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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Is it a DT 125 r ?? or is it a DT 125 re?? Standerd carb is a good wan ! Welcome to the YOC
  2. Well ware = may your bike age good with little trouble
  3. Good man yourself Pilninggas. Hope you enjoy this one every bit as much the last ! They do indeed seem to be a very good bike. At that price ya cant go wrong Best of luck to ya and,,,,,,well wear
  4. PV can be put in 180deg the wrong way round,,,,,,,,,,yes you can spin it 360deg but it might be in back to front,,,,,if ya know what i mean,,,,,,,,Have a look and see ! So you had PV wedged fully open,,,,,bike ran fine Then you conected servo,,,,,,bike started clicking and stoped,,,,,,,hasnt started since ? Now you have servo disconected and PV wedged open again,,,,,,,,,bike wont start The only thing i can think of is,,,,,,,,the PV may have been all carboned up and sticking,,,,,,then you conected servo but it couldnt turn cause it might of been stuck,,,,,,,the extra load on the servo cause it couldnt turn might have blown something. At the back of the bike, below the seat left side, there is a little white conection box. Is this where the clicking is comming from ??? I forget what this box is called but if its clicking then it is goosed and the bike will not start. Stuck servo might of blown this box. What is happening now when you try to start her ??????? Ignition on,,,,give her a kick,,,,,,,,,,,,,then what ????? In Good Detail ! ! !
  5. Power Valve could be rotated wrong and is now totally blocking the exhaust,,,,if so bike will never start Exhaust off and make sure you have the PV wedged in the open position. Where is his plastic clicking noise comming from ?
  6. Cheers for that Paul,,,,,ill be singing away to that on me way to Squires in few months. (September) Nice vid,,,, Nice aul bikes,,,, Nice roads,,,,, Now why dont my vid's come up in that nice wee Box to be seen on the forum when i try ta do them ? Ive tried to do it like the vid section says,,,,,,mabey me puter settings are no right !
  7. None of that crap for me either ! I only got to grips with internet few years ago Anything i want to know or find about bikes then ill be surfing the net or on here and another bike site,,,,,,,,,,thats it im afraid Facebook,,,,,,,,,is for nosie barstwerts
  8. A wee slice of that would do me Jim.
  9. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1h6RsA/www.untamedvelocity.com/Barbermuseumtour.htm
  10. Ye lucky devils,,,,,,,out enjoyin yourselve Looks like ye had a good time,,,,,,,,nice bikes too
  11. Well Fuck off then if ya cant be found
  12. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0Jy4tMySp5o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0Jy4tMySp5o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. Ware your boots arround the house,,,,,,,,,,go for a few long walks in them,,,,,,,all helps to soffen them/ brake them in. Take your time on the bike till ya get the feel of it. Quiet roads a good place to get aquainted with your bike,,,,,making sure everything is set up to suit you,,,,,,ie.controles, leavers, peadles. Good tip from Oldgit,,,,,,,move the gearchange leaver up one notch, but before ya do put some pen mark on it where it is now. All in all, the more time your arround your bike the more familiar your will become with it. Take care and stay safe
  15. I say there Foamy,,,,,,,, what a great find,,,,,,, looks deadly(good nick),,,,,,,,and for the money its in good shape. Yes i know you are excited and are mad to get going at it to see whats what,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT ,,,,,,,Please please take your time. There will be many things wrong with it after lying up for so long. If i were you i would sit back, think how lovely and wonderfull this bike could be if i restored it to the best of my abbility. The bike would be great lookin if you did a full and propper restore. Knowing you now have the bike,,,,,and the summer is comming, why dont you enjoy the summer, have a laugh and be out ridin round on your XJ. Then when winter sets in you know you have a good project to start and your mind will be geared up to do the restore propperly. Again the bike will be a beaut when its finished,,,,,,,worth a lot of cash too. You can use the summer months to be quietly putting away a few quid now an again for the parts you will need,,,,this way it wont hurt your pocket as much. Long winter nights are perfect for workin on your bike, you wont feel as if your rushing to get something done..............................................Thats what i would do anyway !!! Whatever way you go about it,,,,,,make it a good en,,,,,,,,,,,and the best of luck with the old girl.
  16. Got it for a good price Foamy. Dont leave us to long without a pic when ya picl her up
  17. Welcome along Digby Ya got a pic of your Cat,,,,,,,,,,,not the fluffy one with hair and paws
  18. thats the way,,,,,,,clock up them miles
  19. Failte: Kenny from Scotland, to the YOC Stick your Q's in da workshop.
  20. Aye,, ya have ta bleed the brake ! Like Dirty is sayin !
  21. But what was the rough sound's and the oil sepage from cylinder 4 ????
  22. Ooooooo whats happenin here then ! Shes a good girl,,,,,getting down to business allready Has she no shame,,,,,,,,, and the wee one watchin and all
  23. Welcome to the nut house Rachel Loads a XS400 info on here,,,,,,,, Drewpy might sort ya out,,,,,,,,,,,with the bike that is eh Drewps !
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