Everything posted by kishan
- new member
- Heyyy
Yamaha YBR 125
1)they were probably going down hill 2)cut out the pies(only joking) 3)dont think a 125 can be made to go faster by much to be honest 4)your weight can play a factory on the speed so lighter the better
- my bike
Looking for parts and info
Yamaha R6 Smoked screen
im guessing yes as the 06 and 08 R6 are similar size but if in doubt look for a 06 screen visit http://www.yamahascooterspares.co.uk/spares/default.asp and contact the company
STOLEN, London SW9 - XT600E
bastids! hope the bike comes back in one piece thye normally strip it and sell the parts off or burn it when they are bored of it.
sounds like the starter is worn out mate and needs changing
wrf 250
1)working brake light 2)headlights that work 3)indicators that work 4)numberplate 5)insurance 6)working brakes 7)no holes in the exhaust where there shouldnt be any holes 8)the structure of the bike must be strong and dureable for more info visit your local motorbike garage and ask them
Tmax Xp500
could be the carb needs cleaning mate try that.
Brake pad recomendations
i use EBC and they are quite good but try getting discs that have grooves and drilled holes on it will give you better braking its not jsut the pads that play a big part in braking but the disc aswell if it just has drilled holes it isnt as good as the grooved discs which have drileld holes too.
Yamaha RX 125 Year 1980
ah i used to ride my uncles one which was the rx100 which wasnt bad for a 100cc and took his mates rx125 out and it was really nippy and smooth to ride
hey all bout time i said ello
nice collection of bikes there
loss of power or flat spot on aerox100
hey mate yeah it is during low revs where the bike losses power when i go to pull away like it wants to cut or like its a flat spot i had a new clutch cyctem fitted as my other one was burnt out hmmm will get the garage to check it out at the next service thanks mate
loss of power or flat spot on aerox100
think the rollers are just under 1 yr old and yeah its when i go to pull off if the springs are soft does it just need readjusting to there is some tention on the springs?
loss of power or flat spot on aerox100
hey i keep experiencing a flat spot or a loss of power when i go to accelerate off does anyone know what might be causing this on the aerox100 :S could the rollers need changing or the spark plug need changing?recently had new clutch system fitted as my other one was burnt out and had new drive belt fitted could they need adjusting or could it be the carb thats causing it?
my xj
that looks stunning
Petrol Head Central
wow some nice cars there mate
when choosing a bicycle
lol eww she is doing a lady gaga on us haha
- little darlings
- snow
1974 DT360A Restoration
looks brand spanking new
a yam meet up?
come only people must be some more people willing to do a yam meet in one of the pubs in the poll?
1982 XS400 Fast idle with choke 'off'
your idel rev valve just needs adjusting to the revs are not soo high.
- my TRX850