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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Failte; Rural Guy to the YOC Hope you enjoy your stay! You will learn alot on here and if you fancy getting your hands dirty on your bike you'll learn alot about your bike.
  2. Paul mate, me thinks he is still in love with her
  3. Hey Foamy, Can you not sleep at night thinking somebody else is Riding Your Ride Have you no Girlfriend to keep your thaughts at bay------ Only messing, dont know about your question---- sorry. Hows camp going ?
  4. I can only imagine that it must be pure greed on the dealership's behalf Sounds dear but maby that is the going rate------ it muts be a bran spanking new bike eh!? oh and Failte; to the YOC
  5. There's some Poke in that Yoke
  6. A yes now i understand a bit more. As far as i know (not sure if it is any different over there---dout it) if you do your test on a 125 then that is the highest cc bike you can ride. So what you should do is use the testers bike or lessons bike as long as it is over 125cc.(usualy 250) Then you can rie any size bike you want after that,--- restricted of course for 2 years. Doing your test on a 125cc is usless in my view. Go for a propper (A) class bike licence and be done with it. ps. Vedio looks good ----- best of luck with it !
  7. Yep: i think that is what he is saying, but it is only for a temperory fix. i would eventualy put in the rectifires and do it proper
  8. Back in the day (80's) Drewps did you have long hair to be blowing in the wind while one arm on the window and you winking at all the lassies Bet you did mate !!! What ps. nice machine there ---- EDIT: the car not the scanner
  9. I know im not answering your post very much but anyway ! Go and get your test done and passed,,,,, you will be so much happier. I dont understand why people ride arround on provisional licence or cbt for any longer than necessary. All you are doing is prolonging what you realy want,,,, not to mention all the bad habits a person picks up while riding arround. Do it all wheneverything is fresh in ones head that you have learnt. Sorry if i sound like a dick and i dont mean to be. Tis just my thaught on it all.
  10. 2 Wheels


    Hey there birthday girl, hope you have a good one !!! Have never been in a Post/Topic conversation with you but then again i am not long in the YOC Good luck with your big day ps. I believe you are the local or so they say !
  11. Failte: Pete to the YOC Same as Oldgitonabike is asking ???? + did you notice your temp guage go up any before this happened.
  12. You and me mate, i no like the electrics at all. OGit tests are the way to go me is thinking ! Also on very rare ocasions the HT lead can seem to work fine when it is checked at idle revs, but when the bike is out on the road and the revs are up the HT lead can brake down and miss, then when your back home and check it again it sems fine Dont ask me what happens to cause this but it can happen ! Maby its something to do with what OGit is saying about having an open circuit. Hope you get it sorted
  13. Now it sounds like there is something putting extra pressure on the engine and not letting it turn over fast-enough. Could be something like clutch drag, Half stuck plates, or just lack of use after a year of being off the road. If you could bump-start it and get out for a good old spin arround it might get things freed-up a bit. Bikes dont like not being used !
  14. Was the bike laid up for a while It could be a lazy starter --- as they say. First try half drowning it in WD40,(by which i mean spraying it), then keep spining it with the start button in the hopes that it gets faster, be sure to let it rest a bit while spinning so you dont burn it out...... spin for 5 seconds then stop then spin again for another 5. Do this a few times but not for too long. This would be better done with the starter off but try it first as it is. Before you try any of this make sure all the + and - conections everywhere on the bike are all making a good contact. Hope this helps ya....
  15. Failte; Ivan "the terrible" to the YOC
  16. Lovely job done there Bznchris me likes this
  17. That could become a good excuse in the future ! "Wife" --- Where were you till this time ? "Me" --- What do you mean ? "wife" --- You said you would be home at 9pm "Me" --- Yes, and its 9pm now "Wife" --- No its 10pm "Me" --- Oh sorry, I must off been in YOC time Might be worth a try!!!
  18. My computer is playing up again ! The time on the computer is the right time but the time in all the posts is an hour behind (probably since the hour changed few weeks back). Can someone tell my brain how to fix this, cause I cant ! Pretty Please !
  19. HAPPY Birthday there Paul !!! Sorry i'm a bit late, but as they say better late than never ! Hope you had a good-en
  20. This is quite scary, I can hardly bend down to tie me shooes
  21. First, dont panic. Give her a good old service and get the carbs cleaned and ballanced. Like OGit is saying check to see if all cylinders are firing. Dont worry 2 much about the tapping just yet till you get it all serviced up and running good, then well see if the tapping is still there. Its hard to say what the tapping is when we cant here it. 1st grade...... Dont burn your hands.........
  22. Looks good Drewps. Every time i look at this thread i cant help wishing i had an old bike to be doing up. Have you given up on the xj swing arm or does it just look better with its own swing arm.
  23. Failte: Antz To the YOC. Has the bike not been used for 5 years. Where do you think the "slight tapping noise" is comming from ?
  24. Like Vez has said about spacers. Also the swing-arm can spring in or out a bit when the wheel comes off, tis fairly common. In your case you need to seperate it a bit to allow the wheel to fit back in. But make sure you have the wheel back togeather propper first. Failte: to the YOC
  25. Hmm, Make sure you have a good flow of fuel and that the tank cap can breath fully. Blow out all the fuel lines from the tank to the carb. From your first post of when it happened it sounds like it is a fuel starvation. Is there a small filter in the inlet spigot of the fuel supply on the carb that might be blocked ?
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