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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Failte; to the YOC Full service history and mot's,,,,thats rare for these bikes,,,,,enjoy your stay.
  2. 2 Wheels

    Yamaha Dragstar

    Aye Taskmaster, you are spot on, Gst,,,,turn a coke bottle upside-down and you will see that turning anti-clockwise will loosen it, same applies for your sump bolt.
  3. Well sir, welcome to the fourms. I see your into the quads so i thaught i would show you what i sometimes play in the dirt with !!! Motoroma 200cc
  4. Think about and check-out all the points that are in blue. What have ya done to the bike since ya have got it? When started it will take a min to warm up, then after its warm stop it, let cool down a bit, then check oil level---make a note of where it is at. Will the bike idle, if so go for a 15min spin, when ya get back see will it idle ok----if not then it might b slightly overheating. Check oil 2 see did it drop any from where it was. Is the oil white and smelling of fuel now.
  5. O such an easy fix, yep I second OG, 1 + 1/2 turns out.
  6. Doesnt sound that bad really. Unless: Is it overheating? Is the white smoke there all the time? How much smoke? Is this an air cooled bike? Was it like this all the time? Give more details about the bike and its history !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. That sounds a bit odd about your battery,,,,me no good at all with electric Aye, the taught did cross my mind, is that a bit mad? tis a long way ! And ill have to send the missus down home or something else like that.
  8. I think he just misunderstood ya, I just seen the post and replyed quickley so he wondnt brake anything,,,,, hope ya dont mind.
  9. Open the drain screw on the bottom of the float bowl, let a cup full of fuel flow out,, if the flow starts to slow-down when the cup is almost full then you aren't getting fuel from the tank. If so, start at the tank and clear any blockages all the way to the carb (including filters). If ya have a good flow to the float bowl then the prob is most likely dirty carb and jets. Have fun......
  10. Hmmm, I wonder how many tanks it would take me to get to this ! Would like to go for the crack !! Who all is going from the YOC ?
  11. If you are thinking of jamming the old chain between the sproket and the engine casing then------ DONT DO THAT. 1st gear Back brake on Then loosen the nut. It is a right hand thread So it loosens to the left A quick jirk at the nut is easier if it is really tight. ie, hit the end of the socket lever with a hammer.
  12. 2 Wheels

    new to forum

    Failte: webi to this crazy place that just might drive ya nutty,-----you will love it
  13. Ya could shorten your spokes and then re-thread them. Tool required = Tap + Die set. ps. I have never cut spokes down to a shorter length so i cant say if it would affect them. ( cant see that it would, but dont know)
  14. your on the right track with that last link. Take some measurments of your own sprockets and compare them with the wemoto ones. I myself rather but the sprockets and chain seperate rather than as a packet. Give wemoto a ring and they will sort ya out-----they are a helpful croud r so i have found when i have a question for them.
  15. Failte: razza to this addictive mad place. Get lost in the fourms and enjoy your stay !
  16. No longer made........ well you do have a generous Postie.
  17. What make is that pipe OG ? looks like a Holly Vilance. Whatever it is it looks cool !
  18. Aye maby your right Vez, Its just in the vid he was pointing to the return spring which made me think that he had taken the hole shaft out and not just taken the kick lever off the end. I know----lets ask him,,,, Did ya take out the hole kick start-shaft or did ya just take off the kicker on the end ? ps. whats up with the engine or are ya just stripping it down to learn about it ?
  19. 2 Wheels

    hi all

    Failte, new2bikes, to the YOC. To learn ya have to ask so i guess you have learnt something allready. welcome abord.
  20. You will have to push a screwdriver in there to open the locking tang, Just use screwdriver to get it started then put your socket on it and TAP it in till its flush----open nut. The kick start,----you have it in 180 to far arround the cogs. Take it out, the place where your foot goes on the kickstart should be at the top when your putting it in. Then Yes you will be kicking down (backwards) and it will spring back up to the top for the next kick. You will understand it better when the engine is back togeather. Good vid---- to explain your prob
  21. 2 Wheels


    Top of the Afternoon to ya Geoff, now that the sun has come out again im doing just dandy.
  22. I think the Thingy goes over the Yoke-a-me-joe, round the How-do-dode and then sits on the jim-bob. Only messin mate ! SORRY Cynic me has no clue how it goes. If i could help ya i would, good luck with it.
  23. Fair play to ya Chris, That wasnt to hard was it ! See now how much more ya know about your bike, will come in handy in the future. After a week or so recheck the engine mounting bolts for tightness. Happy and safe motoring,
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