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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Welcome along dude That bike looks good,,,,,,,,strip her back and do her up to the 9's,,,,,,,,,,she will look good in the end
  2. TCX Gortex boots,,,,,,,,,,, there brill,,,,,,,,,even in our Irish heavy rain your feet will be dry. Got mine on sale for £90 i think,,,,,, no extra socks or any of that crack needed.
  3. 2 Wheels

    Barmy EU plans

    Fuckin Bastards If i could meet these EU planning bastards,,,,,,,,, i would be the last person they would ever see
  4. So theres no point in me putting up a few more if ye cant understand the bog Irish tone
  5. Looks cool drewps Send it over ta me so i can test it out !
  6. Just me own thinking but ,,,,,,,,, stay away from that fuel treatment shite,,,,,,pure petrol is what your engine wants,,,,,,,, not some made-up cleaning shit,,,,,,,these only work for cleaning injectors on diesel engines that havent been driven hard
  7. :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1qcSgRNs5M&feature=related
  8. Welcome to the YOC I lived in Waltham Cross,,,north Londan for about 4 years you got a DTR for £250,,,,,,,,,whats the world commin to,,,,,,these are great bikes,,,,,,,why i wonder is there price so low these days ? EDIT: anyone any ideas ?
  9. Whats with all this MOT crack........... M= goverment giving people gobs,,,,,for extra cash for themselves O= nobs dicking with your bike,,,,,,,,know not what there doing T= Money wasted pleasing these cuns We dont have MOT here YET for bikes,,,,its comming soon though,,,,,,,me and all my mates bikes are kept in top shape,,,,,its free for us to do this but soon these cunts will be charging us to do what we are allready doing Ogit,,,,that is the worst vid i have listened to in a while !!!
  10. Aye Vic,,,,hang on to ya old starter,,,,i know a boy who does em up------ie,recondition them Hows da aul V twin goin for ya ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 500cc per cylinder,,,,,,great eh !
  11. Aye John, ive been a honda fan for years, had lodsa them,,,,,, aye they are dull to look at but ya gotta hand it to them for the reliablity end of things. Me last yan cocked up 78 thou before i sold it,,,,,,,,i only ever checked valves once,,,,,,it needed no shimes at 35 thou mils. There is something about the "Yams" though,,,,,,,once ya have had yan,,,,,there always in your mid,,,,,,me first bike yas the uncle's honda 50,,pile of shits,,,, followed by a Yam 125,,,,,,used ta ride it in the fields an da roads,,,,no cops where i came from in the days,,,,,,they were the good years. ! please bring them back ! Kawakers,,,,,, some good bikes they brought out,,,,,Z750,,,,,,an of course your widowmaker,,,,,a 2 stroke genious invention....... Bikes bikes bikes,,,,,,,sur there all good Kishan,,,,, yere b da pics of da nw horse,,,,,,,,stop ridin da yoke,,an take a photo
  12. Welcome, welcome, welcome, Welcome, welcome, welcome, Welcome, welcome, welcome, Welcome, welcome, welcome, Back Good man Kishan,,, stick arround,,,,,,sur where else would ya be goin ! eh. Report back on the new bike, and giss a pic of her too,,,
  13. 2 Wheels


    If i could HAKA into some rich dudes bank account an get shit loads of moneys,,,,,,,,,That would do me just fine :icon_evil:
  14. Your bike has wheels and an engine for a reason :lol:
  15. Good vid Mallory These kind of vids and things like this do really make us realise how lucky we are. Life is short Whatever probs we think we have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we have none compared to some people. Live life to the best of your potential,,,,,at all times
  16. You will need the manual for the bike. Different bikes have different order's,,,,,,eg. start at piston number X Drop the oil, take off crankcase cover,,, prob be markes stamped on it to align TDC,,,,rotate with a spanner its usually intake valve first,,,,,always dont on compression stroke. Not an easy job if you've never seen it done before. If in dout have a garage do it for ya ! Best of luck. Welcome to the YOC
  17. Ya have ta hand it ta these guys,,,,,they are very talanted at what they do.
  18. This is too far off for me to plan,,, i cant plan what im doing next week nevermind ! BUT, aye i might give it a go. Mabey we could tie it in with this What ya reckon Blackie ! Im all for meeting up and spending a day or two having the craic but while im getting to the destination i like to see different places and things. Like i said its a long way off for now but ill def keep it in the back of my mind !
  19. Cant wait ta see this finished,,,, in all its polished glory,,,,,, looking good lad !
  20. 2 Wheels


    Ha Ha,,, Thanks Vic ! If you lookin for parts and cant get them just think to yourself,,,,,,,,, i bet that bollucks Pat has them.
  21. 2 Wheels


    Can i have the same PM please Vic
  22. Welcome along Webzie. Best of luck with the test !
  23. Bring something to cover your seat while on the ferry,,,,,the rachet straps they use can cut and damage it. I use an old bit of carpet, the with of your hand and long enough to come down both sides of the seat. Anything strongish will do so long as its protecting your seat,,,,eg. heavy cardbord,,,old towel ect,ect. Go onto ferry and park where they want ya to,,,,,,let them tie down your bike,,,,then when there gone,,,,,loosen the straps and re-tie the bike yourself propperly,,,there rough and just tie your bike any aul way atall. After that its just the normal things,,,,,, Dont take loads of cloaths,,,,,you wont use them Bring bank/credit card and some cash Plan your trip on google earth before ya leave Have an idea of the next big town your heading for,,,,,not all signs have the numbers, eg. A77 or B811 ect. Thats all i can think of at the min,,,unless you want me to give you a full discription of all ya need. Once you come off the ferry,,,,,,Relax and enjoy your trip,,,,,happy ridin Pat.
  24. Just seen this thread,,,, I just checked my DT125 for ya and yes there is a slight movement of about 1mill in and out on the gear shaft. There is also about the same on the leaver for changing gears,,,,,the leaver does not slip on the splines of the shaft but the shaft its-self rotates about 1mill before starting to change gear. Althougt my bike is 9 years old i'd say this is pritty normal for any bike. It would be pritty much impossible to have everything in the gearbox so finely turned/milled so that everything is nice and tight, afterall there's loads of cogs and leavers and plates in there. I'd say your grand going on what i can see in the vid. Check out another YBR in a shop to see if its the same as yours. Keep an eye on it,,,,,,dont be over worrying about everything,,,,,,relax and enjoy your new bike ! Pat
  25. 2 Wheels


    These are the tyres that were origionaly on your bike,,,,, or i should say these are the replacment tyres for the origionals. They are Dunlope Sportmax D209 Front 110/70/17 = £80 Rear 160/60/17 = £104 These are whats on my bike at the min,,,,,i need a new back tyre and ill be sticking with these,,,,good enough milage and good road-holding. I've done 3000 mils on my rear and i dont know how many was on it before that,,,,,its well shaged now though. Like Mervin says you can pick any brand you want,,,,,,,but if you only need a rear then you shouldnt mix different brands If you need both front an rear then choose any ones you want that have your sizes. Google Crossans Motorcycles,,,,,there in "Newery" should be close enough to ya,,,,, they know there stuff and will give you tyres that suit your ridin style. Keep the shiney side up !!!
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