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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. He was rushing trying to get home in time for the dinner eh Cynic !
  2. 2 Wheels

    FZR 600 Help!

    No need to take engine out to get at cam chain. If he's getting a new tensionor anyway, see if he can get a manual one instead of auto. There far more reliable and stronger. Is he sure its not a simple rattle before he starts to work on cam chain or anything important like that !
  3. 2 Wheels


    Be Jeepers John,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your as cool as they come I see ya pulled the bench apart,,,,roughed up the area a wee bit,,,,,then stuck in the widowmaker,,,,,sat down for the quick snap shot in your propper position,,,,,now your sluggin free bear no dought ! I can see them new clutch springs ya put in from here,,,,they seem to be doing the job. Where are ya with the pics,,,,,sir Jonny cool
  4. Welcome Weegiboy to the YOC I played the weegi board a few times when i was younger,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it told me very strange things that spooked me out. That shit really works
  5. Thata the one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i see they are discontinued not ta worry !
  6. Hey mike1949,,,,,,,,,,,,,i think theres tablets ya can get in the chemest that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Make Ya Younger Is that the help ya want, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(topic title) Only kiddin I too have just got a sat-nav,,,,,,i plan on puttin mine in my tank bag to see how it goes,,,,,but i dont think ill have it there long goin on what people are saying. Dont know about earphones, think they would be to anoying,,,,,,anyway on mine there is no place to plug in earphones. If there anything like in the car, then you get used to them really quick, end up only looking at it when you really need to, and then its just a quick glance and your sorted. Paul,, that holder you have for yours,,, i remember you saying something bout them just before Squires. Was it a once off offer they were giving the time you got yours, or do they still sell them. If so do ya have a link for them. Ive a funny fealing it was a one time offer.
  7. I seen it in the pic but didnt know what it was for, I didnt know them older DT's (MK1) were made of Hard wood
  8. Hey Paul, ya still didnt tell me what it does
  9. Welcome to the forum Ronny Best of luck with your test's
  10. You just want to see my trunk,,,,,,,,,,,,,dont ya
  11. 2 Wheels

    FZR 600 Help!

    Cam chain tensioner mabey
  12. 2 Wheels

    FZR 600 Help!

    You mean he had carbs ballanced and he doesnt think its the piston !!! Cam chain tensioner mabey Nobody will answer much unless ya introduce yourself,,,,,,,or,,,,,,,,,,introduce your old friend.
  13. Yep, off ya go and treat yourself Dragster is fairly low to the ground You will get used to the weight very quickly and then you wont evern notice it Just have your wits about ya when out and about riding Welcome to the YOC
  14. Patricia = is for girls Ive a cock like an elephant's trunk
  15. Your in the "south bucks" of Where ? Is it the congo? Is it the desert?
  16. FZS 600 is the same coil Just to give ya more options
  17. For Girlies i say,,,,,,with pink hair :lol: :lol:
  18. XS 650 Is for girls :P :P :P :P :P
  19. :lol: Jammer Im Tight cunt,,,,,,,for now,,,,,,so into the tank bag it will go. If that doesnt work im gonna glue it to the inside of me visor great job eh?
  20. Hey Dirty, it is one of the push in types so i guess out with the insulation tape,,,cheers for the tip. Ive no holder for my sat-nav so am planning to just put it into the seethrough bit of my tank bag for now,,,the holder will have to wait ! The sat-nav is a big enough one for a car/cage so it might look huge if i put it on my bars somewhere,,,,well have to wait and see. OG,,, you have a holder for your car sat-nav,,,,,,,,,,, how do you find yours ?
  21. I'd be reluctant to sell one of me bikes (as would everyone), but for the few bob you would get for the bike-----it wont go far. The price of things baby related is crazy and your bike money will be eat up in no time. Then you will be left without your bike,,,the money all gone,,,,and nothing to show for it. Try to hang on to the bike and look for something else you can sell. Save hard rather that sell one of your bikes Thats my 2cent worth !
  22. Welcome,,Dead serious biker, from the USA, to the YOC Posers dont get the time of day from me,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'd be to busy pickin me nose or something to acknowlage their there There's a few XS owners on here !
  23. The Postie landed the day with a presie for me. No longer will i have to charge me phone here there and everywhere It will also keep my newly aquired sat-nav charged up,,,,,,,,never had yan,,,,,,,,just made do with the aul map,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I is movein up in the world Socket was allready on da bike,,,,,,,,so i wired it up last weekend,,,,,,,,10amp in-line fuse just incase The leads are long enough to reach into me tank bag to keep them nice and dry ! Just have to try it out now ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hella-type-Plug-TWIN-Standard-Socket-Adaptor-60cm-/290340606940?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CommercialVehicleParts_SM&hash=item4399a613dc
  24. Congrats sir, Mine is not long off now !
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