Everything posted by 2 Wheels
fazer foxeye lights
We dont understand what you you mean by this ! side lights or parking lights,,,,,,,, first push up of the switch,,,,,,,small lights on on both sides. Dip lights,,,,,,,,,second push up of the switch,,,,,,,both lights on The other switch just changes from dip's to headlights,,,,,,,,,both lights on. Mabey you have a faulty switch or wiring or something
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Why did they change the date?? anyone
Do you wear a Hi-Vis?
nobody wants to wear them stupid stupid things they make NO difference what so ever. All they do is hinder you while riding, flapping round in the wind, cant see in your mirrors or anything. They DO NO WORK as in keeping us safer. Ill say that again THEY DO NOT WORK
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Just seen this thread. As some of you know I've been back to ye all now for a wee while. We did have some family trouble but,,,,,, I'm disappointed the date has changed to 13th, was better for me nearer the 1st. Was planning a return of me DT this year, was gonna go day early and trot down through the lakes, I'll have ta recheck dates and things and get back to he all. Why did they change dates???
Bike mat anyone
Or mabey a nice chair,,,,so ya can drink your beer
Bike mat anyone
Nice mat for ya ta ly down on and admire your bike
Getting pissed off with SMIDSY's
Stay away from schools where women pick up there kids in cars.
'78 Suzuki TS250C project
This can be caused by your mixture setting also,,,, if ya cant find an air leak. From nothing to 1/4 throttle is controled by the pilot jet. If mixture is too lean here the revs will hang high and take a min to come back down. I'm sure ya know but just reminding ya EDIT: idle mixture setting should be set on a warm engine. get the highest revs possible then adjust idle speed screw.
the harlem shake is here.?
Kev,, Ya need ta seriously stop smokin da weedy stuff
xj600 motor problems, i need help
As you PM'd me Your bike is only running on 2 cylinders,,,,,,,, the 2 that are getting hot. You probably need to clean the carbs. What else is it doing When ya try and start it ? What have you done ? Does it start up easy as it is now ? How long has it been lying before you got it ? More details required
Kawasaki GPz 750 R Problem
I sure do remember Ullapool. I slept curled up in a ball in the corner of me tent,,,,,, tent leaked and i was trying to stay away from the pool of water. I remember ya showing me plug 1 swiming in water in the morning. I also remember ya bike conking out a few times then you bumping it back ta life. One of the times was on a corner and the rear locked up on wet road for a sec. I was laughing to myself (not in a bad way) and admired the way ya straightened her up again. Once she's all dried up and warm she's a whour of a bike ta go though
First ever breakdown
Agree with Paul on this one Grouch. Start learning all about your bike,,,,,, fixing things and maintaining. This will save you a fortune,,,,, garages will rip ya off. Ya should of known bearings were coming to an end. ya could buy a new bike with the money ya save on garages
First run
Aye Blackie I fired up both me bikes the day too. Taught they would give me probs ( havent riden either since October ) but after a bit of messin round they roared into life. 9 deg here all day, sunny, but cold. Was gona take DT for a spin but didnt in the end. Glad ya got out and about,,,, tis great that weather might pick up a bit,,,,,,,,, role on the summer and sunshine.
WR450 F
Here's the new model WR450F,,,,,,, they dont look that comfy but suppose there not built for that. And the 660 Tenere
Kawasaki GPz 750 R Problem
Thats nice and in good nick,,,,, definatly worth getting her rumming smooth. I used a repair kit on my CBR,, i only needed some of the bits but other than that it all looked good.
If you like the Dakar !
The TT Race's,,,,,,Balls of steel, is what ya need
Save me 2,, if i'm in trouble
TT600RE GPR Exhaust v Standard
Sounds Way better Paul. Do ya use this mike much yet ?
Chains not lasting
Something seriously wrong with your set-up Grouch. My DT has done 10,000 kilometers on its origional chain and sprockets, and still a few miles left yet.
Kawasaki GPz 750 R Problem
Pissing fuel out over-flow,,,,,,,,,, stuck floats or float height not set correct or needle not seating correct due to dirt. Split diaphragm,,,,,,, bike never gona start or at least it wont fire on that cylinder. Depending on what stuff ya moved when cleaning the carbs,,,,,,,, they will prob now need balancing. Bit more work ta do on her yet Davie. Diaphragm's should be cheeper at Wemoto or Ebay. HTH
Spring Adventure on a 125
Make sure your panniers cant move inwards towards your wheel. The weather is what it is. Save your Prayers for more special things ! Just my opinion Pat
Barkwindjammer ,,,
I often wonder what happen to him. Mabey he just gave up on the forum. He used to always PM me and send text messages,,,,,,,, then all of a sudden stopped. His mum passed away arround the same time. Hope your ok Barkey
spinning wheel bearing
I was hoping your spacer would be too long and all ya would have to do is skim it down a little on a bench grinder.
Under-inflated tyres
Funny,,,, i never have this problem no matter what garage i land at. You can always giggle the pump arround inbetween the spokes. It just take a min to get the right angle. At home i have a compresson and a hand pump,,,, i use either,,,,,but i also have a propper tyre pressure reader that i use to make sure the pressure is correct because all the other guages read different.