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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. This,,,, i will be considering Best to leave the DT at home then !
  2. Nice one mate,,,,, have fun doing it up,,,,, looks in good shape allready. Thaught ya were a Kawaker fan !!!! Winter commin over there yet ??? Gettin very cold here in the evening.
  3. I only balance the front
  4. The nun teaching Sunday school was speaking to her class one morning and she asked the question, "When you die and go to Heaven, which part of your body goes first?" Suzy raised her hand and said, "I think it's your hands." "Why do you think it's your hands, Suzy?" Suzy replied: "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you and God just takes your hands first." "What a wonderful answer!", the nun said. Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "Sister, I think it's your feet." The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face. "Now, Johnny, why do you think it would be your feet?" Johnny said: "Well, I walked into Mom and Dad's bedroom the other night. Mom had her legs straight up in the air and she was saying: 'Oh God! I'm coming!' If Dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her."
  5. For some reason i never really liked the MT bikes. I like the look of the front half of them, but from the end of the tank back,,,,,,, something just doesnt do it for me. The cans are too high,,,,the sprocket an chain is on the wrong side,,,,,the back of the bike looks unfinished. The right side looks nice but the left isnt. Please dont think i'm putting your bike down,,,,cause im not,,,,,,, its just that i never really understood the look of them. I'm sure there a great bike to ride and its smaller brother is quite comforty. Yours will have the power that the small one lacks. There just not for me. Best of luck with your bike,,,,,,keep rubber to the road and shiny bits to the sky. Welcome to the YOC. Pat
  6. Great pic's Merv, How long were ya away for ? Ya always seem to get decent weather for your trips !!! I'd like to do that area some time soon.
  7. Me,,,,, i would use PJ1 for an engine,,,,,,,, or else powder coat,,,,some people say powder coating an engine will raise the temp of the engine BUT that is a load of bollacks
  8. Did you file down the ends of the spokes nice an smooth, if they stick too far through and are sharp,,even with the rim tape they will puncture the tube if you move the bike or even roll the tyre. I've never herd of extra wide rim tape !
  9. 2 Wheels


    velley elley wot ,,,,,,,,,,,,, thats what i thaught I just noticed lastnite kev,,,,,,,, that Foamy is a mod too.
  10. Sounds like i missed a good weekend,,,,,,,, role on next year. Did ye go for a spin togeather fri nite or sat mornin ??
  11. Well thats true,,, If you learn something new that keeps you safer on the roads then thats always good. Ride safe.
  12. How in the good lord jaysus above,,,,,,,,,,has there been so much talk about man hole covers,,,,,,2 pages of it LOL :smash: :smash: :smash: Sur da roads have loads of da aul things called obisticals Ya have ta open da aul eyes ta see dem an avoid dem
  13. Next time you have the bike started and nice and warm,,,,,,,, pull out the choke,,,,if the bike starts to stutter and nearly conk out then your choke is working. The choke works like this put on the choke and this pulls/places a flat plate with a small hole in it accross all 4 carb openings. This cuts of almost all the air and allows nearly pure fuel into the pistons, once the bike is warm it will struggle to stay started with the choke on,,,,,,so you have to turn it off alowing the propper fuel an air mix through. Is your choke pulling the plate accross all 4 carbs ? If the bike is running perfect when you have it started then id say its your choke. Make sure to clean and blow through ALL the little holes you see in the carbs,,,,,,not just the jets ! Sounds like your choke is the "push and pull type",,,,,,,,, if this is the case,,,,make sure the engine isnt drawing air through here,,if it is then this will eliminate the choke being on in the first place. There are 1 or 2 other things but if the bike runs good when its warm and takes throttle fast without hesitating then choke is still number 1 suspect . Let us know how ya get on !
  14. If there's that much fuel in your engine oil then you have a big problem. There must be a gasket or piston rings gone. Does the bike start ?
  15. Bad news on the bike Dave,,,,,,hope ya make it there to have the crack with the lads. Did ya get your battery for the Tracker Drewps
  16. Least now John, youll know ya can centre your bike on trailer for the trip down,,,,,,i was leavin it as long as i could b4 telling ya, i thaught i'd be going. If it rains here,,,,, i might drink some beer and get high on that BUT i will miss gettn high on the 2T,,,,, money cant buy the smell or the crack at Squires Take it easy on the Glava mate
  17. Cheers Jason, And i was goin to return the favour to you from last year,,,,,was gonna have a few cans lined up for ya when we return from Seaways,,,, i can nearly remember the taste of the one you gave me last year! Aye Paul,,,,,, i slipped up on me timing,,,,,,, Must of been thinking with my dick and not my head
  18. Hey Lads, Well i've paid all my bills Taxed the DT Even tightened up some spokes on front wheel. Gave the bike a good service and she is ready for anything BUT I CANT GO My wife is having a hard time getting over a serious infection, we spent the day in the hospital 2day. This pregnancy is harder than the last. Anyway, im staying home to help out. Am trully gutted,,,,,, ill miss catchin up with ye all. Hope ye have a good aul time,,,,,,,and have a pint (or 10 ) for me. ill be keeping an eye on the thread to see what ye get up to. Ride safe !!! Pat
  19. 2 Wheels

    YOC T-shirt

    Briliant Kev,, :crylaugh:
  20. Welcome Geoff Yamaha didnt make any changes to the Thundercat since the day it was born,,,, apart from diferent colour's From 1996 to 2003, i Think they are all the same. They have an aluminium frame, so if your gona try an get your frame fixed it will be a bit more expensive than fixing a steel one.
  21. Just a note of caushion,,,,,,,,,, if your new to bikes you are far better off learning on your own for a while. Stay away from group riding untill you get some miles under your belt. Wonce you have figered out what you and your bike can do and when you can realise to use your own inishitive it is then safe enough to go group riding. What happens in group riding can be scary enough at the best of times. It only takes one nob to start acting the prick then everyone in the group is at risk of something serious happening. Group riding is good fun but get to know your group and there riding styles. Thats my tip to ya anyway.
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