Everything posted by NEV
Hi and welcome to the forum Milan, you'll need to put some pics of your bike on the forum too, you lads over there do some amazing things with your bikes.
Identifying this MIKUNI carb
Tell ya what Blackie, go to my project and at the end I put in a vid of it starting up,have a listen to it, no spluttering or owt, crisp and responsive, and as I found today rides well too, just having a problem getting it to idle at 1500, wants to idle at nearer 2000, oh aye, and thats with the main jet cranked up to a 240 from a 210 too.
Identifying this MIKUNI carb
The TI/TL32 is actually in raised letters on the carb, it's definately not TM32, but like I say, I can't make out whether it's an L or a I after the T, and the only other reference to an I.D on the carb is the 3MB00, and looking at all the other TM32's I've found pics of, they show inlet and outlet as totally inline horizontally, the only thing I can think of for the TI/TL being any difference is the sloping incline of the inlet and the outlet,and mine having a lever for the choke, instead of a plunger. A bit of a result by the way, regarding the air mixture screw, found an old Mikuni carb, totally different to the DT types mind, in a box of bits I had in the garage, and have managed to use the adjusting screws from that, works a treat, more or less sorted the idling out now.Took it up and down the road ran lovely.
Identifying this MIKUNI carb
Cheers OG, but did you mean mine, the TI/TL32 with the sloping intake to outlet? or the horizontal intake to outlet TM32? I only ask, because I was lead to believe they put the TM28 on the later models, with lads upgrading their carbs from the TM28 to the TM32, and at the end of the day I just need to find out if my mixture screw, and the sealing 'o' rings would be compatable wth the TM32, or TM28 series, do you reckon they will, as the chap at Allens reckons threads can vary, but looking at both they seem pretty much the same. Plus do you have any info anywhere on the TI/TL32 Mikuni, as I've looked everywhere and bugger all comes up for them.
Identifying this MIKUNI carb
After looking to replace a mixture screw, and a couple of 'o' rings on my carb, I came across a small problem, the original carb for my 1992 DT125R as stated in the manual is a round top VM 26 SS 3MB00, mine being a flat slide has obviously been changed afterwards, the identifying marks on mine, the best I can make out is TI32 3MB00 or could be TL32 3MB00,I've searched the internet for a TL/TI32 flat slide carb but nothing comes up, even getting in touch with Allens Performance in Notts, even they don't have a clue unless I send them the carb, and can check for compatability with other carbs. The main differences between my carb and the TM32 carb is the choke lever on the TM32 is a plunger, whereas on mine it's a lever, and looking at the side profile of the TM32, the intake and outlet spigots run horizontal, whereas mine there is about a 20 degree slope, with the intake sloping down to the outlet, is anybody familiar with my type of flat slide? or maybe knowing what bikes these type of carbs were originally fitted to, so as to find the specs for that carb.The carb itself runs fine, it's just that I'm having problems fine tuning the idling, and need to replace the mixture screw as it looks like somebody has tried to use a blunt cold chisel to adjust it and buggered the flat head, and need to purchase the two rubber 'o' rings on the adjusting screws as I think it's drawing air in, due to a missing 'o' ring on the throttle screw. I'll put some pics up of my carb so you can see what it looks like, Rear view of my carb Rear view of TM32 carb Side view of my carb Side view of TM32 carb Any help much apreciated, cheers Nev
those boots where made for riding
My mate swears by German Paratrooper boots, but I'm sure he said he goes for the officer ones.
this bike looks familiar!
Nice one Drewps, fuck them and their cable ties too,
Welcome to the forumTucknott,
my ol toy (1990 dt 125 r)
That'll be it then, cheers again OG, sorry for hijacking yer thread Dave
my ol toy (1990 dt 125 r)
Flat slide OG, deffo the throttle screw mind as the mixture screw never came out, looking at an exploded view of the screw in parts, it does show something there but doesn't describe whether it's rubber or not, and am in the mind that without this I'm drawing air in, another problem is I put this 'o' ring somewhere safe, and am buggered if I can find it,so I could take a pic of it.
my ol toy (1990 dt 125 r)
Dave can you do me a big favour mate, next time while you have your carb to hand, can you just whip out the throttle screw, and see if theres a tiny rubber 'o' ring just after the spring but before the tiny metal washer at the end, as I'm having big probs with my idling, on the DT and thinking about it, I found a tiny 'o' ring on the floor where I'd been working on the bike, and after taking my throttle screw out, found there wasn't a rubber 'O' ring on the screw, and putting 2 and 2 together, maybe this might be the cause of my not idling properly. Cheers muchly Nev
Did We Do Any Good? 25/9/11
I think the main problem was in the promoting of it all, MAG UK took full control, and so they should have done, seeing as they are suposedly the official mouthpiece of the biker, yes the bikers all did their bit, on Motorways and A roads alike, although I doubt it was actually viewed by other motorists as a protest, as such, but it did go a long way to show solidarity,within the biking community, with full licence and learner riders all joining together. There were a couple of failings within all this though, in my opinion, and judging by the many forums I've read, I really don't think I'm alone here, firstly I think Paddy Tyson the campaigns co-ordinater for MAG UK, did a great job of setting it all up, but MAG UK were deffinately lacking in the PR department, a stint on national breakfast news sofa, or national radio, would have gone a long way in informing the general public what was going to happen on the 25th, possibly informing even more bikers to the cause too, as no doubt there's a few technophobes without computers, out there not having the benefit of biker forums. Secondly, and I think this is where MAG UK shot themselves in the foot, by not seizing the opportunity of taking bikers signatures at all of the start off points, MAG is a national organization, and I would have thought they could have sent a couple of their members to each of the denoted starting points to organise a petition, for members to sign, gathering up all signatures, and killing two birds with one stone mainly, one to get an official count of actually how many bikers gathered together and rode out, and two to gather up all signed petitions nationwide, and possibly bikers nearer to London could do a ride en masse, and hand in said petitions to either official EU lobbyists, or 10 Downing street, or whoever. Brussels will be voting on 17th October, that leaves 3 more weekends available for another massive rideout, I reckon the next two are a tad too soon to organise another, but hopefully if this was going to be done again the weekend of the 15th, 16th would be an ideal opportunity to repeat last Sunday, and possibly with a bit more clout. Thats my ten bobs worth anyroad.
Top man! cheers OG, I had found an 82 XT125 in White, to use as a benchmark, but wasn't too sure on the tank decals, but the Red one in your pics looks more like it. The bike is all stripped down, and all fitting nicely in the greenhouse/spray booth. Me and my lad took about 3 hours to take it all to pieces,and well pleased too, because there was only one seized bolt, which I duly chopped off, not bad really seeing as it's been outside in all weathers for the last couple of years. I've taken a few pics as I know how much you like them Weimi,plus it'll be usefull reference, for when things need to go back together again. A bit of welding needs doing on the frame in a couple of places, here. and here All nicely put away Next job will be getting bits cleaned down in a parafin bath, and finding out what wires I need to make up the loom, totally confident in doing that too, after sorting out the one on the DT.
Well, here's my next project, an old school XT125J that me and my lad will be doing as a joint effort, well he wants to use it on the road, he can bloody well get his finger out and give me a hand, is what I say. I bought it as an old field bike, a couple of years ago off Ebay, as I felt sorry for it, sat there, rusting away, and seeing the potential of getting it to it's former glory, thought it would make a decent renovation project, I've since found out that it was the 7th xt125 to come off the production line in 1982, so I'm going to try and keep it as standard as possible, I reckon I owe it that much. After doing a fair bit of research on the bike, I've found that it came in two colours, White, and Aroma Green, and seeing as I've no idea what shade of green, Aroma Green is, I'm going to go with the safe option of White, I reckon it'll look decent in it's original White livery anyroad. As with most projects it's important to have before and after photos, well here's some before photos. First thing to do will be to strip it all down, so I can work out what I need to replace, or what I can salvage by cleaning up, but I'll deffinately be shotblasting and powdercoating the frame and swingarm, the frame gloss Black, and the swingarm Aluminium Silver
Barmy EU plans
M1 Leicester Forest East DDT & Neversaydie, is this your lot?
Barmy EU plans
M1 j30 Tibshelf Services Donington Services to Leicester Forest East
Barmy EU plans
Noticed there was more on the BBC news tonight about the Spanish protesting about bullfighting ending, than about the mass bike ride nationwide but hey ho, judging by most of the different bike forums, a fair few turned out for it too. Some good pics of some of the meets on this old school Suzuki forum, just in case theres some in here that may be in some of the pics.(about page 7ish) http://forum.oldskoo...?num=1313576574 And a couple of youtube vids Keele M6 services Keele M6 south
fitting DT125R rear brake hose
Cheers Jack, I do now have mine as is in the pic, and as is in the pic sits pretty close to the shock spring, HEL, didn't put a rub spring onto the new hose, I know it's braided stainless instead of rubber, but still might see if theres something I can wrap around the line to prevent any chafing. Nev Oh by the way, those 60ml syringes from mole valley farmers are absolutely brill for brake bleeding, get the type with the larger needle seat mind, bang about 8 inches of 5mm clear tubing onto it, seal wth insulating tape where it goes over the syringe outlet, pull out plunger about an 1" - 11/2" for the brake fluid to disperse into, no need to back bleed, just bleed as normal 10 minute job, cracking job, make sure its in the vertical position above the bleed nipple mind, it seems to form a vacuum and draws the air bubbles out. Something like this Using this method I found it much easier, and quicker to bleed the brakes.
Barmy EU plans
Managed to pull these webcam stills of your route pilninggas, not brilliant but get a rough idea I suppose. Hope all made it back o.k
Barmy EU plans
M5 northbound seems clear, but M5 southbound has severe congestion, due to roadworks at j25, near Taunton, diversions in place,as slip roads closed
Cheeky ba5t4rd.....
Ha ha, please tell me it was in Derby, I do miss the old place.
daylight robbery
Now then, every householder wanting to protect his house,family should have a baseball bat, somewhere close at hand, but having one popped inside a brolly stand, or just behind the door, is looking a bit suss,in the eyes of plod anyroad, but now stay with me here, a signed baseball, and (SIGNED) baseball bat, hung pride of place in your hallway, slightly out of the way if needs be, but near to the door/exit, isn't classed as a weapon as such, but a sporting momento, sent over by a friend, or brought back as a souvineer, from a trip stateside,(still with me?) and should ever, god forbid, the time arises for you to protect yourself/family, and you are in the vicinity of said baseball bat, you can take off its place you've chosen to hang it, and use it for your protection, lawfully, as this would be the first thing to come to hand, for your protection. I think I have a muttock handle knocking about somewhere too, signed by the Wurzels
daylight robbery
The little swines, lets hope plod caught them riding without a numberplate somewhere nearby. Don't know if you've seen this type of alarm? £20 quid fitted in ten mins, aught to deter them, in the future, more often than not, they do have the brass neck to return, I have heard of good reports from lads who have bought and fitted these alarms too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220792853726?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Hope this helps
Universal stainless steal brake lines?
Don't know where abouts you are undertoe, but I recently went to HEL Performance Brake hoses, and took my old brake hoses with me as I wanted stainless steel fittings with stainless steel braiding, the rear was a straight forward standard size, but had to extend the front line 3", to allow for higher bars and a bar converter, they made them up for me while I waited about 15 mins in all, all at a very good price, even threw in 2 stainless bleed nipples, for free, so if you're not local to Exeter, google HEL, and email them the lengths you need, and what type, very accommodating, and also do mail order.Oh and I think the banjos are a standard metric size.The lines come with stainless banjos, and numerous copper washers too.
'78 Suzuki TS250C project
Surely thats a big pressie? such as a birthday, or christmas?