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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. The Cat is a de-tuned R6 engine,,,,,so in fairness the engine is good for roughly 60,000 mls before any major probs. The gearbox (2nd gear) is only an issue depending on how the bike was ridden,,,,,, if its one owner from new that put up the mls then i wouldnt be to worried The Cat and R6 are a bike that needs to be reved. This is why 2nd gear gets the brunt of abuse as speed is built up,,,, (lads red-lining in 2nd). So, on the hole,,,,,,the bike is good,,,,,the engine is good,,,,gearbox sometimes iffy,,,,,comfortable,,,,,good tourer,,,,,sit up straight,,,,, kinda heavy on fuel. Low milage bike would be better,,,,,,,but depends on previous owner !!! Pat
  2. Nice bike Chappers,,, not my style either though,,,,, good pics there. I would not be able to clean all that chrome. Best of luck with her,,,,,,keep her tyres planted on da road
  3. Happy Birthday Gas-up-lets-go Havent seen ya on here in a while ! Have a good one sir
  4. If your handy with the spanners then you can do it yourself. Aye the seals can fail if engine is sitting round for long time,,,,they get all hard an dried out,, BUT can you hook up the engine while its sitting on the floor and see will it start,,,,, be worth your time,,,,,mabey engine is ok as it is
  5. Sorry but if the clock is reading in miles then thats whats on the bike. 17000 miles when ya bought it. Have you a rev counter?? what does it say beside the numbers,,,,,,Klm or Mls
  6. I do indeed have a bit left. Was kinda wanting to keep them shiney but black will work too with the colour scheme. Cheers matey
  7. Do ya think they would rust up again if i left them bare Paul ? I guess probably. Dout there would be much heat generated from braking either,,,,,, prob be more of a case of getting da wee bike (49cc) moving
  8. 2 Wheels

    XJ900F problem

    As above ^^^,,,,, just incase ya wanted a second opinion like !
  9. Hey Drewps,, Would i be right in thinkin they use the V twins for a reason? Save space,,,, Air cooled,,,Exhaust format left and right Just wondering
  10. Question: On my brake disks, will clearcoat stick to the bare metal ? Obviously wont be goin on the bit for pads ! Some other stuff got there second layer of paint this evening.
  11. I like's this wan..........
  12. Some of his friends (or are they) got togeather and did a message in the sky for him !
  13. The guys were on a bike tour . No one wanted to share a room with Mick, because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn't fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time during the trip . So they voted to take turns . The first guy that shared with Mick comes down to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot ! They said " Man , what happened to you ?" He said " Mick snored so loudly , I just sat up and watched him all night . " The next night it was a different guys turn, in the morning , same thing , hair all standing up , eyes all bloodshot . ...They said " Man , what happened to you ? You look aful ! He said , " Man that Mick shakes the roof with his snoring , I watched him all night . " The third night it was Bill's turn . He was a tanned older biker, a man's man .....The next morning he came down to breakfast , bright-eyed and bushy -tailed . .... "Good morning " he said . They couldn't believe it . They said "Man what happened ? " He said " Well , we got ready for bed . I went and tucked Mick into bed , patted him on the arse, and kissed him good night . Mick sat up and watched me all night ." ........With age comes wisdom ! !
  14. Good paint job all-right. What kinda engine is in dem yoks ?
  15. Do ya mean the swing-arm ? Cleaned with an old drill with round wire brush,,,,, bearings are gone in old drill so perfect for this ! Also pointed hand wire brush to get into places drill cant,,,,,,,, and some sand-paper. Inside the lower legs,,,,,after the spring was out, was cleaned with a drill also. I got a steel bar, put into drill, wrapped the end of bar with steel wool (sauce-pan-cleaners) and fired up the drill,,,,,,worked great, got all the surface rust that was starting off. The spring was fine so just cleaned the rest up and back togeather.
  16. The bars also got a lick of paint, again the pic's dont do them justice but there nice glossy finish. Hope ye like the colour !!! i wasnt sure myself but with grips and stuff back on they should be fine.
  17. Well the internals of the forks are now sorted, cleaned and all oiled up,,,there's now a nice bounce in them. There back togeather now and have got there first layer of paint on the lowers. no pic yet as there drying. Alot of small parts were sprayed at the weekend to,,,,,, feel like im getting somewhere now. Saturday, i called over to me mate to see how he was getting on with sand-blasting,,,,,,,, they werent even moved from where i left them on his bench. ( dissappointed i was). I guess im last on the list of things to do seeing as its just a favor. Anyway he said he'll get cracking on them soon. Naa boather says I. BUT as i was heading i grabbed the swing-arm,,, i'll do this bit myself i said,,,,,,should be easy enough. So on sunday,,,,with me running out of things to be gettin on with,,,, I took to giving her a clean. Here she is,,,,, pic's arent great i know but they are all cleaned back to bare metal.
  18. Hard to beat messin round with a bike,,,,,,(best way to learn) Take your time and do things right and the bike will look sweet when your done. Where ya from sir ?
  19. Welcome to the YOC Bikes are the best way to ponder along a country lane taking in the sights,,,,,,,,,, there not all about speed, like some people think Go on then,,,,,tell us whats wrong with the bike !! ,,,,,,,,,,, in the workshop section
  20. you will like your new bike,,,,,they are a great machine,,,,,,,people i know cant fault them,,,specially for the long journeys Good luck with her !
  21. for the love of god,,,,,,, :crazy: it has coat hangers on it,,,,,,,,,,,,, so it should be left hanging wherever it was found
  22. ha ha,,,,,,,,,,, it must b anti woman week here at the Yamaha Owners Club.
  23. Aye Blackie,,, heavy frost here one mornin during the week,,,back to rain now again,,,, but bloody ele its getting cold these nights as the wind starts to come from the North. Any update on your own wee project ? ya get electrics sorted.
  24. Welcome Steve,,,,,to the YOC The Cat is a fine bike,,,,,,,change oil regular,,,,,keeps the gear changes from clunking. Any picture of the bike ?
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