Everything posted by NEV
Got Pulled for F All (Again)
Take a flask of coffee or tea, and if you do get stopped at night, and its freezing cold, which it more than likely will be, get it yer rucksack, and then in front of the plod, drink it lovingly, nay infact slurp it in front of him, it'll make him feel colder trust me.
best piston kit for dt125r
Mitaka pistons are pretty much the standard ones people go for, Wiseco, and Wossner are a touch dearer but better if funds allow, I'm having a re-bore done for a 4mm oversized molybedenum coated Wossner piston myself very impressed with the quality of the piston. Definately avoid the £19 Ebay cheap Korean ones you see on there, totally rubbish. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Dt125 r poor throttle response / poor low rpm power / great power band ?
Aye whip off the exhaust krodge, and run your finger at the top of the port, the powervalve should be flush with the top of the port if its all set up properly, if not I'm sure theres a thread in here on how to set it up properly, only a ten minute job. but like I said earlier also clean air filter and either clean plug and check its gap, or better still bang a new 'un in, preferbly an Iridium one.
Dt125 r poor throttle response / poor low rpm power / great power band ?
Hi Krodge, it's normal forum protocol to introduce yourself in the newbies section mate, that said, it sounds like you have the powervalve pinned open, instead of having a servo fitted that controls the powervalve all the way through the revs, I'm presuming you don't get a deal until around 7k revs, then all of a sudden you get an almighty kick up the back end when it takes off? if thats so, you need to get a powervalve servo and cables and pulley, depending on what year your bike is, dictates which servo you need, up to a 1999 DTR you'll need a 3 wire servo, after that you need a 5 wire one. If you have a DEP aftermarket exhaust, has the carb been upjetted to suit? normal main jet is usually #210, see if a #240 helps it run better, other than that air filter, new Iridium plug, generally helps out a fair bit, and again depending on your year of DTR there are other restriction you need to sort out, a search in here will help with the de-restrictions for your model bike. Hope this helps.
WTF of the week ?
If you stare at it, then blink rapidly whilst looking at a light coloured wall, you can still see it. spooky
dt 125 tenere help with parts
Let me know the model and year, I'll sort you out the partnumbers you need
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
You need yer tom tom sorting John, Andorras in the pyrennees mate not the Alps
Picked this up the other week, needed a fair bit of a tickle up, loom was totally buggered, and it wouldn't start, and needed a couple of panels. This is how I got the bike I was going to go to town on it and strip it right down, then do a total rebuild, but my eldest daughters boyfriend has just done his CBT, and I said he can use it till he does his direct access. so basically I'm getting it tidied up so it's roadworthy, and through the MOT, I've pretty much got all the bits I needed such as panels, sprayed up tank, re-upholstered seat, a servo for the powervalve, and a few other bits and bobs. Managed to sort all the loom out, new Iridium spark plug, air filter, changed and re-jetted the carb, starts up and runs sweet now, and starting tomorrow I'll be getting it all put back together again. Seat recovered and shaped, plus a fancy cut out. More pics to come
women shits in store
I eat sweetcorn just to jazz mine up a bit.
Bad van, funny advert on fleabay
I'll keep my eye out for it in Torquay.......................scrappers
Water loss
If it does turn out to be the head gasket like Airhead says, use either a genuine Yamaha or an Athena one, not a cheapo off Ebay, or you'll be replacing it again in about 3 weeks time, I take it you checked all your hose connections too? as water will usually only leak from them whilst under pressure, meaning they probably wont leave tell tale puddles on the floor overnight.
whats your preference.....
There's a cream you can get from the doctors for that Kev.
dt 125 year model identification
Hi Careless, usual forum protocol, is to introduce yourself in the newbies section mate as your first post, that said your bike is a 1974 Yamaha DT125 FA/B
Dtx125 vforce reed block
Give Dave a bell, at http://www.roadanddirtperformancebikeparts.co.uk/
another idea...
Had to sacrifice my spare wheel, so as to put the 79L LPG tank in its place.
I really want your helps.
The DT Lanza is a 230cc engine, you have a DT200R, have I misread something along the way?
Jimmy Saville
Even Rolf Harris's name been mentioned, apparently he did two little boys back in the 60's
Cheers DT much apreciated. This is the 4dl exhaust I'll be needing, I'll put a shout out in the wanted section also, just incase someone has one kicking about somewhere
Please help massive mistake!!
You'll be fine, just drain it all out into a jerry can/petrol container, like I said earlierdilute it right down with more petrol and use the fuel for your lawn mower if you have one.
Please help massive mistake!!
did you try and start it then?
Well they say a picture paints a thousand words, so heres a little project I'm on at the minute A 92 TZR 4DL2 Belgarda engine, with a 4mm oversized Wossner DT piston, 38mm Keihin carb, mated up with a 4DL CDI,allowing the revs to get to 13k, just need a DTR frame with a V5, and it'll be good to go. It'll either go bang, or will go like fook Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Please help massive mistake!!
Drain it all out, plus the carb float bowl too!! hopefully you realised your error before you tried to start it up?, then FILL tank up with petrol again, and then you should be o.k. My missus did this a few years ago but put petrol in the diesel Omega, one local garage wanted £100 to drain the system too! the robbing barstewards, if needs be, you can get away with about 20% mixture of diesel to petrol, and visa versa I think it is
another idea...
The poles have it sussed i have seen mini's with lpg from poland. Funny you should say that Cynic, the place where I had mine done at Ozon in Plymouth is a garage run either by Poles or Russian mafia,
Fueling troubles?
Not sure about 4 carbs, but my old twin carbs I had on my old MG Midget and MG1100 would bolt onto a mini engine no problem.
I'm TOO Old I tell you! TDR 250 1989 er...Modified a bit
Bloody lovely bike that is, am wondering if one of those pipes will be better than a DEP pipe system, for the TZR 4DL Belgarda engine I'm sorting at the minute?