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Everything posted by sniff6

  1. Modified cars v Stock Bike (again) but worth a watch anyway
  2. Some serious bike skills and i dont even like the unlicensed Tw*ts.
  3. Have you been wanting to try out our product? Now with "The Sampler" you can try all 4 of our Dream Beard oils. Each bottle size is 1 dram and will give you a weeks worth of product. They're set up just like our large bottles made of glass and with a dropper for better application. http://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/160094213/the-sampler Wish i had a beard now :bawling:
  4. Just a quick heads up people.As the title says: The government has made some changes to the regulations for Continuous Insurance of vehicles in the UK. From 16-12-2013 it will no longer be necessary to renew a SORN every year as long as you remain the owner of the car. But if you sell a car on a SORN, the new owner will need to register it to himself and declare his own SORN. The SORN does not pass from one keeper to another. http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/news/miscellaneous/2013-12/no-need-to-renew-sorn-from-16-12-2013/ Also read this as it looks like the government has had an epiphany http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/10501694/Vehicle-tax-made-simpler.html
  5. Birthday wishes to you sir...
  6. For those of you expecting a X BOX 1 this xmas,You probably wont have time to eat a full dinner and trimmings...So here found this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2518740/The-stomach-churning-Christmas-dinner-GAMERS-Tin-containing-course-meal-means-time-wasted-kitchen.html Sorted
  7. About 18 months ago i had a young chap spin out of control and hit my lorry. Because he had his seat belt on he only had a broken collar bone (from the seatbelt)
  8. Husband Convicted Of Manslaughter After Dutch Oven Goes "Horribly Wrong" http://www.ronsonwriter.com/content/view/69/9/ They argued that Mr Flannery had miscalculated two crucial factors which led to the tragic outcome. The first being Mrs Flannery's military tucking in of the 600 weight cotton sheets when she made the bed that morning, which created a near airtight seal . Secondly, Mr Flannery had neglected to remember that he had attended a long business lunch at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane that day, at which he had consumed a dozen onion Bajees, eight Poppadom, six Samosas, and an extra large beef Vindaloo with garlic naan, all washed down with 8 pints of Guinness beer. The resulting trapped wind, which he released within a 6 inch proximity of Mrs Flannery's face, came in at around 6 litres gas of 95% methane by volume.
  9. Hi Meatloaf and welcome to the friendliest forum on the net.
  10. Great little find you got there mate.Good luck restoring her...Tried finding some info for you but only this video (not that is much help sorry)
  11. Another amusing ebay listing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WICKID-SICK-FORD-FIESTA-ZETEC-S-BLACK-/281215965595?nma=true&si=2X1B2oTcHTYqiinPx9VBFOOrD2I%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&clk_rvr_id=555722206619
  12. Dont know if you saw this on the news the other day,But this is quite an amazing story of survival... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=51e_1385934620
  13. sniff6

    Grab a cuppa,

    Thanks jimmy although i must admit i've seen it before, but always worth another look thanks.
  14. Crikey Jimmy Welcome to our world.I always use http://www.flvto.com/ (Admin delete link if it breaks any rules)
  15. I always found a GPMG and a box of 200 a better option foams
  16. next we'll be having "WARNING: BRICK WALL TWO FEET AHEAD" Health and safety have gone mad in this country . Some of my favorites:
  17. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10480421/PCSO-sues-landowner-after-tripping-over-fence-investigating-break-in.html So now if you call plod and they hurt themselves ,Look up it could now prove costly !!! (i know it was a blind school,But come on a 3ft high fence)
  18. This page needs more Butter Full version below
  19. Some Brilliant acting to get the message across.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qrdckrjACw
  20. Americans Try To Place European Countries On A Map http://www.buzzfeed.com/summeranne/americans-try-to-place-european-countries-on-a-map?bffb And just to be fair to them.... http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/its-thanksgiving-so-we-asked-some-brits-to-label-the-us-stat Give it a go and see how you fared (Be honest)
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