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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. I stoped trusting garages and other people with my bikes years ago. When they cant even put in the right amount of oil or put a split-link in the right way arround on my chain, how could they do anything else right. Of course there is probably lots of good garages that Know what there doing and actualy Care about bikes and the rider's that sit on them. Find a Good garage that ya trust to do your work if you cant do it yourself. You may only get one chance at staying alive, so dont let bad workemanship or faulty parts on your bike be the cause of a crash. Well-cared for bike = Rider can relax and enjoy riding. Have Fun
  2. Dam work gettin in the way of fun again eh! Hate when that happens.
  3. would that be a blue 175MX (1979) by any chance merv
  4. Nope, just saying there'll be no beer left in the glass after the long trip. Are ya at the stage of just hooking everything up and giving it a whirl?
  5. It should spring back so the spring under the "round turney-bit" must be off somewhere me thinks. Play arround with it and ya might figure it out. ps.dont worry about my pint, it would be well spilt by the time ya get overhere
  6. No, but if you take a pic of the carb and the cables then maby it could be figured out ?
  7. And to find out if she is happy you must listen to what she says,,,,i mean, not just the ordinary day to day stuff,,,,, rather like when you ask her something, really listen ! The same answer to a question can have different meanings. It is up to you to pick out the REAL meaning to find out if she is happy ! Thats my 2cent worth to ya .
  8. 2 Wheels

    Hi There

    Failte DaVinci, To the YOC You will only be after throwing the leg-over and it will all come rushing back (Yes, im still talking about the bike) to ya. Good luck with preparing the bikes and your travels on the road !!!
  9. Aaaaaa Chris, It is only now that we can SEE what yaur on about. Aye, go ahead and give it a shot like Oldgit say's, Take your time. If it brakes post again and well try another way,,,,it ya have the tools !!
  10. So ya dont want the bolt out do ya? last post was for getting a bolt that was stuck Out. So what you want to do is.....straighten the bendy bit because its bent???? We realy need a pic of the piece were talking about.
  11. Cant picture it, anyway Try heating it up with a blow-tourch where the bent bolt is in, then spray it with wd40 then leave it for a bit, then do it again and on the 3rd time you heat it up spray with wd40 and grab the bolt with a very firm grip of a vice-grips(munkey wrench). DONT try to turn the bolt round straight away-----start by turning it VERY LITTLE bits to the left and right, hope fully this will start to get it loose. Keep it relatively hot all the time and as the bolt starts to move a bit,,,,,,gently go a bit further loosening it each time. Hope im on the right track as to what you are trying to do. ps. didnt know ya edited the post, sorrs for the delay. Good Luck
  12. I can't fully picture what your on-about so sorrs i cant help !
  13. Give it a good old once over to make sure everything is working as it should be !! Nothing wrong with older bikes, if fact they can be good or better than new ones that have soft material in them. Buy plenty of chains and a disk-lock so hopefully it wont get nicked again. Failte to the YOC:
  14. Not wanting to step on toes but,,, There are two pipes on the right hand sied of the carb, one to the front and one to the back, the front one is short and just hangs down, the back one is long (8 or 10 inches) and goes up and into the frame of the bike not connected to anything. Is this the pipes you are talking about? So she started, thats gooooood. Can you get a compression test done? Have you had the carb off to clean it good and fully, ie.jets and everything? On the carb,,,the piolet screw,,,,turn it in till it LIGHTLY seats then turn it out 1and1/2 full turns,,,,put a mark on it if ya cant judge it. The idle screw,,,,turn it out a few turns for now just to try to get it going,,,,,it should rev high if it starts. HTH EDIT: what year is the bike? What milage?Do you know if it had a rebore?
  15. Dont know what happened with my last post. Was your brake working ok before this? I mean your brake shoes werent worn down to much? As it is now, push the brake hard and hold it on, then look at the drum, there will be a wear indicator on it and if the indicator has gone past the markings then you will need new shoes. If the shoes are ok then its probably just a matter of you having to take up the slack in the brake rod (going from the brake peddel to the brake operating arm). There will be an adjusting nut at the end of the rod which you will have to tighten up a bit. This is best done with the wheel off the ground so you can spin it by hand while tightening. After your happy with the brake pull you get you might want to check that your brake light is not constantly on. Hope i made this clear and not more confusing!!!
  16. Good advice there from Gas up, Yep its important to know how much room you need to do a full circle, comes in so handy. Most sports bikes do have a wider turning circle, ie.less of a stering lock. Get practising
  17. There is a saying ......."if something is not working out the way it should then you are doing something wrong" I wouldnt go cutting anything,,,,you will need it for reasembly. It might come out with a little bit of moveing the engine in different angles. Check it all out before you do anything drastic....... Best tip is Take your time and try not to overlook anything.......even if you are in a hurry to get back on the road !!!
  18. Have ya done any checks to your other engine that your putting in to see that all is ok with it.
  19. Have a look at your front sproket, is there enough room between the sproket and the engine caseing for the chain to slip over the sproket, if there is then loosen the back wheel nuts off the (rear spindle). the wheel should move forward enough to give you slack in the chain and if ya have enough room slip it over the front sproket, better still take it off the back sproket first. If this wont work keep hammering the spanner till it comes loose.
  20. :lol: Thats the Kinkiest logo set i ever saw !!!
  21. Ok, have ya got a Impact socket/gun? If ya have the bike in 1st gear and the back brake reconected then.......turn the sproket till it tightens against the weight of the engine, now apply the rear brake good and hard and some how hold it on (put a concret block hanging from it if ya have nobody to hold it on). Now if ya have a impact socket/gun put it on the nut and give it some, if not just put a spanner on it, hold it on good and solid, get a heavy-ish hammer and give the end of the spanner a good old wallup. You will have to try and gerk the nut into mooving rather than just trying to turn it. See how ya get on .
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