Everything posted by pepperami
Movie Title Game
the good the bad and ugly
Virus Alert
All ok now .... but it was all pink and raining on that site the other day
Word Association Thread
Movie Title Game
Falling down
DT 175 price.
That is a thing of beauty...... if i had some spare cash, i would bid on that, but i hav`nt......... hey ho! i`ll stick to my tatty old xs400
Movie Title Game
I know what you did last summer
Movie Title Game
Bugsy Malone
Virus Alert
Mods if you feel the need to remove this, please accept my applogies.. I have just been on the Bike Chat Forum and it appears to have been got at by some twat with a virus is there anyone else on this forum who also visits that site?? and are they having the same problems???? regards PEP
Word Association Thread
Movie Title Game
Life of Brian
knock and run
When we wre nasty little schoolboys (a few days ago!!) we used to do this!! Get a couple of paper bags, find one dog pooh!, put the poo in the paper bags, take someones doorstep, light paper bags with poo in them, knock on door and run and hide nearby, the owner would come out and find a small fire on thier doorstep the first thing they would do is stamp it out covering thier shoes/slippers in dogs muck the result was three schoolboys laughing so much they could`nt run away
Movie Title Game
Thelma andLouise
another bike!!! (old bike)
Drewpy's the master when it comes to XS400 carb problems. I know
another bike!!! (old bike)
already have ideas for this little bike!!! was thinking about 150 barrel, piston, head, and after-market carb...... why oh why!!!! if this gives it a little bit of extra ommph! then maybe an extra tooth on the front cog???? she is sound at the moment so i will leave well alone........ possibly, maybe, i think! i need to finish off the XS400 project first though it has an ignition/carb problem (new coils fitted)
- Peter Rabbit
another bike!!! (old bike)
I not long ago agreed to buy a tidy little Honda CG 125 (hope no-one is offended ) and i have the cash burning a hole in my pocket. but the seller is adament that he will not release it until he has fixed the caburation and a minor electrical problem on it. He`s a friend and an all round good egg!!! but it`s killing me , this waiting!!!! it might only be a little CG125 but i feel like a kid waiting for his new toy???? i have plans for it this summer and i want to get it ready, but i am stuck here, twiddling my thumbs until i get the green light to collect it!!! is it just me or do we all feel like this with a new (old bike) machine to go in our collection. i tried to buy an RS/RSX 100/125 but they are as rare as rocking horse poo! at a reasonable price
Movie Title Game
Empire of the sun
Movie Title Game
The Blade Runner EDIT = he`s done it again
Movie Title Game
i dont know what you`ve been taking , but can i have some
Movie Title Game
Day of the dead..........................cynic was a bit to quick for me!!!!!
Movie Title Game
When Harry met Sally
- Howdy!
Movie Title Game
Batman and robin
Movie Title Game
shall we start again??? = next person has to use one of the words in the film title i give for thier next film title!!! THE PIANO PLAYER............... so now your film title must have one of these words in it ......next!