Everything posted by NEV
'73 Yamaha MX250 for sale,or parts!
Tri power, could I suggest you advertise your bike at $310.00 dollars, so that if you do sell your bike and I hope you do, could contribute the extra $10 dollars, towards the running costs of the forum, as that would make everyone happy, you for selling your bike from within this forum, and the members who have already dug deep into their own pockets, the membership fee of a minimum of £5, which gives them the benefits of being able to sell stuff on here, just a thought. Nev
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
You just want to get out of the washing up.
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Aye DDT, a good idea to put in the bank holidays too, could make an extra day for the meet. I'll go edit and add the dates
supporting the taliban
This sort of thing gets right up my nose http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-14910655 How dare they?
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Thought I'd put some weekend dates for next year, mainly as there will be dates certain members won't be able to make due to previously arranged commitments,ie, wedding anniversaries, bar mitzvas, ingrowing toe nail operations booked, etc, as at the minute the only thing for certain, is when people deffinately can't make it I originally, put down June and July, as these two months are generally the best in the year for getting the good weather, and surely we can't have 2 years on the trot for the shitty weather, can we? I'll show the weekend dates for May and August also, just in case they are more in line with any bike club meets occuring then, making it more attractive for lads/lasses, to want to come down. Merv, your knowledge of local club rideout meets will be of a big use here mate. OG has thrown the Plymouth megaride onto the table, and that's in August, maybe the alternate rideout you mentioned, on that day could also be considered? Any way the weekend dates for 2012 MAY Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th, Monday 7th(Bank holiday) Friday 11th, Saturday 12th, Sunday 13th, Friday 18th, Saturday 19th, Sunday 20th. Friday 25th, Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th. JUNE Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd. Monday 4th, (Bank holiday) Tuesday 5th (Bank holiday) Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th, Friday 15th, Saturday 16th, Sunday 17th, Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th, Friday 29th, Saturday 30th Sunday 1st July JULY Friday 6th, Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th, Thursday 12th (Northern Ireland Bank holiday) Friday 13th, Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th, Friday 20th, Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd, Friday 27th, Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th, AUGUST Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th, Monday 6th (Scottish bank holiday) Friday 10th, Saturday 11th, Sunday 12th, Friday 17th, Saturday 18th, Sunday 19th Friday 24th, Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th, Monday 27th (Bank holiday, except Scotland) Friday 31st, Saturday 1st Sept, Sunday 2nd Sept, Regarding the camp site, the field is generally used as a hay meadow, and camping dates would be determined by when Phil has been and mown it, for silage, but that wouldn't mean the end of the earth, as there are a fair few other camping sites around here.
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Oh hello, the excuses are starting look, You're just going to have to set off earlier Gordo
78 dt 175 kickstart help
Thats why god then went and invented the XT600eeeeeeee
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Really sorry to hear that Merv, hopefully you'll find something soon, and maybe even better than where you are now. Kev, totally understand about the distance problem, unless you are hardcore like John, Pat and Jim, riding a distance of more than say 150 miles, with maybe a couple of stop offs to break it up, is a Herculean task. The main thing I'm trying to do here though, is to generate an interest first and foremost, as If theres no interest in having a meet then its pointless trying to organise it. I reckon a realistic idea of a fair turn out would be in the region of something between 15 to 25 bikes, and because of people dropping out due to unforeseen circumstances, which we all know can happen, I reckon allowing for drop outs/ can't make its, 35 to 40 people need to be initially wanting to go. The main problem I would've said, wouldn't actually be the distance but the cost of getting down here, that would be a couple of lads going dutch, on getting hold of a hire van,chucking the bikes in the back and the diesel to get down here and back up home again, or banging a bike trailor on a car or van, and then fuel, I doubt you'd get much change out of £250, but split 2 or 3 ways it wouldn't be too much of a hardship,mind you for some it would be, and thats understandable, but thats why I started this now, to give people plenty of time to organise finances. I'd like to make it as cost free as possible for those that did manage to make it down here, I'll even stump up myself, chucking a few bob to the farmer, as a bit of a sweetener(decent drink), sort out a portaloo, and a free full english hopefully with the local pub, on the Saturday, Sunday mornings, for all that'd turn up. But like I say, let's see what interest it generates.
dtr125 speedo cdi derestricting problem
More often than not the tail tidy comes with a light, check out the Acerbis ones on Ebay, for an idea
dtr125 speedo cdi derestricting problem
ha,ha,ha aye proper Padiham lass
dtr125 speedo cdi derestricting problem
As me dear old Gran used ta say "what holds a lot, holds a little"
my ol toy (1990 dt 125 r)
Thats just crazy,Tell ya what, let me give you some prices Dave, new rear piston and seal kit, £25.00, EBC brake pads rear, £16.00, the two concertina caliper rubbers dust seals £15, say £60 quid with pnp, second hand caliper on Ebay anywhere between £30 and £50 ish, hopefully decent pads come with it, oh and you'll deffo need another brake disc, your call mate. The twat want lynching allowing stuff to get like that, who did his MOT? Stevie Wonder,in a rush?.
'79 DT175MX.... Let the fun begin!!
One of those spring loaded grabbers you can buy from the poundshop come in useful for things like that,, send it down through the washer, then press the spring doo dah at the top, so the 4 little tines open up at the bottom, past the washer, and bring back out, IN THEORY lol.
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Totally agree Drewps, and try and work it around then theres a weekend BMAD meeting, or the west country bike show, it would be nice if two or 3 people were to help organise it too, not just me on my own, say somebody to work out a bike rideout route on the Saturday , get in touch with a pub on the route for some scran, maybe someoene sort out the Sunday rideout, same thing, MERRRRRRRVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIINNNN
'78 DT125 / 175 - Spot the Differences!?!
Looking good Mike, with hindsight theres a couple of things I now wish I'd powdercoated instead of spraying, the yokes and rear brake lever, are a couple I can think of, I see you used soap and water to clean down the engine, you are a braver man than me, I used a baby bath and parafin, and then sprayed afterwards with clean parafin in an old spray bottle, I wouldn't want any rust getting hold inside the barrel or ports, plus those wires coming out of the magneto, treat them with care they are old and easily broken within the protective plastic outer casing, as I found out to my peril, and £35 for a second hand stator. Keep up the good work mate. Nev
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
To be perfectly honest, I just wanted to throw it out there, to see what sort of feedback came from it, I do realise theres a few lads from fields afar, but I wanted to start the ball rolling now, rather than say end of March, as it gives people who are interested, the ability to book time off from work, get permission off loved ones etc, I dare say Merv and a few of his RD buddies would maybe try and organise something and come down for it, it's only the fact that I have a fair deal of time on my hands that I'm able to organise something, and like I say it's all about feedback, even last week somebody mentioned Brighton for a meet up, well if thats the consensus choice then Brighton it is, to be honest for the last 7 years, exept for last year come June/July time, I've usually been on my jollies with around 20 geordies, to Spain, but since I've been diagnosed this DVT, and ITP by the hospital, I've had to dip out from travelling abroad.
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Well as everyone and his dog knows, recently there was a meet up with some of the members in here, at the 2 stroke meeting at Squires, in Yorkshire, and I for one was envious, as I would loved to have gone but was unable to, the fact you can have the craic with lads in here but the chance of actually meeting up, and putting a face to a name, is pretty slim, soooo, what I was going to suggest, is next year sometime, more than likely June, or July, and hopefully getting the decent weather we're attributed with down here in Devon, a mass gathering of members from within the forum. I have a mate who's a local farmer, I could aproach, to let us use a field he has, so no costs for camping, although I'd maybe need to sort a portaloo. So basically I'm throwing this onto the table, see what interest it generates, how many, which weekend would be best for people, etc. I make it 9-10 months from now, so should be plenty time to organise, and sort out bike rideout routes. I've put a google map on here showing where it will be, and as you can see, it has Dartmoor 10 mins away one side and Torbay the other, making for some cracking rideouts. http://maps.google.c...004218,0.009956 So have a think about it and let me know any feedback. Oh by the way theres a decent pub about 10 mins walk away, by the crossroads there on the main road. Nev
'79 DT175MX.... Let the fun begin!!
Hi Ventura, Good to hear you haven't got to spend ages sorting out with the blanking of holes on frame and swingarm, it is a pain in't arse, and you always miss a couple, I take it that by labelling all nuts and bolts you want to keep it as original as poss, I was going to suggest replacing with stainless bolts, and stainless nylock nuts, stainless washers etc, as these will come into its own maybe when you need to take things apart in the future, but I won't , lol But something I will suggest is that when taking apart stuff off the loom especially around the headlight area, relays, headlamps, etc, instead of masking tape and pen to label stuff, I got a couple of bundles of plastic cable ties, around 3" long, in two colours, black and white, so I could code what wire goes to what, ie, singular black to black, singular white to white, black,white, to black white,white, white, black to white white,black, the permutations are endless, and either keep them on or take off after all wiring back together, your call, There will be a lad coming in here and reading your project, called Philmountains, he like yourself is doing his own 175 mx project, and I'm sure he'll be interested in how you go on with your fork chroming, as he's in the same boat with his. Glad you're going with the greenhouse idea, but don't make the mistake I made with mine, when it came to putting it together, I got everything out of the box , failing to find any instructions whatsoever, decided I'd use the picture on the box, as reference, all went well about an hour, the framework was ready to put the plastic cover over it, unwrapped the plastic cover, guess what fell out, yup the chuffin instructions, ah well at least I won the bet with the missus that I could put together with out drawings lol. Good luck with the project, and like I say if I can be of help, just gizza shout. Nev
'79 DT175MX.... Let the fun begin!!
Hi Ventura, hope you don't mind me chipping in, and giving my own tuppence worth, I can see you are going to get serious with this project, and good for you mate, if it's worth doing it's worth doing well, I say, you say you prepared the frame for powdercoating, but in the pics of the frame I don't see any wooden blanks over the headstock stem, to keep the powdercoating from getting inside, also if you can sacrifice some old bolts to go inside any exposed threaded holes, it's best to, or you'll be tapping your frame holes for England when you get it back from the powder coaters, same idea with the swingarm, also you say you need more room in your shed, I was the same with my garage, not having enough room to swing a cat in, so I went to Argos and bought a throw together greenhouse for £30 quid totally zippable uppable, and enough room inside to keep a fully stripped down DT inside, you can even use it as a spray booth if you so wish, I have some pics on my project thread if you want to have a butchers. Anyroad good luck with your project, and if I can be of any help gizza shout. Nev
What about the big nut on the seat? Oh by the way Drewps does your classic insurance also cover you for the Agreed Value Policy?, mines a couple of years offf the Classic policy, but I am after finding a company that does the AVP. Cheers Nev
We pay these idiots
Ha ha, wait till I see him, he needs to change his forum name to DERVey
newbie yamaha sr 250 1981
Hi Chris, welcome to the forum, my advice to you would be to get yourself a workshop manual for your bike, give it a good read, get to know it's specifications, also find some decent parts diagramsl,as most exploded views can be more informative than the workshop manuals, for when you need to put stuff together again, plus it helps you by being on the same page as any suppliers micro fiche by knowing the item number. Theres some good lads in here will help with any questions you may have. Also maybe start a projects thread once things are under way, hope this helps Nev. Here's a link to getting some parts diagrams. http://www.gileraspares.co.uk/spares/default.asp?uID=0
'78 DT125 / 175 - Spot the Differences!?!
Nice work so far on the project Mike, good to see your description of how you overcome any problems too, instead of just bolting stuff on your bike and shoving a pic of it on your thread, jigsaw fashion, although I do suggest starting a new thread on the projects bit, as theres a few people in here, looking for inspiration for their own projects, go there for much needed info on how to do stuff.Keep up the good work, and remember Rome wasn't built in a day. Nev
Newbie with DT175MX..... Treat me gently!!
Hi, and welcome to the forum Ventura, a cracking intro mate, a good example for all newbies who decide to join our forum, looking forward to seeing your renovation/ restoration,in the projects thread.
dtre 125 throttle cable
Might not lettuce celery be needing a new cable, could be the new cable you have now may be trapped by the tank, and may need re-routing, I've noticed with mine, since i put the tank back on, it's gone stiffer on the throttle. just a taut