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I hear they do taste very nice, but what was going on in the head of the first bloke to try it, thats what always gets me, whereas us down here slice up a spud, batter it and call it a potato fritter.
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9What no deep fried battered mars bar? call yerself a scotsman?
carb p***ing it out !!!!!
Sounds like your float needle, or float isn't sitting properly, carefully take off carb, undo the 3 screws at the bottom of your carb so you get into the float chamber, check needle or the bar/pin that holds the float in place then, carefully put back on carb, as tilting it can make the bar/pin come out.
Virago XV750
P.m'd mate to your message box
Virago XV750
Hi Ben and welcome m8, don't know a deal concerning Viragos m8, but If you are near to Valencia I can put you on to a bloke who does.
Hi from a total noob
Have a look at the Paris Dakar Renthal handlebars, I put some on my Rieju, and will be finding some for my DT as well, being a gnats willy off 6'5" myself I found that I was riding hunched over the handlebars, until I put the Paris Dakars on, which changed my riding position no end, not only are they a little higher, they are slightly wider too, the only problem I had was I had to change the clutch cable to a universal longer cable, as the original one was about 4" too short, hope this helps.
power band kicks in to high :(
Either your servo isn't working or you have a power valve locked at open, pin it half way if you can.
Good Evening!
Hi, and welcome, Richard, is it the Rotax 122 or 123 in bike? am thinking of sorting a 122 myself at the min, for putting into a Motorhispania.
I like the way thay put this underneath the photos on the web site Emergency Kittens Here to cleanse your mind from the above imagery.
Hi and welcome to the forum, good luck with your lads bike btw, I did the same for my eldest daughter 7 years ago, for her 16th. bought the dt50mx as a frame and box of bits, spent weeks rebuilding it to showroom condition, and a week after her getting it she told me she didn't want it any more, cos she couldn't get used to the gears going up the hills around here, that's kids for ya huh?
Hi Jack, welcome to the forum,and what a cracking introduction, good luck with your new bike, you must be well made up! Good luck getting into the RAF also.
New Guy
Hi Geoff, welcome mate
A good call for putting up a Project thread.Seeing as I picked up my frame and swingarm yesterday, I'll take advantage,and post my project up here for all to see, and hopefully it may help others who are thinking of starting their own project As said earlier I just picked up my frame and swing arm from powdercoating yesterday, I just have a few more bits and bobs to sort out first i.e re-spraying tank,new wiring harness, and rear shock, then I can start getting on with the re-build. This is how it used to look, up to a few weeks ago Yes it looks o.k but the plastics seem to hide a multitude of sins theres rust everywhere, plus all linkages were seized up after previous owners neglect to lubricate with grease. After stripping everything right down and cleaning in a parafin bath, the frame and swingarm were in need of a good shotblast and powdercoating My shiney frame and swingarm A little tip, if you are sending any stuff for powdercoating try and use old screws/bolts to put into threads and cover up any places where there are bearings, with large penny washers, wood cutouts, and long bolts, otherwise you be tapping clean threads and reaming out bushes for a day or two, Sorry but pinks not really my colour, 'Rover Tara Green'will be the new colour after a good clean and wirebrush Made my own spring clamp with 16mm threaded bar, some 8mmx 25mm flat bar, 8xm16 nuts, cable ties to hold together, a bit heath robinson but works, cost me about a fiver I reckon. A cleaned and re-sprayed rear shock, looking much better than before.
Help / Advice needed please
I f still no joy after you've tried what Cynic and DT have suggested, have a look at the HT lead and cap, it's more than likely its the original 82 setup so may need replacing, if its solid twisted copper wire in the HTlead go for the coil, if its graphite in the HT lead it could be breaking up, just a thought.
Help / Advice needed please
Eeeeeeewwwww DT really!!!! mind you I did watch him lick his balls once and said to the missus how much I'd like to be able to do that, she reckoned if I chucked him a bone he might let me
Help / Advice needed please
I think mines not got too long left, he's been ill a couple of weeks now, and it's killing me getting up at 5.00am to bark at the postman
Help / Advice needed please
19982DT50MXowner Forum ettiquette dictates that your first post should be in the new members bit, introduce yourself,tell us a bit about your bike, maybe even pictures, but to first come on here and ask advice, well you'll be waiting a long, long time for an answer mate. BTW barkwindjammer been meaning to ask you, is that your staffy? or just used pic cos it's funny? cos mines a double of that one, but has greyer dreads, as he's knocking on for 11
First Bike
Reading Fuff66UK's thread about him trying to find his first bike, and good luck to him finding it too btw, I got to thinking about my first bike, it was a Honda c50, me and my mate went halves on at £14 quid back in 77, and he kept it at his house cos he had a helmet, lol he's got a nice 'busa nowadays, the bastid, so what was your first bike, and I don't mean something you were riding off road at 11, but road legal aged 16 onwards? Uploaded with ImageShack.us Don't know about whether I'd want it today or not, I do wish though I'd kept my 750/4 k2 mind.
Trying to trace my old bike
Trying to trace my old bike
Hmmm, ya try and help people,
mentos and coke
Brother in law rang me other week asking how to shut up a rookery, next to where he keeps his caravan, I told him to do this with mentos and coke, but he darent do it, bottles gone, lol, and funny thing is he works for coca cola.
New in Barnstaple RXS100
arroit bay, often at Poughill, fav place
Trying to trace my old bike
Make up a licence plate with your old bikes reg number, put it on your present bike, go to your nearest regular petrol station, fill up , then drive away with out paying, I reckon you'll find out within the hour, if the cashier recognises you.
Sorry to be a pain lads but....