptoms.....it definitely sounds like a clogged pilot.....which is actually pretty easy to remedy....especially on a Single.
  16. Try pointing an UnLit propane torch @ the joints where gaskets are questionable while it's running..... If you have an air leak, the revs will pick up a bit.....thus sucking the propane fumes through any leaks that are there. Easy & cost efficient technique in finding those dodgy gasket related probs BTW...... to the forum mate
  17. Yup....A Max would make that ride a Walk in the Park
  18. You're close.......it refer's to the name Hardley Ableson.....aka Hardly Able to be a Motorbike!
  19. Hate to say it Vmax girl........but that's NOT Merv He's cleverly nicked that pic from supeRDerek on the AC/RD forum....who's obviously got nothing to hide!
  20. Not anymore Photoshopped than the Ride Report pics you post up Pete! Ain't NO Cajun's in these parts either! Just ALOT of hard-working blue collar types that love to fish & drink Beer on their free time. Visit anytime ya like V-Max girl..... Even though my office is actually 5+ miles away......I can still see the Sisters from there
  21. I've been doing a consistant 350-400 miles a WEEK for the past coupla months..... Finally got a chance to get some pics of the Tumalo Reservoir whilst out on an Early morning spin this last Monday...... This place is so quiet.....especially when it's only 5 or 6 miles away from my office ..... Not much Snow left on the 3 Sisters in the Background....but then again, the temps have been in the 90+F range lately Now if only I could just figure out a way to set up shop right Here!
  22. Know what you mean there mate...... I've got all new chain, sprockets, tire & bearings waiting for me to install on the XT this weekend. It's amazing how all that can smooth out the ride quality quite a bit You'll see what I mean when you get yours all sorted
  23. Sir Tom...... NO Self-Respecting Chain-driven Bike owner should be without one of these in his Tool collection ...... They can save you so much time & hassle......& well worth the price you'd pay for 'em
  24. I'd love to blitz down those roads on my XT! ....& I'm certainly NOT afraid of getting it dirty either! Nice report Pete!.....Looks amazingly similar to Central Oregon where I've been exploring this summer
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