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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Silicone Spray also works great on cables.
  2. Noticed that MERV was convienently left off that list Couldn't think up a good description?
  3. YamaHead

    Kenny and Baz

    Punk kids don't know what they've missed, eh Merv?
  4. That'd be the one! Used to have a Kerker 4into1 pipe on my old Seca 550.....which was nice, come oil change time..... the way the pipe was designed.....you could drain the motor without spilling a drop anywhere else.
  5. Look what the cat drug in!! It has been awhile Gav.......good to see ya again. Just read an article on the Triumph 675.......Nice Ride! I've always liked the exhaust note of those triples.
  6. to the MadHouse Joel Sounds like your assumption of the correct way to install that filter.........is Correct from what I recall (Previously owned 4 different Seca's ) Not quite sure what you mean by "Middle gear drain plug" though If your Seca has stock exhaust pipes....that main drain plug is kind of a Bitch to get to, but it can be done. It's located on the front of the sump on the bottom of the motor. Hope this Helps
  7. Go to a dealer with a good selection......just to try on helmets & see what fits the best. Then possibly mail-order your choice...(better price if you're not in a hurry) Bought an Arai like that once......for only $130 delivered to my door Arai, Shoei, AGV, KBC, Shark are just a few brands that make good lids.
  8. YamaHead

    Hello :)

    There's still hope for you then! to the Forum Goddess
  9. 1st of all........ to the forum Willy Sounds to me like your crankcase might have Too Much oil in it? Probably wouldn't hurt to do an oil change to eliminate that possible culprit. Those old XS11's are great for 2-up riding
  10. YamaHead

    Kenny and Baz

    Cool Vid Merv Glory Days for sure!
  11. It could very well be that backing plate making those noises There's some stuff you can buy (not sure where on your side of the pond )....but it's refered to as Disc Brake Quiet over here......it basically is like a sealant for the caliper piston to adhere to that backing plate. I remember it being a Non-Hardening type, sorta like a gasket sealer. Hope this helps @ least a little
  12. Vance & Hines Didn't see the '86 FZ600 listed.......but you could have a look @ Dennis Kirk I bougt a Kerker system for my old Seca 550 from them for a good price with great results
  13. Yep.....they don't call it EvilBay for nothing!
  14. Thanx for that link FIG51 Now that my XT has been put on the back burner for a few........ I've been looking into getting a Seca2, as it would fit my needs quite well
  15. This thread is NO worse than those Ride Reports with Beemers & Stroms from that Ginger-Haired Spanish/Welsh DumbArse
  16. Interesting Encounter there Zbiker Gotta make ya wonder why the Hell a Bike club rides all the way to the east coast from Seattle just for an Initiation ride?
  17. YamaHead

    Server Move!!!!

    Good to hear Alex Hopefully things will now smooth out
  18. Yeah......He wanted to be sure on How NOT to ride a bike!
  19. He just wants to make sure that all you UKers don't think he's on about Cigarettes(Fags)
  20. MOT's only apply to the other side of the pond Here in Oregon, we just have to pay the registration fee, title transfer, & have proof of Insurance...... To get current year tags for the plate. I believe California is pretty similar?
  21. Here's one I got just last Friday..... 11,000+ft. Mt. Hood......Highest peak in Oregon ....& where I've been Skiing since I was 5y/o
  22. Yep......he went well around corners.......back before too many racers used their knee's for feelers Just have a look @ those beveled boot edges!......I recall reading an Article about Mike The Bike once.... There was more than a few occassions where there was blood being emitted from those Boots!
  23. The only real way to get your XT dirty...... is to actually ride it in the DIRT! .......Not on some Panty-Waisted patio gravel shit! I'd like to see Pete try this with his XT sometime ...... I know it'll never happen though........That'd send him into convulsions!
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