Everything posted by FZR AL
88 fz600 HYas spark but then loses spark
me thinks 2 wheels is right loose conection or iggy box is goosed , check you readings with a multi meter , could be a bad earth dont forget to waggle your wires while your taking the readings and see if the readings drop , has your loom been chopped near the iggy box any dodgy fusty connectors pull them out and give them a clean then a quick spray of wd40 Oh and wheres your location someone might just be down the road from you and can help cheers Al
Semi Sin oil or not ?
+1 just dont buy car oil like pete says
Yamaha, Jog RR, 50cc, 05 reg
does it just bog down when you turn as you mention this in your post , could be a routing problem on your throttle cable choke ? cheers Al
88 fz600 HYas spark but then loses spark
what have you done so far ?, changed plugs , looked at the fuel delivery to carbs ,checked pilots are not blocked? i think we need a few more details first cheers Al
Which is better/faster?
+1 well put gas up
fzr bulbs
12v 35/35w halogen
my yami
you could try the FZRonline site http://fzronline.com/wiki/doku.php
ignition faults
Hezzy Have you fuel getting through , if you pull the plugs and ground them do they spark? are they wet ?, could be compression , could be ECU , if you have a multi meter , work backwards from leads until you find power, it could be earthing out somewhere have you had the bike long, has it just started do it , really need some more info great bike the FZRs got a 89-90 3he , what you got
Hello Everyone.....
Hi and welcome to the YOC Ckaz, have i read your post correctly £100 for the bike or is it £100 for the new pump? plenty of craic on the YOC cheers al
XS400 idle problems
seems strange that the first time you started it it was fine it could be your throttle cable not been routed properly, if it is staying at 3k revs, but if it was mine i would do a carb strip down , has you seem to have more than one problem there,is it stock ? check your mains and pilots for correct size? carbs could be sucking crap through from the tank?, float heights set wrongly so not enough fuel getting through when you rev it, it will be trial and error
77 XS400 Needle Jet - Where to buy?
you could try steve at moto carb, he will try and get you stuff even though its not listed My link
There is a good article on fuel in the classic motorcycle mechanics on fuel drewps from some of the big oil companies but they have conflicting reports on wether to drain the fuel or not some say drain the carbs ,but leave fuel in the lines ,as it stops shrinkage in the lines as there is corrosion inhibitors and elastomisers in the petrol, and say if you leave fuel in the tank it not air in the space above its vapour so it wont go off, its air that makes fuel go off then there others who say drain everything due to all fuel containing 5% bi ethanol , but then you have the issue of tank corrosion unless you spray with oil and silca bags on fishing line so to draw moisture. cant be arsed! the darker the petrol the weaker the petrol myself i spray it with ACF 50 cover it loosley, but make sure you have air flow, no air flow creates condensation which creates rust .I leave what i have left in the tank when i park them up , then in the spring just top up with some fresh fuel and bingo off you go the only issue i have is the bi ethanol eating my petseal tank liner on my KH400 ,which appears to be a major worry for most people its seems well thats my thoughts
dt125r starting problems
sounds like your batterys fooked, try charging it and give it another go chers Al
That looks the dogs banana's you putting the front fairing on or leaving it naked?? either way i like it
Image works very good quality decals and they do all the old 70s stuff My link
Good Priced Garage for a service in Leeds?
www.jordanbikes.com/ Jordans bikes, good bunch of lads , speak to Darren service manager , did my FZR for me, not cheap but dont use crap cheers al
Radclff bike show ?
heard the show was quite good , my mate got best japanese not a Yam though
Foamys new ride
Result £450 its a bargain, that's alot of bike for the money, is it taxed and tested with my eyes it looks like 02 07 on the tax disc, unless the guy you bought it off chucked the road tax back to dvla cheers al
Fall out from a duff bulb....
I see you didnt make it to the Triples rally in kent then Blackhat ? what happened
Problem with indicators and clutch
Bad earth on the indicator side stand switch not working properly , this will make the bike stall when clicking into first gear, give it a good clean and spray with WD40
Spluttering and popping
+1 sounds like carb issues get it serviced
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
Hi Guys , I thought the turnout was pretty good this year , it was good to meet some of you guys, trouble is i forgot to take my camera but picked these up from the triples site they are a bit biased , see you at the triples southern rally next week ,blackhat has anyone got any video of the rideout
2nd Gear on a Thundercat
Im with Cynic, give them it back , dont put up with any rubbish they give you, it's a engine out job and a investigation without doubt, hope they are a good dealers you got it from cheers al
oil light
Hi Zubes I had the same issue with my FZR600, wrong grade of oil what oil you using ? is it the correct grade , I would change the oil and filter,and fill to the correct level then you know you are ok , then keep an eye on it ,could be just the oil sensor, if its starts again and the sensors fine , more likely to be the pump failing , if it is failing the light will stay on longer and longer. could be a blip in the ECU , take the battery off for ten minutes ,reconnect then go for a ride do the oil change first and see how you get on cheers Al
1974 RD200A Electrical Issue
glad your all sorted , i wish all electrical issues were like this cheers AL