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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Well, @ least some roads don't have potholes Merv. You should see the sad POS street I live on! .......It's No wonder I ride a DualSport!
  2. I kinda took my time on this trip Fosdyke...... But riding across Oregon can be done in a day if needed......(gotta have a good seat for that) I've been wanting to ride cross-country for quite awhile.......got a Bro who lives in Minnesota.....wouldn't mind going to Sturgis either......& Montana(the Rockies in particular) NEED to be experienced to be appreciated. My advice......take a Northern route across during late summer/early fall...absolute Breath-taking scenery up that way.
  3. Believe me mate......You're NOT the only ones with Corners.
  4. It didn't go off as planned......The boss gave my the ultimatum on Saturday afternoon.....told me I had to take my bike trip across Oregon NOW or not @ all!......Still don't know WTF is going on between her ears!! So, had to prep for long ride in 2 hours vs. the 2 days I had planned on.... Bike maintenence, packing of camping gear.....in that short of time, there was bound to be something I'd forget! & sure as Sh*t, there was......my raingear......spent 3 days dodging T-storms & fighting uncommonly high humidity for the Desert terrain I encountered. Across the pass....Mt. Hood viewed from east...... as seen from my favorite little PitStop location on Hwy26.... Tell ya 1 thing....this little town was WELL-named..... 'Cause Warm Springs is always roasting..... Looking back @ Mt. Jefferson as you drop down into this canyon.... The Deschutes river which runs through the bottom, is about the only way to cool off in these circumstances.....either that or buy some Beer & deal with the constant flow of drunk Indians that frequent the only store in town.....I'm sure the cops keep their quota's met just from patrolling the Rainbow Market......see them there more than the Indians. Managed to find an available campsite @ Tumalo state park when I got to Bend....which is always fun to get to......'cause it's located around the corner from here ..... But on this particular trip, spent most of the time dodging T-storms & trying to keep my gear dry! ...... I think somebody forgot to tell the weatherman that this is AUGUST! Well, after a re-assessment of my fuel fund....I decided to head back to the valley 'cause I sure as hell wasn't about to run outta fuel & $$ while I was in BFE (Bum-F*cked Eqypt) aka...the Middle of NOWHERE. Did manage to get this shot of 1 of only a few Covered Bridges left in Oregon. This one crosses the McKenzie river east of Springfield.... Rest assured.....I'll be doing this trip again......only next time, it'll be on MY schedule! where hopefully the weather will be better.
  5. YamaHead

    Craig Jones

    Just found out about this the other day! A very promising rider he was!......RIP Craig
  6. Frame & barrel look like old DT stuff...... But the cases look like something from early RD's.
  7. Not sure if the Specials will fit?....as they had twin shocks, & the fuel tank tunnel dimensions may vary? Maxims shouldn't be prob........but why change to a smaller capacity tank?.......unless for mechanical reasons of course.
  8. 1 things for sure..........if they sold 'em here..............I'd have 1!!! After seeing what my 1st gen. 550 has done in the past 4 years.......just don't think you can go wrong with ANY XT.
  9. I've done the same plug trick before, & it got me down the road for another month before I pulled off the tire & patched it myself from the inside with a patch kit......which then lasted me till the winter holidays.....for it's usual tire replacement interval. Cheap fix...& not really difficult to do, with the proper tools BTW.... to the forum Evzon
  10. to the forum Bill Kool little XS you scored there Getting those pipes clean can be done with some FINE grade steel wool, soap & water..... Then maybe hit 'em again with this? .... Disc brake upgrade:....stick with '79-?? XS400 or 650 Specials......most everything should bolt right up. New Battery is a must Fresh oil, plugs & fuel Lube all cables with Silicone spray Then Kick like Hell till she fires! Best of Luck with it.
  11. Just went out & dug up my factory service manual from my old 400 Seca..... Both, the Flasher relay & the Cancelling unit are located in the backbone of the frame behind the Ignition coils. Hope this helps.
  12. That's cuz Hardley's haven't changed any in all those years!! For what it's worth............Most 1980-82 XS 400, 650 bits will interchange with your $150 wonder. YOUR WELCOME FOR NOTHING!!!!
  13. Cut a slot in the bolt head with a hacksaw.....then have another go with the Impact driver w/ the standard screwdriver bit attached. It's worked for me before.
  14. Could also be something a simple as Too Much Oil in the motor?
  15. YamaHead


    Most Bitchin' of Rides there mate!
  16. YamaHead

    1981 xs 400

    Kool Feelin' Huh? Best of Luck with your XS......& post up some pics of it sometime!
  17. YamaHead

    new member

    Not sure what you mean Stonesie .... This is from my PhotoBucket acct...... Maybe it's a min. numbers of posts needed, before you can post pics?...... Gonna have to investigate this..... BTW..... to the forum.
  18. Welcome to the forum Gprbp. Place your inquiry HERE.... The site admin knows YamaThumps inside out......plus there's plenty of knowledgable help there as well.
  19. pretty common accurance Chicken...... Kind of a Mfg date vs. Title/Reg date type of thing Especially with '81-'83 XS, XJ's.....which they basically sold the same machinery & where cosmetic changes seem to be the only changes during those years
  20. YamaHead

    latest resto

    Nice Work there Merv!! these days.....the only 2smoke exposure I get is when I'm spanner-twirlin' on my 3cyl Outboard ....
  21. YamaHead


    to the forum XTstunter Definitely a head-turner for me is to see another YamaGirl join the ranks.....especally on an XT!
  22. YamaHead

    Yamaha xt550

    Could possibly be an issue with the Secondary barrel of your Carb....... sounds like it's not opening. Have a look HERE...for more exploded views.
  23. Sounds like those forks came off an XJ550 MAXIM...rather than the SECA I rode this for 13 years & know 'em pretty well..... Put around 40k on the clock on this 1 before I traded it in on my 3rd 550 I'd love to have the 400 back now.......Great bike......FYI....EBC pads & a steel-braided line can make a World of difference with that front brake ya know?
  24. Nice YamaThump there -XX-
  25. Right around 3 qts.
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