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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Enjoy it ! Life is short, so make every moment count. The best things in life are hard to get, but there worth fighting for, the reward at the end is second to none! The best things in life are free, there all arround you, just open your eyes. Dont get down in the dumps with the stresses of modern living, it will all work out eventually. For those of you accross the world that think your troubles are big ! there are others less fortunate.
  2. Brian always wanted a pair of motorcycle boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home. Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, “Notice anything different about me?” Maria looked him over, “Nope.” Frustrated, Brian stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots. Again he asked Maria, a little louder this time, “Notice anything different NOW?” Maria looked up and exclaimed, “Brian, what’s different? It’s hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it’ll be hanging down again tomorrow!” Furious, Brian yelled, “AND DO YOU KNOW WHY IT’S HANGING DOWN, MARIA?” “Nope.” She replied. “IT’S HANGING DOWN, BECAUSE IT’S LOOKING AT MY NEW BOOTS!!!” Without changing her expression, Maria replied, “Shoulda bought a new helmet Brian!”
  3. Morris returns from the doctor and tells his wife that the Doctor has told him that he has only 24 hours to live. Given the prognosis, Morris asks his wife for sex. Naturally, she agrees, so they make love. About 6 hours later, the husband goes to his wife and says, “Honey, you know I now have only 18 hours to live. Could we please do it one more time?” Of course, the wife agrees, and they do it again. Later, as the man gets into bed, he looks at his watch and realizes that he now has only 8 hours left. He touches his wife's shoulder and asks, “Honey, please... just one more time before I die.” She says, “Of course, Dear,” and they make love for the third time. After this session, the wife rolls over and falls asleep. Morris, however, worried about his impending death, tosses and turns, until he's down to 4 more hours. He taps his wife, who rouses. “Honey, I have only 4 more hours.... Do you think we could...” At this point the wife sits up and says, “Listen Morris, enough is enough I have to get up in the morning... you don't”
  4. And, is it gettin yet ??? What about spark with plug earthed ??? Stick in a few of them plugs ya have there and try for spark !!! EDIT: sorry miss read your post,,,, it is gettin yet
  5. Earth the plug on the head of the engine, the exhaust is held on the bike but there are also rubbers here,,,, so you wont be getting a propper earth. Did you try a plug that you KNOW is working ???
  6. I agree, get the bike running at the right speed for the gear your trying to go into,,,,, then dont be fucking about and slap the little basterd into gear. It should get better with more miles you put up, as the gearbox selector will bed in and free up.
  7. The bike should start with side stand down,,,provided the bike is not in gear. Whats the story now,,,, what is the bike trying to do when you try to start it,,,,,what sounds ???? Is there no spark at the plug when its out and earthed on the head ???? Have you checked the kill switch for loose or coroded wires ??? Is there any clicking coming from anywhere on the bike,,,eg. starter or little white neutrel bok at back of bike ??? When you hit the start button what happens ! nothing or does it turn over ??? Does the plug get wet when its turning over but not starting ??? If ya have no spark, start at the plug and work backwords, all the way to the coil. Is everything else on the bike working when the ignition is on ??? lights,, indicators,, horn,, speedo lights ???
  8. How much to ship to Ireland ? Might not be worth my while.
  9. Yep, put braided on the front but not worth it on the back,,,,,again i just have normal lines on mine.
  10. I would only rebuild if they need it. But i would definatly upgrade to heavier fork oil, These bikes dive something else under heavy braking, and when that happens your back brake is useless, (its better not to use it at all), bike fish-tales all over the road while you try to ballance on front wheel,,,,,, you'd only be braking heavy in an emergency and you'd have enough on your mind without the added fun. Cant mind what fork oil goes into them but i put in the next heaviest.
  11. Defo wont be takin off me calipers just to look !! Like i said, i dont think there is circlip on the rear caliper,,,,, but i have a sneeky suspesion there is one on the front. Thats a good deal for new piston and seals, so might as well get them. You have an import 4BL same as mine. Mine is origional, so no im still running the 3BN head,,,,, the one with the funny squish band. That boost bottle goes on the bike the way it is in the picture,, the sloped pointy bit on the right, goes to the right hand side of bike. Pat EDIT: Where abouts is Worthing EDIT 2: Are they the plastic's for the RE bike, looks like the front mudy is anyway
  12. Did you re-torque the top end after the first 1 or 2 spins ? More info, could be out of fuel for all we know !!
  13. 2 Wheels

    the wife

    Next time you go at her,,,,,bring a bag of flower,,,,throw it at her,,,,,,,the damp spot will soon apear
  14. Looks like diversion to me too. Is the vin not up near the headstock somewhere,,printed into the frame.
  15. Hay Andy, Is it a DTR you are rebuilding ? What year ? Anyway, the boost bottle on the right (bigger one) is the correct one for the DTR. My rear brake seased on a while back from lack of use, so i whipped it off. While sorting it out i didnt notice any circlip holding on the dust seal, mind you i wasnt really looking that hard at it either. Havent a clue about the front. Does it not tell ya in manual wheather there is circlip's on or not. My bike is totally origional, every single nut and bolt,,,, if i get a chance ill have a look an see.
  16. Happy Birthday Lads,,,,,,, Jaysus yere gettin on a bit in age eh ! he he he he
  17. A Yes, Here lies your prob, Your bike might be 1989 but your engine is a 2004 onwards, you have a DTRE engine. So whats happening i think is this. Your CDI on the 89 bike is not brainy enough for your engine, basically. CDI is sending power to the servo,,,,,servo works,,,,,signal goes back to CDI but it isnt smart enough to know what to do with it. Hence your PV keeps fluttering. The older CDI's have the slots to plug in the servo electrics but not the capicity to make them work. The 89 bike's might have had a PV but they were pinned in one place and couldnt move, they also didnt have the servo fitted. Somone did a fair bit of work to the bike to hook up the electric start and servo and all that. All DT's were kick start up untill the year 04. What you COULD try is to get a CDI for a DT125RE 04 onwards. Then your CDI will be brainy enough to make the PV work propperly. The down side is, i wonder is the wiring harnes of the 89 bike compatable for the newer model CDI (brain). DONT quote me on this if you buy a newer CDI and it all doesnt work,,,,,,, but thats what i Think is happening. Check out your V5, the engine and frame numbers should match up, but in your case i think the engine numbers will be different. If there not then previous owner didnt tell the DVLA about the engine change. Anyway all is not bad, you can still pinn the PV say half way open if it comes to it. This will give you the best performance in low revs and high. Pat.
  18. Why do you think its the CDI,,,,,sur didnt the bike fun fine before this happened. Charge the battery and turn up the idle screw just a little,,,,,,that would by my fisrt thaughts. What revs did it idle at before??
  19. That is excatually what i thaught Mike. From memory of sitting on one of them on a dumper,,,,,, they are rather comfy,,although they never seem to warm up ! Nice bike anyway.
  20. I rarley use the clutch after 3rd gear going up,,,,,right speed and revs and click it up. I would like to have a look at these YBR's to see what the problem is with there gearbox's. If there is a problem !!! Me thinks there must be a nack to changing gear that the riders must get familiar with
  21. I wonder does it read the heat of the engine or the heat the plug gets to,,,,,,,,, probably the same tem anyway but i always thaught the plug would be ever-so-slightly hotter. Suppose it doesnt matter anyway Looks good on the bike too.
  22. Welcome to the forum Tam Hard to beat an economical bike these days eh ! By the way,,,,,, are you a girl ?
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