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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. I to never seen this thread,,,,,,,,, im off for a nosie through it now.
  2. Aye Jammer, Went to work the day in me underpants Yesterday 21deg Today 23deg Infact its been bloody lovely since Blackhat left,,,,,,,was v windy and cold when he was here. Weather isnt supposed to last,,,,,,,,so make the most of it.
  3. +1 on the Spada, have there textiles for the winter weather, still doing good 2 years on,,, nice and cosey for the cold. Before i got my leathers i was tryin on RST gear,,,,,,i didnt buy cause they were not comfortable and didnt even seem to fit propperly,,,,one shoulder lower that the other,,,,Zip was running sidways down the front, and the trousers were just horabile. I put them back on hanger and was never so glad i did. I have Scot leathers now and they are great. That be my 2 cent worth
  4. Bonjour, sa va ! Failte chuig an YOC Welcome along sir,
  5. Have ya it finished yet Foamy !!! :lol:
  6. I'd put me money on shit in the carb,,,,,,,give her a real good clean. Once PV is set,,, then its set. Exhaust note would change anyway if bike was suddenly starved of fuel.
  7. You still havent cleaned the carb ! ! ! Could be a bit of something floating arround in there,,,,,hence mabey the fine running sometimes and shit othertimes. Just read,,,,,your waitin on screws
  8. Just make a start on her,,,,,,,,the bits and pieces and tools you need will come along as you need them. No point going out and blowing your budget,,,,,,having a load of tools and then no money to do the job. Patience and lots of it is what you need. Best of luck
  9. Bloody good job done there. Where ya get the belly pan or did ya have it allready,,,,,,just wondering ! looks good
  10. Letricks not my thing Could be a few things. First of all did it ever run while you had it ??? Kill switch Fuses HT lead Ignition Primery coil Secondary coil Little white conection box at rear of bike,,,left hand side, below the seat, not under seat. Think the lads need more info from you in order to be able to help ya with your prob !!!
  11. Only seeein this now,,,,, Jaysus Drewps, ya have all the dirt on me Wonder would i be entitled to any royalties
  12. Aye try draining the float bowl,,,,,by the drain screw,,,,,,if ya dont have a drain screw then just take the bottom off = float bowl,,,,,,,,,,you wont need a new gasket unless the one that comes off is broken and cracked. If ya dont want to toutch the carb,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my local bike shop only charges a fiver for a carb clean,,,,,,,,so mabey cheep there at you also. One thing to check,,,,,,,,if its on your carb,,probably is,,,,,,,,,,,,From the float bowl chamber to the main body of the carb there will be a little pipe conecting the two. This is the power jet pipe.It is important to be clean and free-flowing. There is also a jet inside the carb where this pipe is conected,,,,,it is not removeable but does need to be blown out. Sounds like fuel starvation problem to me.
  13. Happy Birthday Mervin. Have a good wan.
  14. Aye, thats a good bit of road allright. I'm in Ballybofey myself, Was out all day yesterday showin two Scots (Blachhat 250 + his mate) some of the twisties of North West Donegal. Weather was a bit shitty but good aul crack.
  15. Aye, its a Yam site Dirty,,,,,,,But,,,,,,,,, i come on here to talk bikes,,,,,so any bike chat is good for me. Now off ya go and get stripping Fire up all the pics on here so we can follow. Look forward to seeing how it all goes for ya. Best of luck with her !
  16. YOC = Yamaha Owners Club. ps. I know a few lads from Killculan, Co. Kildare
  17. Failte to the YOC Desmo Nice bikes ya have there sir. I'm up the other end on da country,,,,,DL
  18. Thats a lot of work for the wee DT. Let us know how she gets on !
  19. Fair play to ya sir. Keep the chin up There is nothing to be gained by lookin back wondering "what if" The future is bright.
  20. Happy birthday Drewps No cooking for you today i hope ! Have a good one
  21. You've a fine set of tits on ya Dirty :lol: Which one are ya,,,,,,,,and how is that fella destroyin the pic :unsure:
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