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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. off the top of my head,,,, that white box that is buzzing is a relay for all the electricks not just indicators. Unfortunatly if its buzzing then its fooked and theres nothing for it but buy a new one. If ya have a manual it says something about it there,,, i dont know where mine is gone to.
  2. Bloody el,,,,,, these look cool. Must give it a try some timeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  3. That looks pritty cool, fair play to ya
  4. Go for it Davey,,,,, there a great bike. Just, with that milage, make sure the engine hasnt got any rattles or the like. Do you know if it had been serviced propperly and regularly?
  5. Im not a fan of them either. Its a 50cc bike,,,,, youll be ringing its neck to try an get her to go fast,,,,,,,if you dont set up cone filter/ carb propperly then when your screaming her down the road the bike will run lean,,,,get hot,,,burn a hole in piston head,,,,,then she will have a slight heartatack,,,,, lie down and rest,,,,,,,, she then wont get up again till you take her in your arms to your garage,,,,,, it is here that you will have to do some surgery on her,,,,,, dont worry though, she will live to ride another day, but it will be costly
  6. That should clean up well and look good when finished. Normal enough checks before spinning her over ! Stick her in 2nd or 3rd gear, give her a wee push slowly to make sure she turns freely enough. Air filter in good nick Throttle not sticking Choke working, hopefully Fresh fuel Both plugs sparking, when earthed Enough oil in engine Check the earths to the frame and engine. New batter in Give her a whirle and see what happens. She might not start but will give ya a good idea of whats going on. Ya prob have carbs to clean and all the rest to get her going smoothly.
  7. Welcome along sir, Where in the country are ya based.
  8. I agree with Cynic,,,,,,, take the bike off them and dont pay them. They are wank-balls
  9. Out of both them bikes,,,,,,, i would take the YBR anyday.
  10. Welcome iceman to the YOC. Take care and enjoy your bike. +1 on what the lads were saying....... 600cc is a good size bike for all sorts of needs.
  11. Well am pullin the plug on this one, The weather is giving gales and everything,,,,, i'd be sat at ferry port waiting like a tit in the rain for them to eventually tell me the boat is canceled. Anyway dont want to be sittin on bike for 6+ hours in the cold and rain. Sorry lads But till the next time we meet up,,,,,,,, have a good one. Pat
  12. For some strange reason,,,,,, i never had L-pates. Must of been the law back in the day or mabey i just passed my test straight away or something, anyway i never had L-plates. And Jordan,,,,,,, just so ya know,,,, i always give L-platers a wave because i like the fact that they have found bikes and are growing the numbers.
  13. Can someone dig out a weather forcast for this weekend ?????? An Blackhat, are ya workin in the stand all weekend ? Am tryin to russle up babysitting,,,,, wife is going to friends house,,,, i dont want to be left with the wee wan all weekend,,,, specially when i could be out touring the country-side.
  14. Hey Blackie, We havent been too bad here. I here the south of IRL is getting worse weather than us.
  15. Get used to it being dirty !!! If your out on a long trip,,,,,, 1000+ miles,,,,, visor gets wet,,,, tailing traffic throws all the shit off the road onto it,,,,, rain stop's, visor drys,,,shit cakes onto visor,,,,,sun comes out and blind's you,,,,,,,,,,,, tis all good fun. Sometimes you'd clean your visor with your jocks if ya thought you'd get away with it. Rain----wipe with your left hand Dry----leave it alone, you will only smear the bugs everywhere Sun----have it clean leaving, then leave it alone.
  16. Welcome William, It says in your profile that its a 2006 bike ???? if thats the case your's is a DT125RE You need paper-work to get her on the road !
  17. You probably wash your bike on a nice sunny day dont ya,,,,, Well then when your finished washing go for a nice fast ride,,,,,come back and bike is dry. I never dry my bike,,,,,,, it doesnt get washed much either. I have 3, 2 stroke machines
  18. We dont sleep in this side of the world,,,,,,,, it is now 10.30am Hope you get your carb sorted
  19. Yes,the hole in bottom of engine is meant to be there. If your bike is a DTR then you have a 210 main jet. If you have a standard exhaust (not silencer) then 9000 rpm is good and probably max you can get. The engine is boging out at 9000 rpm because it has reached its full breathing capassity,,,,,,air in and exhaust out. The red line starts at 10500 rpm BUT,,,,, and this is a biggy,,,,, if you hold your bike up at these revs for long periods of time then you are going to kill your engine,,,,,, so 9000rpm is good and your engine will last longer.
  20. I'd say you had a bad dream and woke up in shock Go outside and check,, there's prob nothing wrong at all
  21. I am really starting to like the triples, They have the feel of a V Twin in the lower revs but can handle speed like an In Line Four
  22. Cool, John, al get back ta ya bout it nearer da time. Cheers sir
  23. Recording studio ??? Are you going to be on the "Top of the pops"
  24. If ye can tell me that the weather will definatly be lovely i might call in to this either sat or sun. Any camping near here within half hour ride ????
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