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vmax girl

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  1. vmax girl replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    ah,but not all females are same,Crucades...
  2. vmax girl replied to BrewTrooper's post in a topic in General
    you need plugs for a RST,helmet, i know i,v got one....
  3. cbt

    vmax girl replied to vmax girl's post in a topic in General
    hello,Denise....Honda cbr,a nice bike,...i,m 5-5,good luck to your mate on his new bike...i love the vmax,pillion or riding,got a chance to ride my friends vmax,wow oh wow...now just have to pass test...soon i hope,...
  4. vmax girl replied to mavron's post in a topic in General
    hi,and welcome
  5. vmax girl replied to Rogue One's post in a topic in The Bar
    hello,and welcome,from the southwest of England,
  6. vmax girl replied to deniseYZF_R6's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi,and welcome Denise,
  7. vmax girl replied to Boozehound's post in a topic in General
    its no wonder the thieving little buggers get away with it,....there should be punishment to fit the crime,...and taking someones stuff is so not on in books,...hope the same happens to them,thiefing little,buggers
  8. vmax girl replied to Boozehound's post in a topic in General
    sorry to read about your bike,....hope you are back on two wheels soon...and all the best in finding your bike,.....if you catch the buggers,teach them a lesson,,,,,not to touch other peoples stuff....
  9. vmax girl replied to jaserabbit's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi,welcome to the site,...i hope you are making up for lost time,...happy biking
  10. vmax girl replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    waaa hoooo,i was lucky enough to go to the ace cafe,and then taken brighton.....what a ride,and oh my god how manic are people,up there ...eg...i lost count by the number of car drivers talking on there mobiles..while driving.... ....thank goodness, i live here in cornwall,,,,,ace cafe, i shall be visiting again,
  11. vmax girl replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    ...my name is not on the list.... its a good read ..i can relate,to some of the names...very fitting i must admit..
  12. vmax girl replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
  13. vmax girl replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    no where,is out of reach if you have bike...we went inverness,from cornwall,you live in a very lovely part of the world,...i shall be visiting,again,.....see if you can make the martin jennings run for next year,it good fun,and the route,is all coastal,roads.....
  14. vmax girl replied to kendo phil's post in a topic in The Bar
    very,very,well said kendo phil....
  15. vmax girl replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    now that was a sight i would have liked to have seen,...all those bikes,i was on the martin jennigs run,1060,bikers turned up,and a far bit raised for charity,....was anyone from here,on that run....???