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2 Wheels

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  1. 2 Wheels

    YOC T-shirt

    Was that word mean Paul ?? i didnt do well in school Might be interested provided there no to dear !
  2. Happy Birthday Vez :birthday: I here your allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll loved-up,,,,,,,,who hoo That kinda crack will get ya into trouble ,,,,,,,get back to your bike and have it ready for squires
  3. Nice bike that ! Looks in great shape. Welcome to the YOC
  4. Welcome to the nut house, Anne
  5. Aaaaaa,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,now that you mention it,,,they do indeed. So i suppose your only hope is that someone has done it allready and can tell you,,,,,,,,otherwise you'd have to have the two items in your hands to compare them. I'm no help at all to ya really
  6. Simples, eh Paul But in all fairness everytime i have to mix fuel for my strimmer or chainsaw i do "bamboosel" myself for ages till i get it right some of the bottles say mix with 5 gallon fuel and then there is the american gallon and the uk gallon.
  7. This is only a guess !!! so dont take my word for it ! They could be the same. Get your correct number and a picture of the starter clutch,,,,,,,,now pull up some pictures of the other model bikes with the same number,,,,,,,closely match the pictures to see if there the same. Yamaha do often use the same parts in some of there bike models. Quick eg...... FZR, FZS, TCat, R1,,,,,,,,,,these often use the same parts engine wise ! HTH
  8. Member--- GasupLetsGo is your man for the Teneree,,,he might pop on and explain to you. I've a feeling though thats its a charactistic of your bike,,,, no harm really as its just popping on the over-run. Did ya change exhaust or anything like that
  9. Well thermastat seems to be working fine. Fan seems to be working fine. Bike isnt overheating so thats fine. Only thing you could check is the tempature switch and the guage its self. Make sure the temp switch has a good clean electrical conection and that it isnt cloged up on the inside,,,,,,,have to take it out to check Dont know how ya would check the guage for correct working ! Hope This Helps
  10. I'll go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wait a min,,dam i'm in the wrong country Do let us know how it all goes, eh !
  11. Well failte from me too Gillsbey,,,,, I must admit, i dont look at all the new members intros Aye,, im a fan of the xj6 too,,,,fine bike Tis indeed hard ta have the monies for da bikes we love,,,,,,saving hard is da only way. Anyway welcome back ta biking,,,stay safe an happy ridin
  12. Welcome to the YOC Where in the country is Aldershot being nosie, I am.
  13. 4 plugs,,,,,on top of engine Has the bike stood for a few weeks without being used ??? Start bike,,,,,,splash water on down pipes,,,,see which ones dry the fastest,,,,,,the ones that dont are the affected ones and these are the plugs to check. More info required on the usage of bike !!!
  14. Welcome along Good luck with test I agree,,,,head for the country you will enjoy it much more
  15. Another thing to try for ya,,,although i thaught the belt trik would work. Fork into yoke about 3 inches from top and tighten,,,,,,boil the kettle,,,,,,soak a rag in the boiled water,,,,,wrap it round the fork on the 3 inches,,,,,let it warm up the fork for a min then try open the cap Worth a shot !
  16. Looks like your pissin on your man's boots I dont see a red YOC badge on your jacket ??? I still have to stick mine on somewhere
  17. Ok, in my own opinion that is way to soft,,,,,,,,,but it depends on what kinda roads your ridin on and your riding style !! Set the front to notch 2,,thats one off being the hardest,,,,,if your braking heavy you dont want the front diving down too much Set the rear to notch 5 or 6,,,,,,,i have mine set at 5 but thats because our roads are bumpy and shit. The suspension is fairly soft on these bikes anyway compared to other bikes i've had. You will have to play arround with it till your happy,,,, but dont be going softer that it allready is !
  18. Its running perfect i think mysel Thats what its supposed to do. Ok, mabey its running every so slighty cool when your on the move but thats because there's plenty of air getting to it. The temp will always rise when your stoped but again your fan is kicking in like its supposed to,,,,,,it draws air through your ran to help cool the coolant and hence cool the engine. Start moving again and the fan eventually turns off as its not needed because of normal air flowing through your rad. I wouldnt be worring about it. Be 10 times worse if it was the other way round. Normal operating temp is Half way on the guage,,,,,,,,stoped it rises above,,,,,,,,,moving in drops below.
  19. Quick question for ya Em ! What kinda "can" have ya got on da bike if its not the origional exhaust ? What make ? Thank ya
  20. What is it you want to do with it ??? Harder,,,,,,,,,Softer,,,,,,,,,
  21. Well welcome Emma to the YOC I just recently got a Fazer 600. She is 03 and she only had 14k on her when i bought it,,,,,,,she now has 15k Off the top of my head i think there is 1 or 2 members on here that are near the Ace Cafe. Anyway welcome along to the nut house,,,,,,,,,,enjoy your stay,,,,,,,,and safe ridin between the ditches.
  22. I'm in the north west,,,,,,,,,,,,,but the wrong country for ya Plenty pep's round Manchester area on here ! Welcome to the YOC
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