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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Rodney,, Yes Dell-boy You are a plonker Rodney. Every flash ya get from welding takes one year of your eye-sight away. Same as looking directly at the sun.
  2. Nice find drewps, me likes it !!! looks like ya could get a bigger engine in there if ya wanted......theres plenty a room.
  3. The shim is the same shape as the gasket, it is a very thin piece of steel. Aye, this rubber washer should NOT be there. As it happens in your case i think the pump was NOT going in far enough and only catching the tips of the cog in the oil pump. Good pic there Vez,,,i agree,,,,the o-ring shouldnt be there. Yep,,,,agree with OG also. To answer the bit in blue in your post. 1) no ya dont need more of them. 2) the rubber ring---this is the shaft oil seal----it goes inside no.8 on Vez's diagram. I was gettin a bit confused with some of your posts, but i think i have it now. Putting the pump on----this is the sequence. 1) Put shim on the drive shaft------if ya have one. 2) followed by the gasket. 3) then put the small metal ring on the end of the drive shaft. 4) thats all that goes on it,,,,,,you are now ready to fit the pump. 5) wipe the shaft a bit with 2T to help putting on. Take your time and make sure the cogs are ligning up------if ya have to force it on then something is wrong. Hope this should get ya sorted,,,,,,,after ya have freeded up the new Stuck pump.
  4. Well mate, had a we look at them pics. To me it looks like the cogs are not meshing togeather correctly. It looks like the drive shaft (screw type) comming from the engine is only barely catching the tips of the cogs in the pump. Hard to say why this is happening as the drive shaft has flanges that fit into the pump and hold it in only one position. So a question for ya,,,,do you know if there are different types of pumps for the different models (year) of bikes ?? However in your other pics i dont see any shims (or washer) like it showes in the manual, i only see the gasket and the two rubber o-rings. I still thing the shims are important to keep the right distance of the pump going on the shaft. If the pump can go in too far or not far enough then this will not let the two cogs line-up dead in the centre, therefor putting extra pressure (grinde) on eachother. Have ya tryed the pump in the engine that ya have on the bench ?? EDIT: what thickness is this washer that is on the end of the drive shaft ?? it shouldnt really be there ! there should only be 1 shim and that is very THIN (i dont know of any washer that could be thin enough to match the shim).
  5. :lol: :lol: Good one Bark, Good one !!!
  6. 2 Wheels

    New Member

    Failte: Sye to the YOC. Hope ya enjoy this mad place ! Theres good crack here, someimes ! Aye we had a good old chat in Forfar, so until we meet again, take it easy ! Hurry back from work cause the weather will only get worse.
  7. Aye, foamy, i agree with OG, You have frightened it, it thinks its goin to sit on the side of the street and never get to see tarmak again. Bikes dont really like not being used, the older they get the more they need running. Prob is condinsation, nothing to worry about. Get using her !!!
  8. Its your birthday Karen_Agusta,,, come on line and tell us what your at ! Bet your out workin on a bike or are ya up stairs with himself doing a bit of this if ya are then fair play dont mind me im a bit Anyway hope you have a good one.
  9. I wouldnt be happy with having a washer instead of the propper shims. For a start the pump will be able to rock on the washer,,,,whereas with the propper shims that cover the entire surface of the joining bits will be far more solid, therefor not letting your pump move and hence mabey not eating the teeth off the cog. Then there is this,,,,how do you know that the washer is of the right thickness ? If it is to proud or to shallow this will mean that the cogs are not meshing correctly and hence eat off the nylon teeth in seconds when the engine is started. Are the Propper shims on your 2nd engine ? That rubber washer should be there and as it doesnt seem to fit right with your gasket,,,,,,,,,,,,,is this because the washer (instead of shims) is to thick ??? That in and out movement you are describing should be fine as it is designed that way. Aye, i think its a good idea to do a trial run on fitting the pump to your second engine,,,,see how it pans out. If ya go ahead and fit the pump to your bike after this,,,,,dont start the engine,,,,take out the plug,,,,turn the engine slowley by the kicker and see if the pump is working corectly,,,,also try to listen if ya can here any tearing going on or any sign of resistance on the pump. Thats all i can think of for the min. ps. take your time !
  10. 4th notch for the needle, counting from the bottom up. mixture screw should be 1 and 1/4 turnouts from lightly seated
  11. Just had a we read of my manual, regarding your pump. Like you have said it doesnt tell ya that much on how to refit the oil pump to the engine. However ! things to check ! are you using the shims on reasembly, and a new gasket ? the shims are important so that each set of cogs line-up and connect correctly. it also says when taking the pump off that ya might have to twist it a bit to disingage the cogs, so just make sure that they reconect fully and correctly when putting pump back on. Is there any movement in the driveshaft comming from the engine, (up / down or left / right). there is a bearing here where the driveshaft exists the crankcase, although the manual says this is not likely to fail unless high miles have been done. How many miles on your bike ? If there is movement in the driveshaft then this would certinly eat the teath of the nylon cogs. I am thinking that the prob is with the driveshaft and not really your pump. Does it look like anyone has tampered with it or changed it to a different one for some stupid reason before you started working on it ? I thing you shouldnt put the secondhand pump on till you find out for sure the driveshaft is REALLY working as it should be. It is a straight forward system so it shouldnt be giving you all this greef. Pics will be good if ya can get any.
  12. Firstly, can i see a picture of the worn cogs of the pump and the drive gear on the engine. Dont know why its happening but might help to see what damage is happening.
  13. 2 Wheels

    ghost bikes

    Aye Drewps, i got some stuff off them for the missus, there dead cheep but the stuff is good. good selection too.
  14. I wont see ya wobbling on any road arround them parts, unless your going to Squires on the 4th sept, but anyway here's my to ya. Failet: to the YOC. Happy and safe travels !!!
  15. Well i think i weigh in at the 14stone mark ! My current CBR600 has plenty of poke to drag me round the place so anything above that would be a bonus. I get a sore back, sore wrists and heart-burn if im on this bike for up to a hour or more, anyway its gettin old and a bit shabby round the edges, so im gonna sell it just before the summer ends--hopefully ! Im looking for a Dual sport / off road bike. These are the kind of bikes that suit Irish roads the best, good for the bumps and old roads while comfy for the long distance toures. I like/need the sit up straight position of these bikes. The price will prob play a big factor in the bike i finally get, (ill have to save me penny's) I do like the new Trimuph Tiger Blackhat, isnt that the one Si had when we met, nice bike. Anyway, it'll be a while before i get anything so i have plenty of time to testride the ones i might like, was just wondering what ye thaught of the new Transalp. Thanks, 2 wheels
  16. Chack out OG topic. You HAVE to tell your insurance about the mods,,,,,,,,why ? Because if ya dont,,,,,,,its the likes off us that have to pay for things like this through BIGGER INSURANCE fees !!! Failte to the YOC: and good luck with the new bike. Other are gona TELL ya to fill out your profile and mabey get quite mad with ya.
  17. Good news at last. looks like a new pipe, off spinning for the day?? its a lovely day over here!!!
  18. This is the Honda Transalp XL 700 V, released new in 2008. I'm growing to like this bike and was wondering what you all thaught of it ? I have been trying to compare it to other bikes in its catogery and am still not sure which one would suit me best. If ya have the time maby ya could shed some light on this topic, compare it to other bikes in its class and tell me what ya think,,good or bad, even pick a bike that you consider better. Cheers Pat.
  19. As someone would say, Whats all this shouting about ? :o
  20. Aye Mike, i was enjoying reading what silly little things happen to people,,,,,,,including myself i might add. Now boys, get back to the topic
  21. Good stuff, im not to good on the electric side of things but if the started is now working again after turning the brushes arround then i dont think there is anything wrong with the windings. I suggest just getting new brushes and go with that,,,,,,see how long it lasts,,cause getting the windings re-done will cost a fair bit of £££. HTH ! Maby Speedshop will have a better idea than me on this one,,,,,,,eh! speedshop
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