Everything posted by pepperami
How not to transport a BBQ
??? wont all his sausages fall off??
interchangability question
will do .... many thanks!
interchangability question
Excellent bit of info there I take it the caliper mountings are the same?
RIP Malcolm Maclaren
i am glad that he introduced the world to the Sex Pistols and all that followed.
My Velocettised 1981 XS400 Cafe Racer
Very impressed
XS400 tank?
Doh! now i know thanks lads it was there in front of me all the time! i knew the answer was there, but i could`nt see the woods for the trees.... another issue resolved and now on to the next bit
XS400 tank?
turning my fuel tank tap off is not a problem .... i do that as a matter of course with all of my bikes. i can run the bike using that tank and fuel tap by setting the tap to "prime" and have done so in the past. it just seems odd to have an outlet/inlet that appears to go nowhere! ..... i have looked on my carbs and there appears to be no connection for it there? i`ve also got the Haynes Manual, and it does`nt give it a mention? i will take the tap to a Yamaha dealer tomorrow and see what they have to say
XS400 tank?
trying to make this bike right in all ways .... i decided to take of the tank and replace it with a better one that i have. so when i look at them, i can see that the tap on my tank is not the original?? the new tap has a vacuum tap type. so after taking off the tap i notice that there is a small brass inlet/outlet on the back of the tap. my question to you is ...What should it be connected to? should there be a hose from it to the carbs? Thank for any help you lot can give me
RXS100 Dead
i have to agree with Cynic on this one......... yes it is hard owning an older bike, but you learn, and what does`nt kill you will make you stronger! keep the faith and work through it and you will have a bike at the end of it
xs 400 parts interchangeability 79-82
thank you Mr D unemployed at the moment so it`s not going to happen, but thanks for the heads-up anyway
starting and running
a quick and easy thing to try that may help, possibly??.... go through all the electrical connections and clean them, then reconnect them (for christ`s sake dont muddle them up). sometimes moisture can get into places you would not believe! what about a plug change? HT caps?
xs 400 parts interchangeability 79-82
Wire spoked wheels are very bad for your bike and you must give them to me straight away
50mph state trooper
i would loved to have been there....
ye old bikers nod
oi! you shell-suit..... yer you on the TDR
Hi Guys - New Member
What R1-mad and Kirshan said dont use soapy water as that will take the oils and treatments out that bike is a honey!
ye old bikers nod
Next time your out on a sunny day, and a nice very modern, brightly coloured new jap-bike, with a rider in matching leathers, matching bash-hat, matching gloves, matching boots, and a dark visor comes passed you, tell me you wont think of the power rangers
New guy looking for some help
I`m sure our resident wizard and general good egg will be along soon to welcome you (Mr Drewp) he has a mine of knowledge and does`nt mind shairing it for my pennies worth... is it electronic ignition or points?...... have you had the coils checked whilst under load? i had a set of coils once that would only breakdown once the engine/bike was warmed up??? i have no idea why???if it`s points ignition... do they have a condenser?? ...has that gone west? just a few ideas!
XS 250 carbs XS 400 bike!
Missed a few bits when i cleaned the carbs, so i`m going to go over them again. what i would like to know is..... is it safe to use aerosol brake cleaner to squirt out little nooks and cranies? took the carbs to the local Yamaha dealer (Fowlers of Bury-ST-Edmunds) and between us ordered the new jets as sadly they did`nt have them from stock! that gives me the week to make sure that the carbs are pin-sharp clean.
vm34 carbs on xs400
you`ve got plenty .... let me have these ones .... welcome Mr Wright
ye old bikers nod
i give a nod to most bikers i see coming the other way including L-platers. i tend to agree that the power-rangers are less likley to acknowledge another riders! (biker-snobs).
XS 250 carbs XS 400 bike!
just had the carbs fully apart, and everything looks good , Needles, sliders, diaphrams, springs all look good and have been cleaned without damaging them . going to get some new jets on Saturday..... does anybody know if i have to move the needle up a notch on thier circlip fixing? many thanks EDIT : just re-looked at thread mentioned.... seen bit about moving needle up a few notches
If Engalnd win the World Cup
You got that right what planet is this where England are going to win the World Cup??
XS 250 carbs XS 400 bike!
Thank you Mr Drewpy ..... i suffer from memory retention problems... so sometimes i only have a vauge idea of what i am trying to remember i will try and use search next time. still i found a starting point