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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. 2 Wheels

    Xs 360

    Holy Jaysus,,,, Thats the best 50 quid ya have ever spent,,,,,,,,,,, well done sir. Bring her back to former glory
  2. I listened to the vid again and although i'm no good at the electrical stuff,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it sounds like there's no fuel getting through for the bike to start. Engine is spinning but nothing there to catch,,,,,,,,,,, this can be no fuel or no spark. As the fuel issue is the easiest to sort out, thats where id start to look at first. Nite nite now,,,,,,sleep well
  3. Mate, dont give up ! The joys of biking are too good to be missed out on. Seriously. Your bad mood will pass and things will get better. Take a few days to relax then re-book. Give yourself some time to save up the costs of the test again. Dont be put off by failing, youre a good biker just luck isnt on your side at the moment. You will look back in a few years and laugh at the time you were trying to pass your test,,,,,thinking to yourself now i have covered thousands of miles on my bike, i'm glad i did it. I know a lot of lads that tell nobody they are doing there test,,,,,,,,for fear of failing,,,,,,,,,,,so hats off to ya for putting it on the forum and not being shy about the hole thing. Dont be disheartened,,,,,,,,,,next time you will nail it.
  4. A shit man That is just being nasty they are. If you done everything right and the skid was only small and you controled the bike then i think they should of passed you. I get the feeling they just want more money off ya.
  5. Well,,,,how ya get on ???
  6. :lol: Happy Birthday Windy ass Pig Hope you enjoy your day
  7. The valve is in the front of the down-pipes. It is shagged if it is ratteling about in there. If it were me id take the pice of shit thing out and through it far far away. You have enough horse power not to notice any difference in the low revs and the good news Youll have more horse power in the high revs. Dont know about the 7K thing,,,,,,,dont think it retards the revs,,,,,,,,,unless of course its stuck closed stopping exhaust gasses,,,,,which often happens if bike is not in constant use.
  8. Starter is fine Battery seems fine Starter relay seems fine,,no clicking So starter is not the problem. To me it sounds like your not getting fuel, Or you have no spark. Are you trying to start with choke on, if you have one. Is the plug getting wet after you try to start it. Take the plug out and have a look. Also check all the fuses you can find, make sure there not blown.
  9. I know its hard at the time but try to just relax. Ride as normal but with more concentration on what your doing. Go through the hole procedure in your head as you go,,,,,,even talk out loud to yourself if it helps. This might make it easier for you and as you do it you will know whats comming up next. Stay focused but without tensing up,,relax your body and arms, keep your knees close to the tank. Keep your head up straight not looking at the ground,,,,,look where you want the bike to go Not where the bike is going,,,,this works because your head has alot to do with ballance, when your head is turned or tilted that is usually the direction in which the bike will go. Drag back brake on the slow stuff,,helps with ballance. Dont do anything rash if its belting down rain on the day. Be confident in everything you do and most of all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Good luck
  10. Yes,,,,,,,a picture is needed The rear sprocket cant be held on just by bolts going into plastic,,,,,,surley it would never hold
  11. My cusin used to have a 340 Elcameno. (bad spelling) It was riged for nitro and it worked but he never used it,,,, aparently it warps the head and quickly kills the engine. Even so though,,,,,,,it was some yoke to go. Could hardly steer the thing when ya give it loads of gas cause the front wheels were barly toutching the ground. He sold it later and then got a Mustang to fix up,,,,never got arround to fixing it,,,,,,,,,,kids came along,,,,,,,,so he sold that the way it was. He now has some sort of a pick-up truck with a V8,,,,,,,,, the sound of the thing comming down the street is something just lovely. Best of luck with your restore of the DT. She will do you proud. Are helmets required in your state ?
  12. Ok, try charging battery again although it might not hold a charge. After charging, check it to see if its near 12volts Then if ya get it started, check it again with a few revs on,,,,,,should go up to nearly 14volts. Well know more from then on m8.
  13. Welcome along Sir. Its nice to see the Aul lads and Lassies out enjoying themselves on there beloved bikes. Take care now,,,,,watch out for them young ones that think they are invinsable and will never die. Ge dem a wide birth if ya no wa i mean
  14. Aye Terry. Pull of the black plastic things,,,,,,,,hold the nuts with a spanner,,,,,,,,,put another spanner on the other side, (bolt side),,,,,,,then loosen. You could loosen them before ya take wheel off then fully take them out when wheel is off the bike. Best of luck
  15. Well Terry,,,,,,whats happening,,,,,,,,,,what did ya try Dude
  16. Sounds like your battery is fooked. When it cut out on your spin,,,,,,,what happened ??? Was it a fuel issue or electrical do you think ? Clicking noise is lack of power from battery to the starter. Its probably one of them bikes that wont do anything unless the battery is good. Try a new or known good battery
  17. Failte to the YOC Smugler What be the plan for your new bike ?
  18. Have we all tried to help you out allready on here ????? Pictures and VERY clear explanations, and we may get it sorted ! Honestly,,,,, garages dont give a fook bout you or your bike,,,,,,,they just want your money !!!
  19. 2 Wheels

    Half price ipads

    :lol: Eye want an Ipad for my other Eye,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Eye dont want to turn anything upside down
  20. Welcome along Windy Pig Post your bike problems in the workshop forum Nice lil intro, and good to here you are getting into biking
  21. Thats the funniest bike i've seen in a while. Looks good,,,,, in a strange kinda way
  22. 2 Wheels


    Nope,,, the 2 dolphins are identical, so no holidays for me
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