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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. Wow what a great find, well done and dont forget to post loads of picture of the restoration (i'm sooo jealous)
  2. sniff6

    Ebay ad

    Funny though http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160559216667&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT#ht_913wt_1135
  3. On the subject of fuel.....I found this about tips of the trade TIPS ON PUMPING GAS I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline.... but here in California we are paying up to $3.75 to $4.10 per gallon. My line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every gallon: Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose, CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline.. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons. Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps. When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money. One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount. Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom. To have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers. It's really simple to do.
  4. Here's a good way to clear the streets of prozies and hobo's lol
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKA2xLRoYG4&feature=related
  6. You've got too much time on your hands drewpy.I think you need to do the Concentration Test for Men Click on test….. Click Here
  7. LoL I hadnt even noticed that "CT 380" One of the best bikes i ever owned that Blue GT 380.... No i dont seem to have many pictures of me full stop . When i asked my mum why there are not many pictures of us as kids or as teenagers??? She just says it was expensive to have the films developed in those days !!!! WTF Tried to find one the same as mine,but found this:
  8. I would not say no to this!!! WOW what a noise...
  9. sniff6


    Have a look here Click me
  10. you just know where it's going when he says, "For insurance purposes, i 'll have to ride on the back" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lPBgtRLmIE&feature=player_embedded
  11. Wow i gotta get me one of these!!! Anyone know of one for sale
  12. What Is WD-40? And What Can It Do For You? It's the blue can with the oval yellow label and the red spray top with the tiny little red straw for directional spraying. But, WHAT IS...WD_40? Developed in 1953 by a fellow named Norm Larsen who was trying to invent a product for a rocket company, that would prevent corrosion, rust, and act as a degreaser. The name, WD-40, stands for water displacement 40th attempt. It does prevent corrosion, rust and is an excellent degreaser. But, it is so much more than that. IT'S A CLEANER: if you want to get under dirt, grime and grease, yep, use WD-40. It also dissolves adhesives, making for easy removal of labels, tape and bonding material. IT DISPLACES MOISTURE: it quickly dries out electrical systems and prevents moisture-induced short circuits IT PENETRATES: It will loosen rust-to-metal bonds and free stuck, frozen or rusted metal parts. IT LUBRICATES: Great for oiling a squeaky hinge or fan. IT PROTECTS: It protects metal surfaces with corrosion-resistant ingredients to shield against moisture and other corrosive elements. Some sites I have been to advise that it cures arthritis, but the official word is.. NO WAY..don't try it. Other than that disclaimer everything I have read about all of it's uses (2000 or more) is pretty phenomenal. I won't cover anywhere near 2000 but I will try to give you a blanket idea of this great product and it's uses. Cleans crayons and gum from just about everything: metal, vinyl, car seats, floor mats and dashboards in cars; toys, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops, walls, wallpaper and clothes. (I wonder if it would remove gum from hair)hmmmm. It cleans grime from your car engine, removes sludge from the engine block, cleans and protects chrome on cars, cleans sidewalls on tires and shines whitewalls. Prevents rust everywhere, i.e. doors, spark plugs, windshield wipers, and more (reminds me I need to spray some on those rusty spots on my car). Oh it keeps locks and spray nozzles for windshield washers from freezing, and defreezes doors. (That's really exciting to me, because now I won't have to use my hammer claw to pry open my frozen car doors.) I wonder if it would also work on ice covered windows, you know, spray it on before the ice settles and then just watch slide it off. Voila, no scraping!!! Oh I love this one..it softens and dissolves dried manure from shoes. Prevents calcium buildup on sprinkler heads. Cleans patio door glide strip. Removes water spots from mirrors. Cleans and protects underside of cast iron skillets. Removes ink from carpet. Cleans bottoms of pots and pans. Cool, Cool, Cool Keeps paint from sticking to paint brushes. Protects inner machinery in toilet against corrosion. Great for keeping chiggers from eating the kidlings when they are playing in the grass. And, for those of you who live down south it will take the sting and itch out of a fire ants sting. (wonder if it works with mosquitoes).
  13. Yamaha TR 1 1981 so it does look similar ummm....
  14. Thats one sweet bike Runningdog,mind you so is drewpy stock xs
  15. Norton ha ha love that jaguar Green colour, nicer than racing Green...
  16. Not quite an XS, But a SR400 Cafe racer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_dlKPtwVTE Reminds me of an old Triumph or BSA
  17. Found this if it helps http://rddreams.com/index.php?product_id=58&page=shop.product_details&category_id=7&flypage=flypage.tpl&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=58&vmcchk=1&Itemid=58
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