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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/yamaha/dt_125_r/01-03/ Give em a bell and they prob get you what you want
  2. Thermostat is no1 suspect,,,,,,,,not opening,,,so coolant isn't going round the engine. the system only takes water from the expansion bottle if it needs it.
  3. 2 Wheels replied to Grouch's post in a topic in General
    Put a note in your bag saying,,,,,,,,, YOU ARE A SPASTIC. then lock your bag every day after that. If he toutch's the bag after that,,,,,,,, kick the shite outa him,,,,,,,, he wont have proof that you did it if there's no cameras anyway
  4. 2 Wheels replied to Nightfirez's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I wouldn't really be happy with that myself,,,,,, as you say its a full half link out. Din you try rotating the pully a few times then put chain on, or leave the pully half link short then by the time the chain goes on the lines might match up. You may have to rotate the bottom pully a few times if possible then realine everything and try chain again. Ya might need a new chain to sort it. Hope ya get it sorted
  5. Welcome along dude
  6. 2 Wheels replied to Ttaskmaster's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Glad your not too hurt taskey,,,,, get well soon bikes can be fixed your body not so flexable so take care and get all the checks you need done.
  7. 2 Wheels replied to georgen's post in a topic in Projects
    Although these bikes had power valves fitted,,,,,,, Yam didn't make them operational untill the year 97. In 99 they got more up-dates, like a newer oil pump, generator, CDI ect ect So your 94 model never had a servo motor or pully for the P.Valve Best of luck with the restoration and keep at it till its finished......... (like i can talk)
  8. I just lost all my money
  9. The book says BR9ES and the plug gap is 0.7 to 0.8mm I have always ran a BR9 for years
  10. Carb settings for a 96 bike with flat sided carb main jet = 210,,,,,,,,, you have a dep so try 220 pilot jet = 22.5,,,,,,,,, leave this alone needle clip position = 4th grove from the top air screw turn outs = 1.5 from seated (screwed in) float height = 20 - 21mm,,,,,,,,, no exceptions there is also a power jet,,,,,,,,, it doesnt look like a jet and cant be taken out. its a hole in the float boal,,,,,has a plastic pipe that goes up to top of carb and onto a spigot,,,,,,,, clean this out there is also a filter in the carb where the fuel supply enters the carb. start at these settings and go from there,,,,,,,,, every time you adjust something you have to give the bike time to react to what you did. You said in last post " Does any one know how to get the jet the throttle needle goes in to as I want to change that as last needle was a little bit bent so may have damaged it but I can no work out how to get it out? SO,,,,,, did you really clean the carb ?
  11. Am gona bet, your oil pump is still there !!!
  12. Nice bike Grouch. Best of luck with her
  13. Is the snorkel on inside the air box,,,if not put it on. Is the air filter new or at least good and is the rubber ok and sealing on the face of the air box cover. My bike will red-line if I want it too,,,,,but if I take off the snorkel or in anyway give the bike more air the bike will bog just past half throttle You say you have changed the clocks,,,,,,,, you need to make sure the reed switch inside the clocks is take out (not cut) and taped up, then put clocks back togeather I think your carb settings aren't right yet,,,,,, is this a flat sided carb ?
  14. 2 Wheels replied to monkeyjim's post in a topic in Naked
    I have never in all my time heard of someone wearing out a front tyre before a back. I usually have to put on mabey 3 back tyres for one front
  15. 2 Wheels replied to dtluke's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    This is the correct way of setting up the pump. Its just a bit fiddly to get it right Roughly 4 tanks of fuel to 1 ltr of oil,,,, sounds about right
  16. 2 Wheels replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    Kev,, just close your eyes till your at top of hill. tellin ya,,,,, it works
  17. 2 Wheels replied to sniff6's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Some people are brilliant at doing things
  18. 2 Wheels replied to Irishyz125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Is it getting enough fuel. Does it have a spark after it dies. Is it overheating Is it easy to start when cold. Have you good compression,,,,,,(supposedly new piston)
  19. Welcome along sir,,
  20. 2 Wheels replied to kepeb's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome sir, What bike ya get ??
  21. She is the one that you taught was giving you the eye at Squires. Ya hadn't the balls ta chat ta her then,,,,,,,,,, so now, Foamy,,,,,,,, go get her
  22. 2 Wheels replied to mervin's post in a topic in General
    Just seeing this now,,, I hope you are ok Yamhead,,really, I do. Life is a bitch at times and particularly when your down it seems to kick you down some more. Stay strong and focused and believe in yourself. Best of luck Pat
  23. 2 Wheels replied to pilninggas's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Nice bike merv, enjoy the new experience mate
  24. 2 Wheels replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Projects
    Compression test