Everything posted by NEV
DT 175 MX Project
Fairy Jobmother
Fair play, pilninggas, appreciate your response, and maybe I got overdefensive also, but due to a few, *rseholes trying to buck the system, many genuine people do tend to get tarred with the same brush, so to speak,and yes the government is right to root the bad ones out,it's just that some genuine people are also paying the price, you read about it every day.
bike ident
I'd love to take on a project like that, but the wife has promised to leave me, if I take on any more waifs and ...............,PM me your number
The Darwinian awards 2011
Cracker, mind you always thought the Darwin awards were people dying doing daft stuff, therefore reducing the gene pool of these idiots.
Fairy Jobmother
Not too sure what point your trying to put over here pilninggas, I think you're trying to make out that people with diabetes are malingerers? well I too have diabetes, fair enough, not the type where you have to inject yourself every day, but I do have to take 3 blood tests, everyday (myself) to check it doesn't get too high, and also take a shit load of medication for it. Mine comes with it's own leg ulcer (see pics) that doctors seem a little concerned about, as if it gets much worse, there may be a possibility I'll have to have an amputation below the knee, great ey? but not to worry though, as I can have my car/bike converted so I can still drive, the only thing I've got to worry about is not doing very well in arse kicking competitions. "Ah but you probably brought it on yourself" I hear you say," bet he gets through 5 big bottles of coke, 3 or 4 cakes, pizzas, numerous packets of crisps, all day and everyday" .........nope!!! I contracted mine through having to take very strong steroids, for a blood disorder called ITP, (google it, basically it's very similar to Leukemia, infact I've been having chemotherapy, as treatment for it) I won't even bother go on in detail about the 3 previous heart attacks I've had, only to say you don't get a sign grow on the top of your head, saying so, just 3 large scars on your heart, that you can only see with a scanner. Plus the stent they inserted into a main artery there. But I probably would agree, that if you were to see me working on a bike, you'd probably think " theres f*ck all wrong with that bloke" Theres an old adage about not judging someone till you've walked a mile in their shoes, trust me you wouldn't want to be in my size 11's right now. Still laughing yourself silly? My biggest weakness? take yer pick
Help to test coils aerox 100 non runner
Aye I'll go with that
New shocks - anyone have a review on these?
Hi exess, Aye the shocks look good, but are to keeping within a budget?, standard looking? new? second hand? the only reason I ask is that theres other stuff out there too. take a look at these Marzocchis, decent twin shock set up, and I can reccommend these as I had them on my 750/4. heres a link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laverda-Jota-180-1000-Marzocchi-Shock-Absorbers-/280687788860?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item415a4bc33c
Tried to awake the Bandit from hibernation
Nice one OG, she is a cracker mind,
Help to test coils aerox 100 non runner
Going by what you've written Joe, it can be a multitude of things that could be the fault, and some times it's not just one thing but two, or even three things all being faulty at once. The fact you've had it started, and it wasn't coughing or spluttering isn't that bad, it soungs like the 5 mins you got out of it, could be the float chamber emptying of petrol as normal, but possibly the actual float sticking, therefore not allowing anymore petrol into the chamber. The weak spark could be anything from cap being nfg, HTlead breaking up, graphite inner core HT leads do have a habit of this, the 2 terminals on the coil may be corroded and not making a proper connection,(you say its been stood for over a year)also check the terminal blocks and clean the terminals that go into the CDI thats caught me out a few times myself, can't say I'm familiar with the Aerox engines, although the early Aprilia SR 50's as the one I have does have the same early Aerox engines, it's just that I havent had the no start symptems as you have,hope this helps,let us know how things develop, as it may also help the next chap that comes along with similar problems.
YOC T-shirt
I'll just be happy if you can get one in my size, bugger whats on it!!!!
dtr 125 want start
Nice one, a result then ey? ride safe!!
DT50MX Gianelli exhaust
My lad, put a Gianelli reverse exhaust on his scooter, and dont think that was restricted, but generally if an exhaust is restricted, it is because it has a cone shaped washer, spot welded on the inside of the flange, which can be removed with a dremel tool on the 3 spot welds and a small cold chisel, or big flat head screwdriver. Yes it will increase power, as it is a performance/sports exhaust, but don't expect too much from it mind. Hope this helps some.
new 1100 w/ a cold
Isn't it a colour tune you need to do? and I think theres a few walk thruough's on youtube.
D Day 6th June 1944
There was a hell of a lot killed down here at Slapton Sands, just practising for the D-day invasions, what between U-boats, Royal Navy, and Artillery, kept very hush hush under the 50 year secrets act, big monument now for those who did die mind. Very sad.
DT50MX carb
Yup, go up in stages of 5% higher, than the original size, , e.g if you have an .88, 5% would roughly take you to .92, and so on, then check by doing a plug chop, checking the colour of your plug, black meaning too rich white being too lean, you'll need a beige colour to be about there.
What other Hobbies
something to do with the pigs bladder not being Kosher?
ran fine yesterday, today BLAHHHH
Don't forget to 'prime' your new air filter with oil, before refitting, most use 2t oil,
engine oil
Have a butchers here Rev, I know it says cars, but put your reg number in , it will still find reccomended oil for your bike http://www.castrol.com/castrol/iframe.do?categoryId=9024084&contentId=7044829 Or try here with bike model search http://www.castrolmoto.com/en/oil_selector.php Hope this helps
Help with dtr125 1989 bottom end assembly
These any help?
What other Hobbies
English Martial arts? is that like 'Ecky Thump? as practised by Northerners? http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Ecky-Thump
Duke Motorcycle
It's either trying to pass a tennis ball, or it's a very small staffy, with springs on each paw, and the pic has caught it mid bounce Nice bike btw
Heres a good link for ratios, download it to your desktop, very handy, http://www.dansmc.com/mc_software.htm scroll down towards bottom of the page for the download. Nev
Rappers delight
Oh aye deffo, Ionly saw the full version of the Madness one last night , wow weird its on right now on itv4
Good evening
Hi and welcome, it was 77 when I first turned the key, twisted wires together before that
Rappers delight
Saw that earlier good innit This was on TV earlier too, <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE?version=3&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE?version=3&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE?version=3&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object> It's all the various parodies of this advert, that cracked me up mind. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=old+spice+commercial&aq=1&oq=old+s